Berlese's Primitive Oribatid Mites Author van der Hammen, L. text Zoologische Verhandelingen 1959 40 1 93 journal article ORI111 0DC6B575-3CB3-41C1-A3EC-850520AE4487 Hypochthonius rufulus C. L. Koch , 1836 Hypochthonius rufulus C. L. Koch , 1836, fasc. 3 (19). Hypocthonius rufulus , Berlese, 1896, fasc. 78 (6); 1896b, p. 25. Hypochthonius rufulus , Berlese, 1913a, p. 57, textfig., prep. I-15 2); Lombardini, 1936, P. 42. This is a common species in Europe and North America. According to Berlese (1896) it occurs throughout Italy. In the Collection many specimens are present, but I studied only the slide from the " Acarotheca italica " and one slide from the Berlese Collection (no. 213/22, Florence, park " delle Cascine"); both identifications are correct. 2) The preparations are those of the " Acarotheca italica ", prepared by Berlese for sale.