Order Primates Author Wilson, Don E. Author Reeder, DeeAnn text 2005 The Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 1 111 184 book chapter 0-8018-8221-4 10.5281/zenodo.7316519 Hylobates Illiger 1811 Hylobates Illiger 1811 , Prodr. Syst. Mamm. Avium: 67 . Type Species: Homo lar Linnaeus 1771 Synonyms: Brachiopithecus Sénéchal 1839 ; Brachitanytes Schultz 1932 ; Cheiron Burnett 1829 ; Gibbon Zimmermann 1777 ; Laratus Gray 1821 ; Methylobates Ameghino 1882 . Species and subspecies: 7 species with 8 subspecies: Species Hylobates agilis F. Cuvier 1821 Species Hylobates albibarbis Lyon 1911 Species Hylobates klossii Miller 1903 Species Hylobates lar (Linnaeus 1771) Subspecies Hylobates lar subsp. lar Linnaeus 1771 Subspecies Hylobates lar subsp. carpenteri Groves 1968 Subspecies Hylobates lar subsp. entelloides I. Geoffroy 1842 Subspecies Hylobates lar subsp. vestitus Miller 1942 Subspecies Hylobates lar subsp. yunnanensis Ma and Y. Wang 1986 Species Hylobates moloch (Audebert 1798) Species Hylobates muelleri Martin 1841 Subspecies Hylobates muelleri subsp. muelleri Martin 1841 Subspecies Hylobates muelleri subsp. abbotti Kloss 1929 Subspecies Hylobates muelleri subsp. funereus I. Geoffroy 1850 Species Hylobates pileatus Gray 1861 Discussion: Includes Symphalangus according to Anderson (1967:175); and Nomascus according to Corbet and Hill (1980:91) ; but these should be given generic rank ( Groves, 2001 c ). Revised by Groves (1972 b ) . Reviewed by Marshall and Marshall (1976) .