Two new species of Cunaxa (Acari, Prostigmata, Cunaxidae) from South-East Asia with a world key to the genus Author Kalúz, Stanislav Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravskácesta 9, SK- 845 06 Author Ermilov, Sergey G. 0000-0002-0913-131X Institute of Environmental and Agricultural Biology (X-BIO), Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Semakova 10, 625003 Tyumen, Russia. ermilovacari @ yandex. ru; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0913 - 131 X text Zootaxa 2023 2023-02-13 5239 4 521 536 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5239.4.4 1175-5326 7635225 BBE62A0D-2587-4EAD-9241-84546DE5D618 Key to females of known Cunaxa species (updated from Skvarla et al. 2014 ; Kalúz & Ermilov 2022 ) 1 Setae lps absent..................................................................................... 2 - Setae lps present.................................................................................... 3 2(1) Short bulbous blunt solenidion bbsl anterior to trichobothrium on tibiae IV absent; oval area of thin broken striae around setae mps absent; tarsi III with 24 sts, tarsi IV with 20 sts; Crimea , Ukraine ....... C. anomala Khaustov and Kuznetzov, 1998 - Short blunt bulbous solenidion bbsl anterior to trichobothrium on tibiae IV present; oval area of thin broken striae around setae mps present; tarsi III with 21 sts, tarsi IV with 18 sts; Syria ........................... C. celineae Barbar, 2015 3(1) Setae at short and stubby, less than half the length of pt; India ........................... C. anacardae Gupta, 1992 - Setae at normal, nearly as long as pt .................................................................... 4 4(3) Basifemora I with 1 sts............................................................................... 5 - Basifemora I with other number of setae................................................................. 6 5(4) Basifemora I–IV setal formula 1-2-3-0; telofemora I–IV setal formula 2-2-4-3; India ..... C. prinia Gupta and Paul, 1985 - Basifemora I–IV setal formula 1-1-1-2; telofemora I–IV setal formula 2-2-1-1; India ........ C. magniferae Gupta, 1992 6(4) Basifemora I with 2 sts............................................................................... 7 - Basifemora I with other number of setae................................................................. 9 7(6) Basifemora II–IV setal formula 3-3-1; Pakistan ................................... C. dotos Bashir and Afzal, 2009 - Basifemora II–IV setal formula 2-1-0.................................................................... 8 8(7) Tibia II with 5 sts; Pakistan .............................................. C. mahmoodi Bashir and Afzal, 2009 - Tibia II with 7 sts; Pakistan ............................................. C. okaraensis Bashir and Afzal, 2009 9(6) Basifemora I with 3 sts.............................................................................. 10 - Basifemora I with other number of setae................................................................ 21 10(9) Genua I with 3 solenidia............................................................................. 11 - Genua I with 4 solenidia............................................................................. 15 11(10) Coxae I–IV 3-1-3-1; striae between dorsal setae d 1 –d 1 transversal; genua I with 3 asl , one of them long; medial hysterosomal shield absent; setae f 1 , h 1 smooth; cosmopolitan.................................... C. setirostris ( Hermann, 1804 ) - Coxae I–IV setal formula 3-1-3-2 sts................................................................... 12 12(11) Basifemora I–IV 3-4-3-1 sts; Africa.......................................... C. magoebaensis Den Heyer, 1979 - Basifemora I–IV setal formula other................................................................... 13 13(12) Basifemora I–IV 3-3-3-0 sts; genua I with 3 solenidia; genu II—2 asl , 5 sts; genu III—1 asl , 5 sts; genu IV—1 asl , 5 sts; Vietnam ............................................................. C. smileyi Kalúz and Ermilov sp. nov. - Basifemora I–IV 3-3-3-1 sts.......................................................................... 14 14(13) Medial hysterosomal shield absent; genua II with 2 long asl ; Vietnam ........ C. oblongostriata Kalúz and Ermilov, 2022 - Medial hysterosomal shield present bearing c 1 , c 2 , d 1 , e 1 ; genua II with 1 asl and 1 microsolenidion; Crimea , Ukraine .................................................................... C. bochkovi Khaustov and Kuznetsov, 1998 15 (10) Coxae I–IV setal formula 3-1-3-3 sts; Bf 3-4-3-1, Tf 3-4-4-3; medial hysterosomal shield with c 1, c 1, d 1, e 1 ; palpal telofemoral paraxial apophysis short and hooked; genua I with 4 asl .................. C. niedbalai Kazmierski and Laniecka 2021 - Genua with 4 asl ; combination of characters other......................................................... 16 16 (15) Coxae I–IV setal formula 3-2-3-1 sts; dorsal idiosomal shields present; India ............................................................................................. C. eupatoriae Chinniah and Mohanasundaram, 2001 - Coxae I–IV setal formula 3-1-3-2 sts; dorsal medial hysterosomal shield absent................................. 17 17 (16) Dorsal setae short ( c 1 –f 1 , c 2 : 7 10, h 1 : 17); striae between d 1 –d 1 and e 1 – e 1 longitudinal; Philippines ................................................................................. C . mercedesae Corpuz-Raros and Garcia, 1995 - Dorsal setae longer (19 40); striae between d 1 –d 1 and e 1 –e 1 transversal........................................ 18 18 (17) Oval area formed by broken striae around setae mps present; Crimea , Ukraine ........... C. maculata Sergeyenko, 2009 - Oval area formed by broken striae around setae mps absent................................................. 19 19 (18) Genua II proximal solenidion extremely short, its length subequal to the diameter of its alveolus; ventral surface of coxal region of hypognathum smooth; Crimea , Ukraine ............................. C. guanotoleranta Sergeyenko, 2009 - Genua II proximal solenidion long, several times longer than the diameter of its alveolus; ventral surface of the coxal region of the hypognathum with numerous papillae............................................................. 20 20(19) Length of setae mps longer than half the distance between their bases; dorsal hysterosomal striae distinctly lobed (= with festoons); Crimea , Ukraine ................................................. C. papuliphora Sergeyenko, 2009 - Length of setae mps shorter or equal to half the distance between their bases; dorsal hysterosomal striae smooth; Crimea , Ukraine .................................................................. C. gordeevae Sergeyenko, 2009 21(9) Basifemora I with 4 sts.............................................................................. 22 - Basifemora I with 5 sts.............................................................................. 67 22(21) Basifemora III with 2 sts............................................................................. 23 - Basifemora III with other number of setae............................................................... 26 23(22) Palpal telofemoral apophysis uncinate.................................................................. 24 - Palpal telofemoral apophysis finger-like................................................................ 25 24(23) Coxae I–IV setal formula 3-1-3-1 sts; medial hysterosomal shield with c 1 –e 1 , c 2 ; c 1 2–2.5 times longer than setae d 1 and e 1 ; Pakistan ............................................................... C. jatoiensis Bashir and Afzal, 2006 - Coxae I–IV setal formula 2-1-2-1, medial hysterosomal median shield with c 1 –f 1, c 2 ; c 1 twice longer than other dorsal setae; Hungary ............................................................... C. subita Ripka and Laniecka, 2015 25(23) Basifemora I–IV 4-4-2-1; medial hysterosomal shield with c 2 , c 1 –e 1 ; Vietnam ..... C. asiatica Kalúz and Ermilov sp. nov. - Basifemora I IV 4-4-2-0 sts; medial hysterosomal shield absent; Crimea , Ukraine ........ C. yaylensis Sergeyenko, 2009 26(22) Basifemora III with 3 sts............................................................................. 27 - Basifemora III with 4 sts............................................................................. 62 27(26) Basifemora IV without sts; Crimea , Ukraine ..................................... C. violaphila Sergeyenko, 2009 - Basifemora IV with sts.............................................................................. 28 28(27) Basifemora IV with 2 or more sts...................................................................... 29 - Basifemora IV with 1 sts............................................................................. 30 29(28) Dorsal propodosomal shield indistinct; apophysis on palpal telofemur cylindrical; setae c 1 smooth; Africa....................................................................................... C. brevicrura Den Heyer, 1979 - Dorsal propodosomal shield well developed; apophysis on palpal telofemur short, almost cone-like; c 1 setose and longer than other hysterosomal setae; Africa................................................. C. meiringi Den Heyer, 1979 30(28) Medial hysterosomal shield present (may be barely defined)................................................ 31 - Medial hysterosomal shield absent..................................................................... 52 31(30) Telofemoral apophysis uncinated (e.g., bent, hook-shaped).................................................. 32 - Telofemoral apophysis present or absent; if present, not uncinated............................................ 39 32(31) Setae c 1 on integument.............................................................................. 33 - Setae c 1 on medial hysterosomal shield................................................................. 34 33(32) Tibia I with 2 asl , 4 sts; tarsi I–IV with 23-17-16-12 sts; Pakistan ............. C . nankanaensis Bashir and Afzal, 2009 - Tibia I with 3 asl , 4 sts; tarsi I–IV with 17-18-16-14 sts; Pakistan ................... C. clusus Bashir and Afzal, 2009 34(32) Setae f 1 on medial hysterosomal shield.................................................................. 35 - Setae f 1 not on medial hysterosomal shield, on integument.................................................. 36 35(34) Setae f 1 reaching beyond bases h 1 ; tibia III with 5 sts; tarsi I–IV 12-14-16-12 sts; Pakistan ................................................................................... C. leuros Bashir, Afzal, Ashfaq, Akbar and Ali, 2010 - Setae f 1 not reaching bases h 1 ; tibia III with 6 sts; tarsi I–IV with 14-16-19-14 sts; Pakistan ................................................................................... C. rafiqi Bashir, Afzal, Ashfaq, Akbar and Ali, 2010 36(34) Coxae I–IV with 3-1-3-2 sts; Brazil .................................... C. bagualensis Wurlitzer and Ferla, 2022 - Coxae I–IV with 3-1-3-1 sts;......................................................................... 37 37(36) Genua I with 2 asl , 5 sts; tarsi I–IV with 18-19-20-21 sts; cosmopolitan................. C. capreolus (Berlese, 1887) - Genua I with 3 asl ; combination of characters other....................................................... 38 38(37) Genua I with 3 asl , 3 sts; tarsi I–IV with 14-18-17-17 sts; Pakistan ............ C. pakpatanensis Bashir and Afzal, 2009 - Genua I with 3 asl , 4 sts; tarsi I–IV with 12-14-16-16 sts; Pakistan .................. C. bashiri Bashir and Afzal, 2009 39(31) Telofemoral apophysis truncated; Africa............................................ C. carina Den Heyer , 19 79 - Telofemoral apophysis finger-like, not truncated.......................................................... 40 40(39) Line of small sharp spines on pedipalp tibiotarsi present; Ukraine ...................... C. dentata Sergeyenko, 2003 - Line of small sharp spines on pedipalp tibiotarsi absent.................................................... 41 41(40) Setae c 2 on soft integument; Africa................................................ C. terrula Den Heyer, 1979 - Medial hysterosomal shield bears c 2 .................................................................... 42 42(41) Medial hysterosomal shield indistinctly defined.......................................................... 43 - Medial hysterosomal shield distinctly defined............................................................ 44 43(42) Setae f 1 , h 1 smooth; Philippines .................................. C. romblonensis Corpuz-Raros and Garcia, 1995 - Setae f 1 , h 1 finely setose; Africa............................................. C. sordwanaensis Den Heyer, 1979 44(42) Medial hysterosomal shield complemented with c 1 , d 1 , c 2 ; Crimea , Ukraine .. C. sudakensis Khaustov and Kuznetzov, 1998 - Medial hysterosomal shield complemented with c 1 –e 1 , c 2 ................................................... 45 45(44) Coxae IV with 1 sts................................................................................. 46 - Coxae IV with 2 sts................................................................................. 47 46(45) Broken striae that form cell-like structures on medial hysterosomal shield present; Thailand . C. thailandicus Smiley, 1992 - Broken striae that form cell-like structures on medial hysterosomal shield absent; Mexico , Peru , Hawaii............................................................................... C. veracruzana Baker and Hoffmann, 1948 47(45) Setae c 1 longer than all other dorsal setae................................................................ 48 - Setae c 1 not longer than all other dorsal setae............................................................. 50 48(47) Basifemora I IV 4-4-3-1; Saipan, USA ................................. C. womersleyi Baker and Hoffmann, 1948 - Basifemora I IV 4-4-2-1............................................................................. 49 49(48) Cx I IV 3-1-3-2; proterosomal shield with four pairs of setae: at, pt , mps , lps; setae c 1 two times longer than other hysterodorsal setae c 2 , d 1 and e 1 ; tips of mps not reach bases pt ; Vietnam .................... C. sergeyenkoi Kalúz and Ermilov, 2022 - Cx I IV 3-1-3-3; proterosomal shield with three pairs of setae: pt , mps , lps ; setae c 1 three times longer than remaining hysterodorsal setae; tips of mps owercome bases p t; Hungary ................... C. polita Kazmierski and Ripka, 2015 50(47) Genua I–IV with 4-2-1-1 solenidia; Africa......................................... C. lamberti Den Heyer, 1979 - Genua I–IV with 3-1-1-1 solenidia..................................................................... 51 51(50) Setae c 1 –h 1 approximately equal in length; Africa.................................. C. hermanni Den Heyer, 1979 - Setae c 1 –e 1 half as long as f 1 , h 1 ; Greece ................................. C. thessalica Sionti and Papadoulis, 2003 52(30) Palpal telofemoral apophyse short, uncinate, triangular or stubby............................................. 53 - Palp telofemoral apophysis longer, finger-like............................................................ 57 53(52) Palpal telofemoral apophysis uncinate; Pakistan ............................ C. lodhranensis Bashir and Afzal, 2009 - Palp telofemoral apophysis other...................................................................... 54 54(53) Palp telofemora with small sharply terminated triangular apophysis; Philippines ................................................................................................... C. luzonica Corpuz-Raros and Garcia, 1995 - Palp telofemoral apophysis cone-like, stubby, bluntly terminated............................................. 55 55(54) Telofemora I IV 5-5-4-4; each dorsal seta situated on small platelet; The Philippines .................................................................................. C. minidiscondyla Corpuz-Raros, Naredo and Garcia, 2019 - Telofemora I IV 4-4-4-4; dorsal setae not on small platelets................................................. 56 56(55) Genua I–IV setal formula 1 asl , 6 sts-7-6-6; all dorsal hysterosomal setae short, not reaching bases of following setae; The Philippines ............................................. C. pantabanganensis Corpuz-Raros and Garcia, 1995 - Genua I–IV setal formula 2 asl , 6 sts-7-6-6; very long all dorsal hysterosomal setae reach well beyond following setae; USA ............................................................................... C. mageei Smiley, 1992 57(52) Coxae I IV 3-1-4-3; palpal telofemoral paraxial apophysis thin and strait; propodosomal shield with pt, mps, lps—at in front of shield;Africa, Zambia ............................................ C. mukuni Laniecka and Kazmierski 2021 - Coxae I IV 3-1-3-2; combination of characters other...................................................... 58 58(57) Proterodorsal shield smooth; genua I IV 1 bsl , 2 asl , (1 sts, 1 bsl ), 4 sts-2 asl , 5 sts-l asl , 5 sts-l asl , 5 sts; Africa.................................................................................. C. potchensis Den Heyer, 1979 - Proterodorsal shield striated; combination of characters other................................................ 59 59(58) Setae f 1 , h 1 spiculate; Africa, Somalia ................................................ C. gazella (Ewing, 1913) - Setae f 1 , h 1 smooth.................................................................................. 60 60(59) Trochanters I IV 1-1-1-1; tarsus I with 3 asl , 22 sts; short hysterodorsal and palpal tibiotarsal setae; Madagascar ........................................................................... C. corpuzrarosae Kalúz and Starý, 2018 - Trochanters I IV 1-1-2-1; combination of characters other.................................................. 61 61(60) Dorsal propodosomal shield fully striated; setae c 1, f 1, h 1 smooth and twice longer than other hysterodorsal setae; tarsus I with 5 asl , 24 sts; USA ............................................................. C. neogazella Smiley, 1992 - Dorsal propodosomal shield partially covered by broken striae; f 1 smooth and twice longer than other hysterodorsal setae; tarsus I with 3 bsl , (1 bsl , 1 fam , 1 sts), 1 dtsl , 2 tsl , 19 sts ; Brazil ............ C. butantorum Wurlitzer and Rocha, 2021 62(26) Palp telofemora with short uncinate apophysis; Pakistan .................................. C. doxa Chaudhri, 1980 - Palp telofemora with long cylindrical finger-like apophysis................................................. 63 63(62) Basifemora I III 4-4-4 sts............................................................................ 64 - Basifemora I III 4-4-2 sts............................................................................ 65 64(63) Basifemora I IV 4-4-4-1 sts; palp femoral apophysis cylindrical, but stubby ended; Philippines ...................................................................................... C. cogonae Corpuz-Raros and Garcia, 1995 - Basifemora I–IV 4-4-4-2 sts; palp telofemur with short uncinated apophysis; Pakistan .......... C. doxa Chaudhri, 1980 65(63) Medial hysterosomal shield present; telofemora I IV 4-4-3-3; palp telofemoral apophysis long, cylindrical; propodosomal shield oval and smooth; Brazil ...................................... C. jacobdenheyeri Wurlitzer and Silva, 2021 - Medial hysterosomal shield absent; combination of characters other.......................................... 66 66(65) Homogenous striation on dorsal central hysterosoma; at and pt finely setose in proximal part and strongly setose in distal part; Ta I IV 19-20-17-12 sts; Hungary ..................................... C. minuta Laniecka and Kazmierski 2015 - Different (wider) striation on dorsal central hysterosoma; at and pt strongly setose; Ta I IV 23-23-23-22 sts; Crimea , Ukraine ..................................................... C. heterostriata Khaustov and Kuznetsov, 1998 67(21) Basifemora III with 4 sts; tips of mps overstepping bases of pt ; Mexico ....................... C. evansi Smiley, 1992 - Basifemora III with 6 sts; tips of mps not reaching bases of pt ; Africa.................... C. grobleri Den Heyer, 1979