New Formicidae, with notes on some little-known species. Author Clark, J. text Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 1930 43 2 25 journal article 6104 2. Camponotus impavidus Forel . MacDonnell Range, seve- ral specimens. This is not impavidus, but a species subsequently described by Wheeler as Calomyrmex purpureus Mayr var. eremophilus (Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., xxxix, p. 820, 1915). The material consists of workers, females and males. As Wheeler described only the worker I give here descriptions of the sexes:- Female.-Length, 8-8.5 mm. Head and thorax bright metallic green. Mandibles, antennae, legs and gaster black. Wings hyaline, with a slight brownish tinge. Sculpture and pilosity identical with that of the worker. Ocelli prominent. Thorax without mayrian furrows. Parapsidal furrows prominent. There is a short median, longitudinal groove on the front of the mesonotum. The anterior angles of the pronotum are subbordered; on the middle of the base of the pronotum there is a distinct raised tubercle. Male.-Length, 6.5-7 mm. Greenish-black throughout. Sculpture somewhat coarser than in the worker. Hair reddish, very long and abundant throughout. Head as long as broad, broader behind than in front, the occipital border and sides strongly convex. Frontal carinae short, twice as wide behind as in front; there is a distinct longitudinal carina between them. Clypeus broad and convex. Eyes large and convex, placed at the middle of the sides. Ocelli prominent. Scapes extending beyond the occipital border by half their length; first segment of the funiculus longer than the second. Mandibles edentate. Mesonotum one third broader than long, strongly convex in front and on the sides, the anterior face steep and convex, not quite hiding the pronotum from above. Mayrian furrows not impressed, parapsidal and median furrows as in the female. Scutellum as broad as long, broader in front than behind. Epinotum broader than long. Node twjice as broad as long, convex in front and behind; in profile higher than long, the anterior and posterior faces and dorsum convex. Gaster much longer than broad. Cerci moderately long and thick. Outer genital processes stender; legs long and slender. Wings hyaline with a slight brownish tinge. Many examples from MacDonnell Range.