Species of the Genus Thrips (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) from the Afro-tropical Region Author Mound, Laurence A. text Zootaxa 2010 2423 1 24 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.194532 b6eb43ed-05b0-490f-aa3d-2e1b27319ec3 1175-5326 194532 Thrips acaciae Trybom Thrips acaciae Trybom, 1910 : 161 Thrips kikuyuensis Trybom, 1912 : 6 syn.n. Thrips spadix Hood, 1932 : 131 syn.n. Thrips hirtiventris Hood, 1932 : 126 This is here interpreted as a widespread and variable species. Faure (1964) recognised that T. hirtiventris from Tanzania was a synonym. Trybom (1912) did not compare T. kikuyuensis from Kenya with T. acaciae that he had described previously (1910) from Namibia (Kalahari). However, a cotype of kikuyuensis has been examined and these two cannot be distinguished satisfactorily. One paratype female of T. spadix has been studied, and this is also considered to be a synonym, despite Hood indicating that the third antennal segment was rather longer. As discussed below, quadridentatus is possibly a further synonym of acaciae . Material recognisable as T. acaciae has been studied from Sudan , Kenya , Tanzania , Zululand, Namibia and Cameroon . Diagnosis . Body and legs brown, tarsi and fore tibiae yellow; antennal segments I–II brown, III mainly yellow, IV–V yellow at base; forewing shaded with small white oval near base. Antennae 7-segmented. Ocellar setae III arising outside triangle ( Fig. 1 ), shorter than distance between hind ocelli. Pronotum with many transverse sculpture lines not closely spaced, about 40 discal setae; posteroangular setae about 0.3 as long as pronotum; with 4 or 5 pairs of posteromarginal setae. Mesonotal anteromedian campaniform sensilla present. Metanotum medially with longitudinal row of large slightly elongate reticles ( Fig. 2 ), median setae near but not at anterior margin, campaniform sensilla present or absent. Forewing first vein with 2–4 setae on distal half; clavus with 5–8 marginal setae and 1 discal seta ( Fig. 2 ). Abdominal tergites with sculpture lines extending to setae S1; VIII posterior margin with weak but complete comb; pleurotergites with no discal setae, but with weakly dentate or slender microtrichia on widely spaced lines of reticulation ( Fig. 3 ); sternites III–VII with more than 24 short discal setae in two irregular rows.