Taxonomic revision of Marma Simon, 1902 (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini) Author Salgado, Alexandre 0000-0002-9562-403X Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Pará / Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, PA, Brazil Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Augusto Corrêa, 01, CEP 66075 - 110, Belém, PA, Brazil Author Ruiz, Gustavo R. S. 0000-0002-7326-7000 Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Augusto Corrêa, 01, CEP 66075 - 110, Belém, PA, Brazil text Zootaxa 2020 2020-12-30 4899 1 287 353 journal article 8752 10.11646/zootaxa.4899.1.16 dde87a19-79a2-44a3-8533-b8970944cb99 1175-5326 4456831 27E67BBB-DFD0-4A96-8269-9E1CB6153B83 Marma argentina (Mello-Leitão, 1941) , revalidated Figures 44–46 , 57G , 58I Ocnotelus argentinus Mello-Leitão, 1941: 185 ( Holotype : ARGENTINA : La Rioja : Anillaco [ 28°48’21.7”S , 66°56’29.2”W ], leg. Birabén , deposited in MLP 14980—examined). Thysema dorae Mello-Leitão, 1944: 390 ( Holotype : ARGENTINA : Tigre, Guayracá, leg. Prosen , deposited in MLP 16300— examined). Syn. nov. Note. Marma argentina was previously considered one of the synonyms of M. nigritarsis . The differences between these species were explained in the diagnosis of M. nigritarsis above. The comparisons between the female holotypes of Ocnotelus argentinus ( Figs 45 A–C) and Thysema dorae ( Figs 45 D–F) revealed that both belong to the same species, and therefore we propose the synonymy. Both sexes were described based on well-preserved specimens deposited in the MACN. Also, the male is described for the first time. FIGURE 44. Male of Marma argentina (Mello-Leit„o, 1941), specimen from Cura Brochero/Córdoba/Argentina (MACN-Ar 39650). A–B habitus (A dorsal, B ventral); C–D left palp (C ventral, D retrolateral). Revised diagnosis. Among all Marma species, M. argentina shares more similarities with M. rosea and M. spelunca sp. nov. The males of these species have a thick embolic disc, with both edges curved ( Figs 44C , 46A , 48C , 50A , 53C , 55A , 57 G–I), and females have very long copulatory ducts that encircle the primary spermathecae and almost touch each other ( Figs 45F , 46D , 49F , 50G , 54C , 55G , 58 I–K). However, the males of M. argentina differ by having some palpal structures elongated (cymbium, embolus and process of embolic disc; Figs 44 C–D, 46A–B, 57G–I). Females differ by having the proximal region of the primary spermathecae laterally expanded to the external side ( Figs 58 I–K). Description. Male (MACN-Ar 39650). Total length: 3.86. Carapace 2.14 long, 1.42 wide, 1.02 high. Ocular quadrangle 0.90 long. Anterior eye row 1.31 wide, posterior 1.11 wide. Legs 4312. Length of legs: I 4.00 (1.30 + 1.51 + 1.19); II 3.50 (1.16 + 1.25 + 1.09); III 4.15 (1.34 + 1.43 + 1.38); IV 4.20 (1.30 + 1.39 + 1.51). FIGURE 45. Females of Marma argentina (Mello-Leit„o, 1941). A–C holotype of Ocnotelus argentinus, MLP 14980 (A habitus, dorsal; B ventral; C cleared epigyne, ventral); D–F holotype of Thysema dorae, MLP 16300 (D habitus, dorsal; E ventral; F cleared epigyne, ventral). G–I specimen from Cura Brochero/Córdoba/Argentina, MACN-Ar 39648 (G habitus, dorsal; H ventral; I cleared epigyne, left side, ventral). Abbreviations: BG—Bennett’s gland; cd—copulatory duct; co—copulatory opening; ets—endothecal spikes; fd—fertilization duct; PS—primary spermatheca; SS—secondary spermatheca. Color in alcohol ( Figs 44 A–B): carapace with triangle of scales pointing backwards; high concentration of setae around triangle; abdomen ventrally with three dark brown stripes delimited by stripes of pale circles; legs: femur I with dark distal ring and proximal region with dark retrolateral spot, II with dark distal ring and proximal region with prolateral and retrolateral dark spot, III with dark distal ring and proximal region with incomplete dark ring (dorsally not totally colored), IV with dark distal ring and proximal region with dark proventral spot; tibia I–IV with dark proximal ring and distal region with prolateral and retrolateral dark spot; tarsus I almost black, II with black tip, III–IV with proximal dark ring. Palp: RTA finger-shaped ( Figs 44D , 46B ); elongated cymbium with narrow apical region ( Figs 44C , 46A ); embolic disc with curved and symmetrical edges ( Figs 44C , 46A ); PED very long (about four times the length of the exposed portion of embolic disc; Figs 44C , 46A ); PED emerging from the middle-distal part of embolic disc ( Figs 44C , 46A ); embolus tip ends slightly beyond tip of PED ( Figs 44C , 46A ). FIGURE 46. Marma argentina (Mello-Leit„o, 1941). A–B left male palp, specimen from Cura Brochero/Córdoba/Argentina, MACN-Ar 39650 (A ventral, B retrolateral); C–D Epigyne/vulva, holotype of Thysema dorae , MLP 16300 (C ventral; D cleared, ventral). Abbreviations: BG—Bennett’s gland; cc—cymbial conductor; cd—copulatory duct; co—copulatory opening; e—embolus shaft; ed—embolic disc; fd—fertilization duct; PED—process on embolic disc; PS—primary spermatheca; RTA—retrolateral tibial apophysis; SS—secondary spermatheca. Female (MACN-Ar 39648). Total length: 4.63. Carapace 1.81 long, 1.35 wide, 0.94 high. Ocular quadrangle 0.91 long. Anterior eye row 1.24 wide, posterior 1.06 wide. Legs 4321. Length of legs: I 2.82 (0.95 + 1.03 + 0.84); II 2.86 (0.96 + 1.05 + 0.85); III 3.83 (1.33 + 1.29 + 1.21); IV 3.92 (1.30 + 1.25 + 1.37). Color in alcohol ( Figs 45 G–H): carapace as in male; abdomen ventrally pale with dark lateral borders; leg: femur I with dark distal ring and proximal region with dark retrolateral spot, II with dark distal ring and proximal region with dark retroventral spot, III with dark distal ring and proximal region with incomplete dark ring (retrolaterally not totally colored), IV with dark distal ring and proximal region with dark proventral spot; tibia I–II with dark proximal ring and distal region with prolateral and retrolateral dark spot; III–IV with proximal and distal dark ring; tarsus I–II without dark marks, III–IV with dark proximal ring. Epigyne ( Figs 45C, F, I , 46D ): copulatory openings very close to each other and placed more anteriorly than primary spermathecae; copulatory duct long, encircling primary spermathecae; proximal copulatory duct shorter than distal section (half the length); primary spermathecae arched and with distal portion slighty dilated; secondary spermathecae well developed. Note. Due to the lack of time to examine all specimens of Marma available at MACN, the macrosetae pattern of Marma argentina has not been documented. Other material examined. ARGENTINA : Salta : Rosario de La Frontera [ 25°47’56.9”S , 64°58’08.0”W ], leg. Donadio , IX.1986 , 1♁ (MACN-Ar 39632); Cafayate [ 26°04’22.9”S , 65°58’34.7”W ], leg. M.E. Galiano , XI.1960 , 1♁ 1♀ (MACN-Ar 39571). Córdoba : Cerro Colorado [ 30°05’42.5”S , 63°55’55.8”W ], leg. M.E. Galiano , 21.XI.1983 , 2♁ 2♀ (MACN-Ar 39584); Bialet Massé [ 31°17’57.4”S , 64°28’03.6”W ], leg. A. Gonzalez , XI.1985 , 1♁ (MACN-Ar 39634); Argüello [ 31°20’55.8”S , 64°15’00.1”W ], leg. J. A. De Carlo , XII.1943 II.1946 , 2♀ (MACN-Ar 39622), 1♀ (MACN-Ar 39629); San Roque, Parque Siquimán, Villa Playa [ 31°21’52.2”S , 64°28’43.7”W ], leg. M. Miranda , I.1982 , 1♀ (MACN-Ar 39544), leg. M.E. Galiano 20.XI.1983 , 3♁ 2♀ (MACN-Ar 39631); Road Between R. Encantado and Panaholma [ 31°22’39.9”S , 64°09’39.5”W ], leg. M.E. Galiano , 15.XI.1987 , 2♁ (MACN-Ar 39494); Cuesta Blanca, Carlos Paz [ 31°28’56.4”S , 64°34’10.8”W ], leg. Peretti , IX.1990 , 2♀ (MACN-Ar 39621, 39624); Alta Gracia, Los Paredones [ 31°39’17.9”S , 64°26’32.6”W ], leg. M.E. Galiano , 16.XI.1984 , 3♁ 1♀ (MACN-Ar 39623); Cura Brochero [ 31°40’00.4”S , 65°01’05.5”W ], leg. M.E. Galiano , 17.XI.1983 XII.1987 , 3♁ 4♀ (MACN-Ar 39526), 1♀ (MACN-Ar 39529), 3♁ 3♀ (MACN-Ar 39545), 1♁ (MACN-Ar 39619), 1♀ (MACN-Ar 39648), 6♁ 2♀ (MACN-Ar 39649), 1♁ (MACN-Ar 39650); Pampa de Achala [ 31°40’51.6”S , 64°50’14.1”W ], leg. M.E. Galiano , 15.XI.1984 , 2♁ 2♀ (MACN-Ar 39620); Alta Grácia, Vila Paisanita [ 31°43’08.9”S , 64°28’47.6”W ], leg. A. Oliva , 7–13.XII.1984 , 1♁ (MACN-Ar 39573). San Luis : Merlo , Pasos Malos [ 32°19’49.3”S , 64°59’55.0”W ], leg. M.E. Galiano & Miranda , XI.1985 , 2♁ (MACN-Ar 39628); Merlo [ 32°20’48.3”S , 65°00’56.8”W ], leg. M.E. Galiano, 15.XI.1983 14.XI.1984 , 2♁ 3♀ (MACN-Ar 39625), 2♁ 3♀ (MACN-Ar 39626), 2♁ (MACN-Ar 39627) . Distribution. Known from the provinces of Salta , Córdoba and San Luis , Argentina ( Fig. 59A ).