Taxonomic revision of the genus Elmomorphus Sharp, 1888. II. Redescription of the genus and review of the species from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam (Coleoptera: Dryopidae) Author Selnekovič, Dávid D930D757-D929-4248-A29C-A857E0505345 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Ilkovičova 6, SK- 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia. Author Jäch, Manfred A. D749707A-8823-4110-8D51-BF5AF4E2820F Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Burgring 7, A- 1010 Wien, Austria. Author Kodada, Ján 6E88BFBB-8769-44EC-8285-29E357CEC064 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Ilkovičova 6, SK- 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2024 2024-09-11 957 1 229 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2024.957.2651 2118-9773 13773385 9957F2DF-3F31-4B58-84BC-2F8E0F45C6E3 Elmomorphus auratus sp. nov. 75C3290A-F4C8-458A-8B40-83D2456243EF Figs 14–15 , 17B , 108E Differential diagnosis Elmomorphus auratus sp. nov. ( Fig. 14 ) is characterised by the plastron covering the entire cranial surface, the lateral portions of the pronotum, and the entire elytral surface. The lateral pronotal plastron bands are narrow, each covering about one-fifth of the pronotal width. The plastron bands are wider in E. amamiensis , E. auripilosus sp. nov. , E. brevicornis , and E. parabrevicornis sp. nov. , each covering approximately one-third of the pronotal width. In addition, males of E. auratus do not possess any clusters of longer setae on the labrum, prosternal process and metaventrite, in contrast to E. amamiensis and E. parabrevicornis . The phallobase is short and robust in E. auratus ( Fig. 15 ) (PhL/PrL: 1.29–1.62 (1.43± 0.08, n=20), the parameres are relatively long, weakly curved, their apices are broadly rounded (lateral aspect). In E. amamiensis , E. auripilosus , E. brevicornis , and E. parabrevicornis , the phallobase is significantly longer than the paramere length (PhL/PrL at least 1.8). Elmomorphus auratus rather closely resembles E. horaki sp. nov. , from which it differs in the larger and broader body, TL: ♂♂ 2.69– 3.07 mm (2.89 ± 0.09, n =20), ♀♀ 2.89–3.21 mm (3.03 ±0.09, n= 22) versus TL: ♂♂ 2.21–2.67 mm (2.49 ± 0.13, n =10), ♀♀ 2.21–2.89 mm (2.61± 0.20, n=10) in E. horaki , strongly rounded lateral elytral sides ( Fig. 14 ), narrower pronotal plastron bands, different shape of the aedeagus ( Fig. 15 ), and different arrangement of the spines of the bursa copulatrix ( Fig. 17B ). Etymology The epithet is a Latin adjective in the nominative singular, referring to the yellowish colour of the pubescence and plastron, covering almost the entire body surface. Type material Holotype CHINA Fujian Province ; “CHINA: FUJIAN, Guangze Wuyi Shan , 12 km S Zhima Li Fang , 400m , 22.1.1997 , leg. Ji & Wang (CWBS 252)”; IAECAS . Fig. 14. Elmomorphus auratus sp. nov. , paratype, male from type locality (NMW), TL: 2.90 mm. Fig. 15. Elmomorphus auratus sp. nov. , paratype from type locality (NMW), aedeagus. A . Lateral aspect. B . Ventral aspect. Scale bar =0.1 mm. Paratypes CHINA Anhui Province 1 ♂ , 2 ♀♀ ; “CHINA: Anhui, Huang Shan , 30 km W Tunxi , 24.10.1997 , Qi Yun Shan , 250 m , leg. Schönmann (CWBS 285)”; NMW 1 ♀ ; “ CHINA : Anhui , Huang Shan , 40 km NW Tunxi , 26. 10. 1997 , rd. to Tang Kou , 350-400 m , leg. Schönmann (CWBS 287)”; NMW 2 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ ; “ CHINA : Anhui , Huang Shan , 30 km NW Tunxi , 28.10.1997 , 5 km E Nantang , 350-400 m , leg. Schönmann (CWBS 288)”; NMW 1 ♀ ; “ CHINA : Anhui , Huang Shan , 30 km NW Tunxi , 28.10.1997 , 4 km E Nantang , 300-350 m , leg. M. Wang (CWBS 289)”; NMW 3 ♀♀ ; “ CHINA : Anhui , Huang Shan , 50 km W Tunxi , 29.10.1997 , Yi Xian Shan , 350-400 m , leg. M. Wang (CWBS 290)”; NMW 1 ex. ; “ CHINA : Anhui , Huang Shan 30km NW Tunxi , 30.10.1997 , 3km W Nantang , 350 - 550m leg. M. Wang (CWBS 291)”; NMW 1 ♀ ; “ CHINA : Anhui , Huang Shan , 45 km NW Tunxi , 1.11.1997 , rd. to Tang Kou , 550 m , leg. Schönmann (CWBS 294)”; NMW . Fujian Province 3 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for holotype; CKB , NMW 3 ♂♂ ; “ CHINA : FUJIAN , Chong’an , Wuyi Shan , 5 km SE Da’an , Lian Dun , 500 m , 20.1.1997 , leg. Ji & Wang , (CWBS 251)”; NMW 4 ♂♂ , 6 ♀♀ ; “ CHINA : FUJIAN , Chong’an Wuyi Shan , 3 km NW Wuyi Gong 300m , 17.1.1997 leg. H. Schönmann (CWBS 246)”; CKB , NMW 1 ♂ ; “ CHINA : FUJIAN , Chong’an , Wuyi Shan , 3 km W Wuyi Gong , 400 m , 18.1.1997 , leg. H. Schönmann (CWBS 248)”; NMW 1 ♀ ; “ CHINA : FUJIAN , Chong’an , Wuyi Shan , 2 km W Da’an , 450 m , 19.1.1997 , leg. Ji & Wang (CWBS 249)”; NMW 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ ; “ CHINA : FUJIAN , Yong’an , 5 km SW Xiyang , 550 m , Ziyungdong Shan , 25.1.1997 , leg. H. Schönmann (CWBS 256)”; NMW . Guangdong Province 1 ♀ ; “ CHINA : Guangdong Prov. Chebaling N.R. 24°42′21″N 114°14′17″E 7.11.2001 , ca. 340 m Jäch & Komarek (CWBS 476)”; NMW 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ ; “ CHINA : Guangdong Prov. , Chebaling rd. , 24°41′11″N 114°07′17″E , 7.11. 2001 , 270 m , Jäch & Komarek (CWBS 480)”; NMW 3 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ ; “ CHINA , Guangdong Prov. , 25 km SE Shixing , 24°50′23″N 114°14′03″E , 8.11.2001 , ca. 150 m , Jäch & Komarek (CWBS 481)”; CKB , NMW . Jiangxi Province 2 ♀♀ ; “ CHINA : Jiangxi, Jiuling Shan , 18 km NW Shangfu , 12.11.1997 , env. Jiu Xian , 650 m , leg. M. Wang (CWBS 303)”; CKB , NMW 1 ♂ ; “ CHINA , Jiangxi , Jiuling Shan , 8 km NW Shangfu , 13.11.1997 , env. Shang Bao , 700 m , leg. M. Wang (CWBS 304)”; NMW 1 ♂ ; “ CHINA , Jiangxi , Jiuling Shan , 18 km NW Shangfu , 15.11.1997 , env. Jiu Xian , 800 m , leg. M. Wang (CWBS 306)”; NMW 19 ex. ; “ CHINA : Jiangxi , 23.3.2003 30 km NW Xiushui , Huangmengyuan 114°24′18″E 29°14′30″N ca. 250 m , leg. Schönmann , Komarek & Wang (CWBS 506)”; NMW 1 ex. ; “ CHINA : Jiangxi , 26.3.2003 Luang Shi Peng Mt. 113°58′48″E 29°26′58″N ca. 250 m , leg. Schönmann , Komarek & Wang (CWBS 512)”; NMW 4 ex. ; “ CHINA : Jiangxi , 28.3.2003 ca. 10 km SW Tongu Town 114°27′39″E 28°31′05″N ca. 450 m , leg. Schönmann , Komarek & Wang (CWBS 515)”; NMW . Zhejiang Province 1 ex. ; “ CHINA : Zhejiang Prov. 32 km W Lishui City 300 m , 2.4.2001 leg. M. Wang (CWBS 414)”; NMW . Type locality China , Fujian Province , Jianyuan Prefecture, Guangze County (= Shuanxi), 12 km south of Zhima Town and 2 km north of Li Fang Village, small stream flowing from forested mountains (broadleaf trees, bamboo and Cunninghamia ), ca 1 m wide, partly shaded by bushes, pools and sections with granitic rock and coarse crystalline gravel, 400 m a.s.l. ( CWBS 252; Jäch & Ji 1998 ). Description Measurements (mm): TL: ♂♂ 2.69–3.07 (2.89 ± 0.09, n =20), ♀♀ 2.89–3.21 (3.03 ± 0.09, n=22); PL: ♂♂ 0.67–0.78 (0.72 ± 0.03, n =20), ♀♀ 0.68–0.78 (0.73± 0.03, n=22); PW: ♂♂ 1.16–1.37 (1.27 ± 0.06, n =20), ♀♀ 1.20–1.40 (1.30 ±0.05, n =22); EL: ♂♂ 2.00–2.29 (2.17± 0.07, n =20), ♀♀ 2.18–2.44 (2.30 ±0.07, n=22); EW: ♂♂ 1.40–1.63 (1.54± 0.06, n= 20), ♀♀ 1.48–1.70 (1.58± 0.05, n= 22); PhL: 0.52–0.64 (0.57 ± 0.03, n=20); PrL: 0.37–0.43 (0.40 ± 0.01, n=20). Body oblong-ovate, strongly convex dorsally, widest behind elytral midlength ( Fig. 14 ). Colouration dark brown to black, except reddish brown mouthparts, antennae and legs. Dorsal pubescence consisting of short decumbent yellowish setae. Dorsal plastron present on entire cranial surface, on lateral portions of pronotum, and entire elytra. Ventral plastron absent on prosternal process and median part of metaventrite. Dorsal cranial surface with round setiferous punctures slightly smaller than diameter of an eye facet, separated by 0.5–1.0 × puncture diameter. Labrum transverse, anterior margin straight; anterolateral angles rounded; exposed portion microreticulate, with minute round setiferous punctures; setae slightly extending beyond anterior margin. Anterior margin of clypeus slightly concave. Eyes oval, moderately protruding; interfacetal setae short; ID: ♂♂ 0.36–0.42 mm (0.39 ± 0.02, n=20), ♀♀ 0.39–0.45 mm (0.41 ± 0.02, n= 22); APD/ID: ♂♂ 1.95–2.19 (2.08 ±0.07, n=20), ♀♀ 1.87–2.11 (1.98± 0.06, n =22). Antennae 10-segmented. Pronotum transverse, widest at base, PW/PL: ♂♂ 1.66–1.88 (1.76 ±0.05, n= 20), ♀♀ 1.70–1.90 (1.78 ± 0.06, n=22); plastron narrow, reaching level of fifth elytral row; round setiferous punctures scattered over surface; rim of anterior margin twice as wide as eye facet, interrupted in middle; anterior angles moderately deflexed, protruding, acute; lateral sides convergent, moderately rounded. Hypomeron widest behind middle (lateral aspect), entirely covered with plastron. Prosternum covered with plastron, except on prosternal process. Prosternal process wider than long, widest distally; lateral edges divergent, slightly rounded; posterior edge rounded; lateral margins raised; median keel moderately arcuate. Scutellum longer than wide; surface smooth, with sparse punctures. Metaventrite with plastron, except for posteriorly narrowed median part; metaventral disc flat to slightly convex; lateral margins of metaventral process raised. Elytra ovate, convex, widest close behind midlength, EL/EW: ♂♂ 1.34– 1.47 (1.41 ± 0.04, n= 20), ♀♀ 1.42–1.50 (1.46± 0.02, n=21). Dorsal surface microreticulate, entirely covered with plastron, with small setiferous punctures scattered over entire surface, and with large, deeply impressed punctures arranged in nine longitudinal striae. Tibiae straight; protibia ca. 1.25 × as long as protarsus; PrTL/PL: ♂♂ 0.95–1.06 (1.01 ± 0.03, n =20), ♀♀ 0.92–1.03 (0.97 ±0.03, n =22). Terminal protarsomere slightly shorter than all preceding segments combined. Ventrites entirely covered with plastron. In males, apex of ventrite 5 emarginate, in females rounded, with minute excision. Aedeagus ( Fig. 15 ): phallobase short in relation to parameres, moderately curved ventrad, expanded proximally, PhL/PrL: 1.29–1.62 (1.43± 0.08, n= 20); parameres slightly curved ventrad in apical third, apices broadly rounded (lateral aspect); apex of penis rounded; sclerotised fibula short and slender. Bursa copulatrix ( Fig. 18B ) with one or two large spines on each side near middle, and a large number of minute distal spines; spermatheca tubular. Secondary sexual dimorphism Males can be recognised by the apically emarginate ventrite 5. The posterior margin of female ventrite 5 is rounded, with a minute median excision. Distribution China ( Anhui , Fujian , Guangdong , Jiangxi , Zhejiang ) ( Fig. 108E ).