Three new species and one new record of Campylaimus (Diplopeltidae, Nematoda) from Argentine coasts (Buenos Aires and Santa Cruz, Argentina) Author Villares, Gabriela Author Martelli, Antonela Author Russo, Virginia Lo Author Pastor, Catalina text Zootaxa 2013 2013-02-07 3613 1 83 96 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3613.1.4 1175-5326 5292650 AFB9BC62-7476-45DF-A624-64A610A20A98 Campylaimus patagonicus sp. nov. ( Fig. 4 (A–I), Fig. 5 (A–B); Table 3 ) Measurements: see Table 3 . Type material. Male holotype , registration number MACN-In 38921 Type locality. Rincon , San Julián Bay , Santa Cruz province , Argentina . Coordinates : 49°20’S , 67°42’W ; water depth: low littoral. Collected by Virginia Lo Russo & Catalina Pastor , 23 January 2008 . Type material. Female allotype , registration number MACN-In 38922; one female paratype registration number CNP NEM 649. Type locality. Rincon , San Julián Bay , Santa Cruz province , Argentina . Coordinates : 49°21’S , 67°41’W ; water depth: low littoral. Collected by Catalina Pastor , 12 January 2009 . Etymology. From the Spanish word “Patagonia”, in reference of the sampling site. Description. Male ( holotype ): Body length medium-sized. Cuticle moderately striated, approximately 2 µm thick. Wide head, with a clearly visible cap at the anterior end of the body. Mouth opening is located subterminally, on dorsal side of body. Lips are absent. Four cephalic setae (12 µm long) bases located posterior to the oral opening. Somatic setae absent. Amphidial fovea consisting of two parallel arms, situated posterior to the cephalic setae, the long arm continuous with broad lateral alae extending the length of the body to the tail tip and the shorter amphidial branch measured 52 µm long, both branches measured 6 µm wide or 2.8 times the cephalic diameter. The pharynx measured 120 µm long. TABLE 3. Measurements (µm) of C. patagonicus sp. nov.
Male Female Female
a - - 130.0 160.0 8.0 5.0 820.0 650.0
V - 470.0 396.0
V% - 49.0 49.0
Reproductive system diorchic, testes opposed. Spicules equal in length, 30 µm long measured along the chord, slender and arcuate, without cephalization at the proximal end. Gubernaculum with dorso-caudally directed apophysis, 10 µm long. Two precloacal papillae and two precloacal setae are present. Tail is elongated conical, 150 µm long (c' =7), without swollen tip. Tail tip lacking setae. Female ( allotype ): similar to male in general body shape. Gonads paired, opposed; ovaries outstretched, not reflexed. Anterior and posterior ovaries located on the left and right side of intestine, respectively. Vulval orifice ventral, located in the middle of the body. The vagina short not thickened. Two glands surrounding the vulva. Tail 130 µm long (c'=8).
Discussion. Campylaimus patagonicus sp. nov. is characterized by the shape of the spicule and gubernaculum and by the presence of two precloacal papillae and two precloacal setae. C. patagonicus sp. nov. resembles: C. mirus Gerlach, 1950 in body length, the value of a, b and c , the length of the spicule but differs in the shape of gubernaculum and the presence of precloacal papillae; C. abnormis Thanh & Gagarin, 2011 in the length and shape of the spicule and gubernaculum, the value of b and c and the dorsal opening mouth but differs in the value of a , the length of the body and the presence of precloacal papillae; C. tkatchevi Tchesunov, 1974 in the shape of the gubernaculum, the value of c and the dorsal opening mouth but differs in the length of the body, the shape and length of the spicule, the value of a and b and the presence of precloacal papillae; C. bonariensis sp. nov. in the shape of the body, the value of c , the length of the spicule and gubernaculum but differs in the shape of the head and tail, the shape of the spicule and gubernaculum, the value of a , b and the number of precloacal papillae; C. arcuatus sp. nov. in the shape of the body, the value of b and c and the shape of the gubernaculum but differs in the shape of the head and the tail, the length and shape of the spicule, the length of the gubernaculum, the value of a and the number of precloacal papillae (Table 5). FIGURE 4. C. patagonicus sp. nov. A. Amphidial fovea and cephalic setae of female allotype; B. Head and buccal cavity of female allotype; C. Head and buccal cavity of male holotype; D. Amphidial fovea and cephalic setae of male holotype; E. Entire male holotype; F. Posterior end of female allotype; G. Spicule and gubernaculum of male holotype; H. Copulatory apparatus, spicule, gubernaculum and precloacal papillae of male holotype; I. Posterior end of male holotype. J. Copulatory apparatus, spicule, gubernaculum and precloacal papillae of male of C. gerlachi . Scale bar: 20 µm. C. patagonicus sp. nov. differs from C. rimatus Vitiello, 1974 , C. striatus Boucher & Helléouët, 1977 and C. ponticus Sergeeva, 1981 by the presence of gubernaculum and precloacal papillae; from C. lefeveri Gerlach, 1956 by the body shorter than 1000 µm and the presence of precloacal papillae and from C. inaequalis Cobb, 1920 and C. gerlachi Timm, 1961 by the dorsal mouth and the presence of precloacal papillae.