Revision of the ant genus Mayriella. Author Shattuck, S. O. Author Barnett, N. J. text Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute Editor Snelling, R. R. Editor Fisher, B. L. Editor Ward, P. S. 2007 Advances in ant systematics (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Homage to E. O. Wilson - 50 years of contributions. 80 437 458 journal article 21289 Mayriella Forel, 1902 Figures 1 - 25 Mayriella Forel, 1902: 425. Type species. Mayriella abstinens Forel , 1902, by monotypy. Diagnosis. Workers of Mayriella may be separated from other members of the Myrmicinae by the presence of a 10 - segmented antenna with a 2 - segmented club; well developed antennal scrobes; the clypeus with the mediolateral regions concave and the anterior margin with a bidentate process (these structures combining to form an extension of the scrobes which receive the terminal segments of the antennae when the antennae are retracted); and elongate compound eyes which are narrowed anteroventrally. These characters, especially the shape of the eyes and the configuration of the clypeus, are distinctive within the subfamily and it is unlikely these ants will be confused with close relatives.