Species-richness in Neotropical Sericothripinae (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Author Lima, Élison Fabrício B. Author Mound, Laurence A. text Zootaxa 2016 4162 1 1 45 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4162.1.1 e369a54d-eaac-4bda-97c6-00b28be9b359 1175-5326 263866 92A1EA19-4981-4BB4-B5BC-6EF7473F7257 Neohydatothrips maculatus sp. n. ( Fig. 32 ) Female macroptera . Colour: body mainly yellow, brown on ocellar area, area around occipital apodeme, spots on pronotum, anterior third of mesonotum, antecostal ridges and abdominal tergites II–VII with brown spots anterolaterally; fore wing uniformly pale brownish grey with apex paler and a small pale circular area sub-basally; antennal segment I brown, II brown with apex and base light brown, III light brown on median third but brown on basal and apical thirds, IV–V light brown with base and apical third brown, VI–VIII brown; all femora and tibiae yellow with median brown area. Structure: Occipital apodeme not close to posterior margin of eyes ( Fig. 32 ), ocellar area reticulate, setal pair III on external margins of ocellar triangle; pronotum transversely reticulate with internal markings between the striae ( Fig. 32 ), blotch not defined; mesonotum striate, median setal pair anterior to the lateral; metanotal striae transverse on anterior half, longitudinal on posterior half but forming ill-defined reticles, two pairs of setae on anterior margin; metasternal plate with shallow anterior emargination. Fore wing second vein with 2 setae distally; tergites II–VI with comb of microtrichia incomplete medially, VII–VIII with complete comb; tergite IX with 2 pairs of mid-dorsal setae; sternites III–VI with microtrichia medially, VII withouth microtrichia medially. Measurements ( holotype female in microns): Body length 945, Head, length 78, width 150; ocellar setae III length 19. Pronotum length 102, width 163; posteroangular setae 19. Fore wing length 640. Antennal segments I– VIII length 22, 38, 39, 39, 36, 39, 9, 11. Male macroptera . Male similar to female; but smaller. Measurements ( paratype male in microns): Body length 875, Head length 70, width 140. Pronotum length 95, width 145. Fore wing length 530. Antennal segments I–VIII length 22, 34, 38, 38, 34, 34, 6, 8. Material studied . Holotype female, MEXICO , Intercepted from Opuntia sp. in El Paso Port of Entry , Texas State, USA , 9.v.1992 ( H. Grieb ) ( USNM ) . Paratypes. MEXICO , From same host and locality [all specimens intercepted], 1 female and 3 males collected with holotype , 2 females , 9.vi.1991 , 1 male , 23.iv.1992 , 1 male , 5.v.1992 , 2 females , 5.iii.1993 , 5 females and 3 larvae , 7.iii.1993 ( H. Grieb ) ( USNM ). Comments . This species is remarkable for being one of only two yellowish Neohydatothrips with internal markings between the pronotal striae. The other species, N. flavens , has rather fewer internal markings, a distinct pronotal blotch, the ocellar area pale and transversely striate, and no brown spots on the pronotum nor laterally on the abdominal tergites. Apart from this, N. maculatus can be distinguished from other species with a reticulate ocellar area by the characters in the key.