Scarabaeinae dung beetles from Ecuador: a catalog, nomenclatural acts, and distribution records Author Chamorro, William Author Marin-Armijos, Diego Author senjo, Angelico Author Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z. text ZooKeys 2019 826 1 343 journal article 1313-2970-826-1 B1550A3AE54744509A44BC4366D5E110 Sulcophanaeus faunus (Fabricius, 1775) Scarabaeus faunus Fabricius, 1775: 23 (original description. Type locality: Cayennae). Scarabaeus faunus : Olivier 1789 : 103 (redescription). Copris faunus : Olivier 1790 : 154 (new combination under the genus Copris "Mueller , 1764", redescription); Sturm 1802 : 62 (redescription). Phanaeus faunus : Gemminger and Harold 1869 : 1017 (list, distribution, cited as new combination and mentioned as Phanaeus Faunus Fabr); Nevinson 1892 : 4 (list of species of the genus Phanaeus , mentioned as Phanaeus Faunus Fabricius); Gillet 1911a : 83 (complete list of species); d'Olsoufieff , 1924: 32 (characters in key), 80 (diagnosis), 146 (distribution); Blackwelder 1944 : 209 (list of species from Latin America). Phanaeus (Phanaeus) faunus : Pessoa 1934 : 304 (characters in key) 305 (redescription); Vulcano and Pereira 1967 : 572 (characters in key). Sulcophanaeus faunus : Edmonds 2000 : 8 (cited as new combination, characters in key), 9 (diagnosis); Vaz-de-Mello 2000 : 195 (cited for Brazil); Vitolo 2000 : 595 (characters in key); Medina et al. 2001 : 140 (cited for Colombia); Arnaud 2002a : 131 (diagnosis); Vitolo 2004 : 280 (diagnosis); Hamel-Leigue et al. 2006 : 18 (cited for Bolivia); Hamel-Leigue et al. 2009 : 67 (comment); Carvajal et al. 2011 : 320-321 (cited for Ecuador); Krajcik 2012 : 204 (cited as species of the genus Phanaeus Macleay, 1819); Boilly and Vaz-de-Mello 2013 : 105 (figure 21); Figueroa et al. 2014 : 132 (distributional records from Peru); Ratcliffe et al. 2015 : 195 (cited for Peru); Boilly et al. 2016 : 89 (figures 7a, 7b and 7c); 95 (cited for Guyana); Chamorro et al. 2018 : 98 (cited for Ecuador). Type specimens. Scarabaeus faunus Fabricius, 1775. Type material not examined. Distribution. Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, and Peru. Records examined. UNDETERMINED PROVINCE: without specific locality (1 specimen MECN. Temporal data. It is not known when this species was collected. Remarks. Ecological needs unknown, it may be found in Amazonian lowland forests. The collection method is unknown.