The bats of the Congo and of Rwanda and Burundi revisited (Mammalia: Chiroptera) Author Cakenberghe, Victor Van 9A0E1AF5-C248-4648-9D64-443112890346 University of Antwerp, Department of Biology, Functional Morphology, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein, 1, B- 2610 Antwerpen (Wilrijk), Belgium. & AfricanBats NPC, 357 Botha Ave, Kloofsig, 0157, Republic of South Africa. & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 9 A 0 E 1 AF 5 - C 248 - 4648 - 9 D 64 - 443112890346 & Corresponding author: Victor. VanCakenberghe @ uantwerpen. be Author Tungaluna, Guy-Crispin Gembu 2AE2F96F-A138-419B-B650-6DB44D535D14&4C40421C-1D84-4BD1-A444-360300ECBEEC Faculté des Sciences, Université de Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo. & Email: gembuguycrispin @ gmail. com & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 2 AE 2 F 96 F-A 138 - 419 B-B 650 - 6 DB 44 D 535 D 14 & Faculté des Sciences, Université de Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo. & Email: prescottmusaba @ yahoo. fr & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 4 C 40421 C- 1 D 84 - 4 BD 1 - A 444 - 360300 ECBEEC Author Akawa, Prescott Musaba Author Seamark, Ernest B60CA9A1-D288-468E-AEEB-D0F136E96F5B AfricanBats NPC, 357 Botha Ave, Kloofsig, 0157, Republic of South Africa. & Centre for Wildlife Management, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X 20 Hatfield, Pretoria 0028, Republic of South Africa. & Email: ernest. seamark @ africanbats. org & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: B 60 CA 9 A 1 - D 288 - 468 E-AEEB-D 0 F 136 E 96 F 5 B Author Verheyen, Erik 86B40463-E3D9-4147-9ED3-D7302E0D64B6 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - OD Taxonomy and Phylogeny, Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. & University of Antwerp, Department of Biology, Evolutionary Ecology, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, B- 2610 Antwerpen (Wilrijk), Belgium. & Email: erik. verheyen @ naturalsciences. be & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 86 B 40463 - E 3 D 9 - 4147 - 9 ED 3 - D 7302 E 0 D 64 B 6 text European Journal of Taxonomy 2017 2017-12-18 382 1 327 journal article 21810 10.5852/ejt.2017.382 ea406606-dfbd-4121-9d8c-108041a032b4 2118-9773 3860077 FA508A12-9BDB-4A2B-9B0C-98FDD161443C Megaloglossus woermanni Pagenstecher, 1885 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO : 1 ♂ , 1? [2 UN], unknown locality , unknown date, 12 Feb. 2001 , leg. unknown collector ( BMNH : 1990.224, SMF : 92984); 7 ♂♂ [7 AL], Aketi , 22 Jun. 2015 , 23 Jun. 2015 , leg. Vlir/Aketi ( UNIKIS : AKETI608 to AKETI611, AKETI612 to AKETI614); 1? [SS], Ba Balaye , 24 Apr. 1978 , leg. Betu Nsankulu ( RMCA : 78.020-M-0001); 4 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ [2 AL, 3 SK], Baliko , 10 Jun. 2012 , 11 Jun. 2012 , 15 Jun. 2012 , leg. William (“Bill”) T. Stanley, prior to 31 Jan. 2007 , leg. Guy-Crispin Gembu Tungaluna ( FMNH : 219589 to 219591, RMCA : a1.097-M-0410, a1.097-M-0411); 1 ♂ [SK], Banana , unknown date, leg. P. Hesse ( SMF : 2513); 1 ♀ [SS], Bene Longo , 23 Aug. 1978 , leg. Betu Nsankulu ( RMCA : 79.022-M-0007); 1 ♀ [AL], Beno , unknown date, leg. the Royal Museum for Central Africa ( RMCA ) ( BMNH : 1954.787); 1 ♀ [SS], Bikoro , 2 Mar. 1921 , leg. Henri Schouteden ( RMCA : 6548); 6 ♀♀ , 12 ♂♂ , 25 ?? [43 AL], Boende , prior to 31 Jan. 1969 , between 1 Dec. 1969 and 31 Dec. 1969 , between 1 Nov. 1969 and 30 Nov. 1969 , between 1 Feb. 1970 and 28 Feb. 1970 , between 1 Jan. 1974 and 31 Dec. 1974 , between 1 Jan. 1973 and 31 Dec. 1973 , between 1 Jan. 1970 and 31 Jan. 1970 , between 1 Jan. 1967 and 31 Dec. 1967 , leg. P. Lootens ( RMCA : 38686 to 38705, 38817, 38818, 75.035-M-0005 to 75.035-M-0019, 75.035-M- 0001, 75.035-M-0004, 35635 to 35638); 1? [AL], Bokuma , 14 Dec. 1952 , leg. P. Lootens ( RMCA : 22031); 5 ♀♀ , 5 ♂♂ [4 SK, 6 UN], Bomane [= Bomaneh] , 21 May 2010 , 30 May 2010 , leg. Guy- Crispin Gembu Tungaluna, Prescott Musaba and José Akaibe ( UNIKIS : CRT2159, CRT2171, CRT2174, CRT2190, CRT2192, CRT2194, CRT2054 to CRT2056, CRT2076); 1 ♂ [SS], Byonga , 24 Jan. 1965 , leg. Alexandre Prigogine ( RMCA : 33288); 7 ♀♀ , 16 ♂♂ , 1? [24 AL], Epulu , unknown date, leg. Luc Bijnens, 25 Aug. 2015 , 27 Aug. 2015 , 29 Aug. 2015 , 30 Aug. 2015 , 31 Aug. 2015 , leg. André Malekani ( RMCA : 90.031-M-0001, UNIKIS : EPLU630, EPLU632, EPLU654, EPLU658, EPLU659, EPLU662, EPLU665 to EPLU668, EPLU671 to EPLU675, EPLU681, EPLU685, EPLU694, EPLU699, EPLU700, EPLU703 to EPLU705); 10 ♂♂ [3 AL, 2 SK, 3 SB, 2 SN], Epulu, 2 km W , 2 Jul. 1991 , 3 Jul. 1991 , 4 Jul. 1991 , leg. Julian C. Kerbis Peterhans ( FMNH : 149392 to 149401); 3 ♂♂ [3 AL], Equateur (former) Province , prior to 7 Oct. 1996 , leg. unknown collector ( SMF : 84407 to 84409); 1? [AL], Ibembo , between 1 Nov. 1949 and 30 Nov. 1949 , leg. Jozef Hutsebaut ( RMCA : 19857); 1? [AL], Ikela , prior to 4 Jan. 1958 , leg. P. Lootens ( RMCA : 27017); 1 ♀ [UN], Île Mafi [= Mafi Island] , 15 Apr. 2012 , leg. Prescott Musaba, Tembele and Marc Boketshu ( UNIKIS : CHIMA54); 9 ♀♀ , 22 ♂♂ , 7 ?? [26 AL, 12 UN], Île Mbiye [= Mbiye Island] , 15 Jan. 2012 , 24 Feb. 2012 , 25 Feb. 2012 , 26 Jul. 2012 , leg. Prescott Musaba, 15 Jan. 2012 , 30 Mar. 2012 , leg. Prescott Musaba, Tembele and Marc Boketshu, 19 Feb. 2012 , 25 Feb. 2012 , leg. Prescott Musaba et al. , 19 Feb. 2012 , 24 Feb. 2012 , 25 Feb. 2012 , 19 Apr. 2014 , 22 Jun. 2014 , 23 Jun. 2014 , leg. Prescott Musaba, Moïse Bipoo, Richard Tamaru, Pauline Isude and Joseph Kussa, 8 Aug. 2015 , 9 Aug. 2015 , 25 Dec. 2015 , 26 Dec. 2015 , leg. Prescott Musaba, Moïse Bipoo, Charle Andabhati, Benjamin Kirongozi and Kambale Karupao ( RMCA : a1.097-M-3206 to a1.097-M-3209, UNIKIS : CHIM01, RMCA : a1.097-M-3210, UNIKIS : CHIM09, CHIM04/14, CHIM018/14, CHIM021/14, CHIM022/14, CHIM023/14, RMCA : a1.097-M-3199 to a1.097-M-3201, UNIKIS : CHIM17, RMCA : a1.097-M-3202 to a1.097-M-3205, UNIKIS : CHIM24, CHIM25, ABCHIM03 to ABCHIM05, RMCA : a1.097-M-3211, UNIKIS : ABCHIM06, CHIM36, CHIM37, CHIMTB02 to CHIMTB10); 3 ♀♀ , 3 ♂♂ [4AL, 2 UN], Irangi , 26 Jan. 1984 , 6 Feb. 1984 , 13 Feb. 1984 , leg. Heinz Stephan, 17 Oct. 1990 , leg. Wim Bergmans ( SMF : 65004, ZMA : MAM.24195, MAM.24196, SMF : 65001 to 65003); 1 ♀ [SS], Kakanda Cave , 29 Aug. 1964 , leg. Alexandre Prigogine ( RMCA : 33065); 1 juv , 2 ♀♀ , 2 ♂♂ [5 SS], Kamituga , 21 Dec. 1950 , 1 Feb. 1964 , 31 Dec. 1965 , 30 Mar. 1967 , 31 Mar. 1967 , leg. Alexandre Prigogine ( RMCA : 32394 [ paratype Megaloglossus woermanni prigoginei Hayman, 1966 ], 20429 [ paratype Megaloglossus woermanni prigoginei Hayman, 1966 ], 35073, 35074, 33291); 1 ♂ [SS], Kamueshi [= Kamuesha] , between 2 Apr. 1979 and 3 Apr. 1979 , leg. Betu Nsankulu ( RMCA : 79.032-M-0014); 1 ♀ [AL], Kananga , 17 Feb. 1964 , leg. Antoon Emeric Marcel De Roo ( AMNH : 212578); 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ [2 UN], Karambi , 6 Apr. 1992 , leg. Ngenge Masumbuko Kamitongo ( ZMA : MAM.24564, MAM.24565); 2 ♀♀ [2 SA], Kikole-Pecheur , 17 May 1980 , leg. M. Mutashia ( SMF : 58067, 58068); 4 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ [5 SS], Kiliza [River] , 24 May 1964 , 25 May 1964 , 26 May 1964 , leg. Alexandre Prigogine ( RMCA : 32582 [ paratype Megaloglossus woermanni prigoginei Hayman, 1966 ], 32577 [ holotype Megaloglossus woermanni prigoginei Hayman, 1966 ], 32579 [ paratype Megaloglossus woermanni prigoginei Hayman, 1966 ], 32578, 32583 [ paratype Megaloglossus woermanni prigoginei Hayman, 1966 ]); 21 ?? [21 UN], Kinshasa City Province , between 1 Apr. 1999 and 30 Apr. 1999 , leg. unknown collector ( SMF : 93297 to 93317); 4 ad ♀♀ , 2 ad ♂♂ , 2 sad ♀♀ , 7 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ [10 SA, 6 UN], Kinzambi Mission , 26 Jul. 1995 , 27 Jul. 1995 , 28 Jul. 1995 , 31 Jul. 1995 , leg. Herwig Leirs et al. ( MSB : 274831, 274832, 274834, 274835, RMCA : 97.021-M-0762 to 97.021-M-0765, MSB : 274929, RMCA : 97.021-M-0766 to 97.021-M-0769, MSB : 274930, RMCA : 97.021-M-0770, 97.021-M-0771); 1? [AL], Kisangani , between 1 Jun. 1982 and 30 Jun. 1982 , leg. Marc Colyn ( RMCA : 82.031-M-0011); 2 ♀♀ [2 SS], Kitongo , 3 Jun. 1964 , 4 Jun. 1964 , leg. Alexandre Prigogine ( RMCA : 32581 [ paratype Megaloglossus woermanni prigoginei Hayman, 1966 ], 32580); 41 ♀♀ , 8 ♂♂ [29 SA, 3 AL, 12 SK, 5 UN], Kona , 12 May 2010 , 13 May 2010 , 14 May 2010 , 15 May 2010 , 16 May 2010 , 17 May 2010 , 21 May 2010 , between 13 May 2010 and 14 May 2010 , leg. Guy- Crispin Gembu Tungaluna, Prescott Musaba and José Akaibe ( UNIKIS : CRT1908, CRT1912 to CRT1915, CRT1919, CRT1922 to CRT1924, CRT1927, CRT1928, CRT1930 to CRT1936, CRT1938, CRT1941, CRT1946, CRT1952, CRT1954 to CRT1957, CRT1961, CRT1962, CRT1964, CRT1965, CRT1985 to CRT1990, CRT1998, CRT2002, CRT2004 to CRT2010, CRT2013, CRT2191, CRT2193, CRT1951); 1? [AL], Konyola , prior to 5Aug. 1988 , leg. Luc De Vos, Kimbembi and Alain Vandelanoote ( RMCA : 88.025-M-0004); 4 ♀♀ , 3 ♂♂ [2 SK, 5 UN], Lieki , 22 May 2010 , 30 May 2010, 1 Jun. 2010 , 3 Jun. 2010 , leg. Guy-Crispin Gembu Tungaluna, Prescott Musaba and José Akaibe ( UNIKIS : CRT2031, CRT2026, CRT2024, CRT2025, CRT2027, CRT2049, CRT2053); 2 ♀♀ [2 SK], Luki Biosphere Reserve , 13 Jul. 2013 , leg. William (“Bill”) T. Stanley ( FMNH : 222419, 222420); 1 ♀ [AL], Luki Biosphere Reserve, Forest NE of , 17 Sep. 2005 , leg. P. Lukamba ( ZMA : MAM.26275); 2 ♂♂ [1 SS, 1 AL], Lukolela , 12 Aug. 1930 , leg. Franklin Edson, 12 Aug. 1930 , leg. James Paul Chapin ( AMNH : 86771, 86908); 1 ♂ , 11 ?? [2 SS, 10 AL], Luluabourg [= Kananga] , 26 Apr. 1964 , 15 Feb. 1965 , 16 Feb. 1965 , 20 Feb. 1965 , 25 Feb. 1965 , 25 Mar. 1965 , 2 May 1965, 30 Jun. 1965 , prior to 18 Aug. 1965 , leg. Antoon Emeric Marcel De Roo ( RMCA : 33341 to 33343, 33371, 33344 to 33346, 33370, 33604, 33553, 33554, 33603); 1? [SS], Lundjulu , 14 Oct. 1952 , leg. Schepens ( RMCA : 21586 [ paratype Megaloglossus woermanni prigoginei Hayman, 1966 ]); 1 ♂ [UN], Malembe , 20 Apr. 1992 , leg. Ngenge Masumbuko Kamitongo ( ZMA : MAM.24566); 1 ♀ [AL], Mandima , 7 Jul. 1976 , leg. Frieder Meier ( MHNG : 1872.090); 1 ad , 1 juv , 20 ♀♀ , 46 ♂♂ [9 AL, 59 SK], Masako , 12 Jun. 2015 , 13 Jun. 2015 , leg. Prescott Musaba, Moïse Bipoo, Charle Andabhati, Benjamin Kirongozi and Kambale Karupao, 17 Dec. 1987 , 18 Dec. 1987 , 19 Dec. 1987 , 20 Dec. 1987 , 21 Dec. 1987 , 22 Dec. 1987 , 13 Jan. 1988 , 15 Jan. 1988 , 20 Jan. 1988 , 23 May 1989, 18 Sep. 1989 , 28 Nov. 1989 , 22 Mar. 1990 , 29 Apr. 1990 , leg. Ndey B. Ifuta ( UNIKIS : CHMS067, RMCA : 93.079-M-0080, 93.079-M-0081, UNIKIS : CHMS069, CHMS073, CHMS074, RMCA : 93.079-M-0082, 93.079-M-0083, 93.079-M- 0269, 93.079-M-0229, 93.079-M-0257, 93.079-M-0060 to 93.079-M-0062, 93.079-M-0230 to 93.079- M-0233, 93.079-M-0293 to 93.079-M-0297, 93.079-M-0063, 93.079-M-0064, 93.079-M-0298, 93.079- M-0084 to 93.079-M-0091, 93.079-M-0065 to 93.079-M-0068, 93.079-M-0234 to 93.079-M-0239, 93.079-M-0069 to 93.079-M-0071, 93.079-M-0240, 93.079-M-0241, 93.079-M-0268, 93.079-M-0280, 93.079-M-0299, 93.079-M-0300, 93.079-M-0259, 93.079-M-0260, 93.079-M-0072 to 93.079-M-0079, 93.079-M-0242, 93.079-M-0301, 93.079-M-0369, 93.079-M-0258, 93.079-M-0261); 1 ad , 1 sad [2 SA], Mbalaka (Plantation) , 19 Jul. 1995 , 23 Jul. 1995 , leg. Herwig Leirs et al. ( RMCA : 97.021-M- 0760, 97.021-M-0761); 13 ad ♀♀ , 2 ad ♂♂ , 1 juv , 3 ♀♀ [10 SA, 9 UN], Mbwambala , 20 Jun. 1995 , 21 Jun. 1995 , 23 Jun. 1995 , 1 Jul. 1995 , 2 Jul. 1995 , 3 Jul. 1995 , 4 Jul. 1995 , 6 Jul. 1995 , 7 Jul. 1995 , 11 Jul. 1995 , leg. Herwig Leirs et al. ( RMCA : 97.021-M-0756, MSB : 274637, 274648, RMCA : 97.021- M-0750, MSB : 274638, RMCA : 97.021-M-0751, MSB : 274643, 274644, 274646, 274647, RMCA : 97.021-M-0753 to 97.021-M-0755, 97.021-M-0752, 97.021-M-0757, MSB : 274635, RMCA : 97.021- M-0758, MSB : 274636, RMCA : 97.021-M-0759); 1 ♂ [SS], Mukwaya , between 18 Apr. 1979 and 22 May 1979 , leg. Betu Nsankulu ( RMCA : 79.032-M-0015); 1 ♂ [SS], Munga , 22 Apr. 1978 , leg. Alexandre Prigogine ( RMCA : 79.033-M-0001); 1 ♀ [SS], Mwenge , 4 Feb. 1967 , leg. Alexandre Prigogine ( RMCA : 35075); 7 ♂♂ [6 SS, 1 SO], Ngula , 6 Mar. 1977 , 8 Mar. 1977 , 11 Mar. 1977 , leg. Tshinyenye ( RMCA : 77.021-M-0009, 77.021-M-0012, 77.021-M-0013, 77.021-M-0010, 77.021-M- 0014, 77.021-M-0016, 77.031-M-0001); 4 ♀♀ [4 UN], Obenge , 7 Feb. 2013 , leg. Prescott Musaba and André Malekani ( UNIKIS : TLL381 to TLL384); 4 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ [2 SS, 2 AL, 1 SK], Quatorze , 25 Jun. 2013 , 27 Jun. 2013 , 1 Jul. 2013 , 2 Jul. 2013 , leg. William (“Bill”) T. Stanley ( FMNH : 222417, 222418, 222620, 222416, 222621); 14 ♀♀ , 6 ♂♂ [19 AL, 1 UN], Rubi-Tele , 17 Aug. 2013 , 20 Aug. 2013 , 23 Aug. 2013 , 24 Aug. 2013 , 25 Aug. 2013 , 27 Aug. 2013 , leg. Guy-Crispin Gembu Tungaluna, Prescott Musaba and André Malekani ( UNIKIS : RBTL486 to RBTL491, RBTL495, RBTL521, RBTL522, RBTL548 to RBTL551, RBTL555, RBTL556, RBTL562 to RBTL564, RBTL576, RBTL577); 1 ♀ [SS], Tandala , 6 Jul. 1979 , leg. C. Brian Robbins ( USNM : 537700); 7 juv ??, 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ [9 AL], Tshakala , between 1 Jan. 1982 and 31 Jan. 1982 , leg. Marc Colyn ( RMCA : 82.019-M-0013 to 82.019-M-0021); 1? [SO], Tshimputu , 23 Mar. 1975 , leg. Betu Nsankulu ( RMCA : 75.061-M-0007); 1 ♀ , 7 ?? [8 AL], Tshuapa District , between 1 Jan. 1960 and 31 Dec. 1964 , leg. P. Lootens ( RMCA : 34168, 34171 to 34173, 34176 to 34178, 34180); 1 ♂ [UN], Uma , 10 Apr. 2014 , leg. Guy-Crispin Gembu Tungaluna, Prescott Musaba and André Malekani ( UNIKIS : UMA544); 19 ?? [19 AL], Wafanya [= Wafania] , unknown date, 17 Aug. 1991 , 30 Aug. 1991 , 7 Sep. 1991 , 12 Sep. 1991 , 20 Mar. 1992 , 26 Apr. 1992 , 27 Apr. 1992 , 4 May 1992 , 10 May 1992 , leg. P. Lootens ( RMCA : 92.079-M-0125, 92.079-M-0126, 92.079-M-0018, 92.079-M-0024, 91.076-M-0078, 91.076-M-0056, 92.079-M-0020, 92.079-M-0021, 92.079-M-0023, 92.079-M-0017, 92.079-M-0022, 92.079-M-0025, 92.079-M-0014, 92.079-M-0015, 92.079-M-0019, 91.076-M-0063, 92.079-M-0016, 91.076-M-0072, 91.076-M-0073); 5 ♀♀ [2 SK, 3 UN], Yaekela , 3 May 2010 , 4 May 2010 , 5 May 2010 , leg. Guy-Crispin Gembu Tungaluna, Prescott Musaba and José Akaibe ( UNIKIS : CRT2361, CRT1809, CRT1812, CRT1814, CRT1846); 2 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ [2 AL, 1 UN], Yoko , 4 Sep. 2012 , 7 Sep. 2012 , leg. Prescott Musaba, 4 Sep. 2012 , leg. Prescott Musaba, Tembele and Marc Boketshu ( RMCA : a1.097-M-3197, UNIKIS : YK002 CH , RMCA : a1.097-M-3198); 3 ♀♀ , 9 ♂♂ [1 SK, 11 UN], Zookis [= Kisangani] , 16 Feb. 2013 , leg. Prescott Musaba and André Malekani, 24 Dec. 2015 , leg. Prescott Musaba, Moïse Bipoo, Charle Andabhati, Benjamin Kirongozi and Kambale Karupao ( UNIKIS : CSB2, CSB5, CSB6, ZCH01 to ZCH04, ZCH07 to ZCH11).