Indoor Radio Map localization WiFi fingerprint datasets Author Rajab, Abubakarsidiq Makame text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2021 75 1 9 55 journal article 10.21227/ybfj-me86 1938-4394 10107524 Selenophorus schaefferi Csiki , revised status ( Fig. 18 ) Selenophorus schaefferi Csiki 1932: 1201 . Type locality: Arizona ( Cochise Co. , Huachuca Mountains ; Yuma Co. ) . Types : USNM. Descriptive Notes. Large size (ABL> 9 mm ). Forebody frequently yellowish to reddish-brown. Elytra very dull due to subgranulate microsculpture. Femora constantly yellowish. Basal metatarsomere especially long. Male abdominal apex distinctly emarginate. Median lobe straight in lateral profile, ventral bilateral borders distinctly carinate distally; dorsoapical plate very short, apex rounded to subtruncate, with abrupt ventral hook. Endophallus with 2 long pigmented membranous bands in ostium. ABL: 9.0– 10.5 mm . Range. USA : sAZ, sCA. Remarks. Bousquet (2012) reported for S. schaefferi the geographic range of southern Arizona to southeastern California and stated that many of those records were previously reported (erroneously) as S. semirufus . Bousquet questioned the Texas record reported in the catalogue by Csiki (1932: 1201) wherein Csiki proposed the name S. schaefferi for S. semirufus Bates, 1882 sensu Schaeffer (1910: 403) . By inserting “non Bates” after “ S. schaefferi nom. nov. ” in his catalogue, Csiki acknowledged true S. semirufus Bates which received a separate listing in the catalogue. Schaeffer’ s mistaken concept of S. semirufus was aptly assigned by Csiki to S. schaefferi , a species that we agree is quite different. We studied representative specimens of S. schaefferi from southwestern USA that clearly match Schaeffer’ s (1910) description, that is, a large beetle the size of S. opalinus with bright reddish-testaceous forebody against dull black elytra (due to the subgranulate microsculpture). This is to be contrasted with Bates’ (1882) account of a comparatively smaller S. semirufus with forebody colored chestnut-reddish against black elytra silky and shiny (“dorso sericeonitentibus”). Curiously, Csiki (1932) also placed Hemisopalus angulatus Casey, 1914 in synonymy with S. schaefferi . Clearly a different species, H. angulatus does not exhibit the characteristic rufous forebody. Ball and Maddison (1987) established that Amblygnathus subtinctus (LeConte, 1867) is the senior synonym of H. angulatus . That taxonomic move likely accounted for the catalogue listing by Lorenz (2005) in which S. schaefferi was placed in junior synonymy with Amblygnathus subtinctus . Selenophorus schaefferi is an uncommon species without known records beyond the states of Arizona and California .