Taxonomy, annotated new records and a checklist of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera) of Finland, with description of a new species of Eustochus Author Triapitsyn, Serguei V. Entomology Research Museum, Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, California, 92521, USA; Author Koponen, Martti Tuoppitie Author Vikberg, Veli Liinalammintie 11 as. Author Várkonyi, Gergely Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Biodiversity Centre, FI- 88900, Kuhmo, Finland; e-mail: gergely. varkonyi @ ymparisto. fi text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2020 2020-11-06 60 2 565 589 journal article 10.37520/aemnp.2020.39 1804-6487 5177724 659934F0-6B73-4571-8ADA-5E14CD3669EC Anagrus ( Paranagrus ) optabilis (Perkins, 1905) Material examined. FINLAND : Ta : Janakkala, Leppälampi (6766:3379), 2.viii.2009 , marshy lakeside,V.Vikberg ( 1 ♀ , VVCT ; determined by V.Vikberg in 2010 as A. panicicolae Sahad, 1984 , a synonym of A. optabilis , as well as more females at the same site in the following years (most recently in 2016). CANARY ISLANDS: Tenerife Island, Puerto de la Cruz, Parque Taoro, 20.xii.1997 , M. Koponen ( 2 ♀♀ , FMNH ). MADEIRA: Madeira Island:Monte, 550 m , 3.xi.1996 , M.Koponen ( 1 ♀ , FMNH );Vaie do Paraiso, 740 m , 6.xi.1996 , M.Koponen ( 2 ♀♀ , FMNH ). Distribution. Palaearctic ( China , Japan , Republic of Korea , Russia , Spain ), Afrotropical ( Cape Verde , Madagascar , Mauritius , Réunion, South Africa , Yemen ), Australasian ( Australia , New Zealand , Papua New Guinea ), Nearctic ( USA ), Oceanian ( Fiji , Guam , Hawaiian Islands, Samoa ), and Oriental ( Bangladesh , China including Taiwan , India , Indonesia , Malaysia , Philippines , Sri Lanka , Thailand ) Regions (T*©ංൺඉංඍඌඒඇ 2015b). New subgenus and species record for Finland . Discovery of this species is indicative to the recent climate warming in Finland , which is the northernmost point of its distribution. The new records of A. ( Paranagrus ) optabilis from the Canary Islands and Madeira were omitted by Kඈඉඈඇൾඇ & T*©ංൺඉංඍඌඒඇ (2016).