Eleven new species of Athacryvac Braet & van Achterberg from the Neotropical Region (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Rogadinae) Author Shimbori, Eduardo Mitio Author Shaw, Scott Richard Author Almeida, Luis Felipe Ventura De Author Penteado-Dias, Angélica Maria text Zootaxa 2016 4138 1 83 117 journal article 38562 10.11646/zootaxa.4138.1.3 d7615aa0-cfdc-4b3b-aece-3b903178a6b4 1175-5326 255331 748774A9-0D6D-468B-93F0-DD63E93D8FEE Aleiodes (Athacryvac) amazoniensis Shimbori & Almeida sp. nov. ( Figs 10–16 , 72 , 76 ) Diagnosis. Mostly to completely yellowish body, metasomal terga 1–3 and propodeum frequently dark brown, antenna dark brown basally and lightening on apical third, apical flagellomeres pale yellow; head and most of mesonotum shining granulate to smooth, but vertex transverse rugose-striate; fore wing vein r-m present; hind wing vein RS virtually straight and well pigmented, vein m-cu present and interstitial to vein r-m; fore wing vein 1- CU1 slightly shorter than cu-a; metasomal tergite 2 striate and tergite 3 smooth and shining with scattered puctuation; flagellomeres short and compact, mid segments about as long as wide; petiole relatively broad, about as long as apical width; precoxal sulcus (sternaulus) shallowly indicated and foveate; wing membrane tinged yellow to infuscate; tarsal claws pectinate basally. Description of holotype . ♀, body length 5.7 mm , fore wing length 3.9 mm , antenna length 5.9 mm . Head . Antennal segments 53, antenna relatively short, 1.5 times as long as fore wing, third segment 1.5 times as long as fourth segment, length of third, fourth and penultimate antennal segments 2.2, 1.5 and 1.5 times their width, respectively, scapus large; length of maxillary palpi 1.2 times height of head; eyes relatively small, length of eye in dorsal view 2.5 times temple; head sculpturing smooth and shining except for vertex transversely rugosestriate and frons granulate near median ocellus; occipital carina widely absent dorsally, ventrally weak but reaching hypostomal carina, occiput convex dorsally; POL:OD:OOL = 4:5:7; face with weak median crest; clypeus smooth, almost flat, only weakly protruding dorsally; oral opening 0.4 times width of face; malar space large, 2.1 times longer than basal width of mandibles and 0.5 times eye height in frontal view; frons without lateral carina; inner margin of compound eyes more distinctly indented. Mesosoma . Length of mesosoma about 1.5 times its height; pronotum smooth, crenulate anterior-dorsally; propleuron smooth; mesopleuron shining granular-coriaceous, centrally smooth, rugose anteriorly; precoxal sulcus present anteriorly and crenulate; antescutal depression absent, pronotal collar very shor and mostly smooth; mesoscutum finely granulate anteriorly, notauli wide and shallow, with strong crenulation anteriorly, posteriorly meeting in a depressed rugose area; scutellar sulcus with irregular mid-longitudinal carina; scutellum finely granulate; propodeum strongly rugulose, longitudinal carina short, present on anterior ¼; metapleuron granulaterugose; ventral midline of mesopleuron set within deep and crenulate sulcus. Wings . Fore wing: vein r-m present, second submarginal cell relatively short, trapezoidal, vein 3-SR 0.75 times vein 2M; r:3-SR:SR1:2-SR:2-SR+M = 8:9:31:8:8; veins 1-SR+M very slightly sinuate; 1-M virtually straight; 1- CU1:2-CU1:cu-a = 5:34:6. Hind wing: vein cu-a short and reclivous; M+CU:1-M:1r-m = 11:18:11; vein RS straight and well pigmented, gradually away from wing margin, vein m-cu present and just antefurcal to vein r-m. Legs . Tarsal claws pectinate basally, with about nine bristle tightly arranged, its apical tooth angularly bent; hind coxa shining finely granulate; femur, tibia and basitarsus of hind leg 5.4, 8.8 and 7.1 times their width, respectively; length of inner hind tibial spurs 0.28 times hind basitarsus; hind tarsi about as long as hind tibia. Metasoma . Petiole relatively long and broad, length of first tergite 1.1 times its apical width, apical width 1.6 times basal width; first and second terga rugose-costate, sculpturing diverging from middle on second tergum, midlongitudinal carina extending from first and second terga, sculpturing and carina weaker at second tergum; third tergite smooth and shining, with convex outline; remaining tergites largely smooth; length of second tergite 1.3 times median length of third tergite; ovipositor sheaths very short with truncate apex, 0.5 times length of hind tarsomere II, with translucent soft and curved apical thin projections; dorsal carina forming wide basal triangular area; base of petiole with lamelliform lateral flanges. FIGURES 13–16. Aleiodes (Athacryvac) amazoniensis Shimbori & Almeida sp. nov. , ♀ holotype. 13, habitus, lateral; 14, head, dorsal; 15, mesopleuron, ventral; 16, metasoma, dorsal. Color . Mostly yellowish; metasomal terga 1–3 dark brown, remaining terga light yellow; propodeum infuscated dark brown centrally; antenna dark brown basally and lightening on apical third, apical flagellomeres pale yellow; hind femur apical ¾ and hind tibia dark brown; all fifth tarsomeres brown; wings moderately infuscate. Variation . Body size 4.7–5.9 mm , antenna with 49–55 segments. Propodeum and metasomal terga 1–3 color varying from entirely yellow to entirely dark brown; one female paratype from Brazil , Pará, have the flagellum entirely dark brown. One female paratype from Peru , Huanuco, have the hind wing vein m-cu postfurcal to r-m; in most specimens de m-cu is just antefurcal to interstitial, except for the holotype where it is distinctly antefurcal. Male . Similar to female holotype , but metasomal tergite 3 at basal half granulate and with median longitudinal carina; antenna slenderer. Distribution. Widespread over the Amazon Basin; known from Brazil , Colombia , Ecuador , French Guiana , and Peru . Type material. Type-locality: BRAZIL , AMAZONAS, Manaus, Reserve at KM 41, S 2°26’56.26” W 59°46’12.68” . Canopy in Amazonian “terra-firme” Forest, June 23–24, 2004 . Suspended trap (see Querino et al . 2011). Type-specimen: HOLOTYPE ♀, point mounted. Top label: “Manaus, AM, Brasil / Reserva KM 41 – trilha C / Biótopo B-D / Armadilha Suspensa / 23–24.VI.2004 / Silva, R.B. col. Bottom label: “ DCBU 22170” ( DCBU #22170). PARATYPES (8♀s and 15Ƌs). BRAZIL : 1♀ and 1Ƌ, same locality as holotype , different dates: ♀ ( DCBU #22171) March 2–4, 2005 , Ƌ ( DCBU #22172) March 30 –April 0 1, 2005; 1♀ ( DCBU #22036), Amazonas state, 60 km N of Manaus, Faz. Esteio, ZF-3, km 23, January 1, 1986 , B. C. Klein col, Malaise trap; PARÁ state: 1♀ ( DCBU #22038), Benevides, November 14, 1986 , J. A. Rafael col, Malaise trap; 1Ƌ ( DCBU #21929), Belém, Mocambo, 14.II.1977 , M.F. Torres col.; 1Ƌ ( MZSP ), Canindé, Rio Gurupí, IV.1968 , B. Malkin col.; RONDÔNIA state: 1♀ ( DCBU #20558), Porto Velho, Parque Natural Municipal, S 8º41’12” W 63º52’10” , D. Santana col.; 1♀ ( DCBU #24580), Porto Vellho, Reserva Cuniã, S 8°19’27” W 63°29’44” , Malaise trap, A.S. Soares col.; 1♀ ( DCBU #22037), RORAIMA state, Serra Pacaraima BV-8, August 27, 1987 , J.A. Rafael, E. Bindá, A.L. Henriques col., Malaise trap; 1Ƌ, MATO GROSSO state, XI.1975 , Malaise trap, M. Alvarenga ( CNC ). COLOMBIA : VICHADA department: 2Ƌ ( IAVH #42682, #42707), Cumaribo municipality, Estación Gaviotas, 4º27’N 69º47’W , 160m , 3.IX.1995 , Malaise trap, F. Fernandéz leg. M2327; 1Ƌ ( IAVH #149304), Centro Gaviotas, 170m , F. Cortés. ECUADOR . NAPO province:1Ƌ, P Misahuali, 350m , 18–22.II.1983 , M. Sharkey; 1Ƌ, Tena, 500m , 2.V.1987 , L.D. Coote. FRENCH GUIANA . 1Ƌ, Patawa Kaw Mts., 4º33.56’N 52º12.43’W , VIII.2008 , Malaise Trap, J. Cerda. PERU . 1♀ and 1Ƌ, HUANUCO, Tingo Maria, L. Huggert, 27.I and 26.I.1984 respectively; LORETO, Iquitos. L. Huggert: 1♀, Granja Unap, 9.II.1984 ; 6Ƌ, Barilal, 10.II.1984 ; MADRE DE DIOS : 1Ƌ, Puerto Maldonado, 31.I.1984 , L. Huggert ( CNC ); 1♀, Reserva Comunal, Amarakaeri, Rio Cupudnoe, 12º46’56”S 70º57’26”W , 410m , 14.X.2010 , C. Castillo; 1♀, Manu, Fiszcarral, 13º05’28.4”S 76º57’51”W , 596m , 22.V.2011 , Malaise Trap, L. Huerto ( MUSM ). Discussion. Aleiodes amazoniensis sp. nov. , along with A. braeti sp. nov. , A. choco sp. nov. , A. donaldquickei sp. nov. , A. gonzalezi sp. nov. , A. tico sp. nov. , and A. zaldivari sp. nov. form a distinct subset within the subgenus Athacryvac , chacterized by the vein m-cu of hind wing present, dorsally concave occiput, and relatively compact and short antenna. Aleiodes amazoniensis sp. nov. and A. donaldquickei sp. nov. are the only two species within this subset, and also within the Athacryvac , with transversely rugose vertex contrasting with the mostly smooth head. Differences between these two species are pointed under discussion section of A. donaldquickei sp. nov. Etymology. The species is named after the Amazonian basin, where it is widely distributed.