Indoor Radio Map localization WiFi fingerprint datasets Author Rajab, Abubakarsidiq Makame text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2021 75 1 9 55 journal article 10.21227/ybfj-me86 1938-4394 10107524 Selenophorus blanchardi Manee ( Fig. 44 ) Selenophorus blanchardi Manee 1915: 175 . Type locality: North Carolina ( Southern Pines , Moore Co. ) . Types : ANSP #8223. Descriptive Notes. Pronotum proportionately very broad against short, ovate elytra, PL/PW about 0.59. Pronotal anterior angles well produced, hind angles sharply obtuse. Femora, tarsi, and antennae distal to antennomere 2 dark brown. Metatarsi dorsally with sparse, short setae. Dimorphism + 2 2 . Median lobe with dorsoapical plate short, sides subparallel, apex blunt, swollen, slightly hooked dorsad. Endophallus in middle with 8 large spines, each with broad circular base, distally a 9th small spine. ABL 4.5–4.8 mm . Range. USA : nFL*, GA, NC, SC.