New taxa and records of Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera, Stenopelmatoidea) from South East Asia and New Guinea with a key to the genera Author Ingrisch, Sigfrid text Zootaxa 2018 2018-11-05 4510 1 1 278 journal article 27991 10.11646/zootaxa.4510.1.1 f3128a32-5f0b-413e-a755-c859bdd7cac4 1175-5326 10072806 EAA35595-0972-4CF8-A128-16267A59112B Eremus rugosifrons Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888 Figs. 60 C–E, 61L–N Material examined. China : leg. Boucard— 1 male ( type ) ( Wien NHMW ) ; without locality label, leg. Felder— 1 female (det. Karny ) ( Wien NHMW ) . Discussion. The female is included here with some doubt as the locality is unknown and also the locality of the holotype is rather imprecise. Thus one cannot be certain that they really represent the same species. Also the female from Sikkim mentioned by Karny (1929a) may represent a different species. Description. Medium sized species ( Fig. 60C ). Head: Face broad avoid, strongly rugose; fastigium verticis more than twice as wide as scapus, bordered laterally in frontal view by curved carinae; ocelli indistinct (in female lateral ocelli contrasting yellow); fastigium frontis separated from fastigium verticis by a fine curved suture; subocular furrows little distinct ( Fig. 61L ). Wings absent ( Figs. 60C, E ). Legs: Fore coxa with a spine at fore margin; fore and mid femora unarmed; fore and mid tibiae with four pairs of not very long spines and one pair of apical spurs on ventral margins; hind tibia on ventral margins without pre-apical spine. FIGURE 62. Genus Eremus : A–D , E. (?) decolyi Bolivar, 1900 male type (A–B) and female (C–D); E–G , E. elegantulus Bolivar, 1900 male type; H–L , E. oberthuri Griffini, 1913 male (H–J) and female (K–L).—Male abdominal apex in apical (A, J), ventral (E, I), lateral (F) and dorsal view (H), pro- and mesonotum with reduced tegmen in dorsal view (B), pro-, meso- and metanotum in lateral view (G), ventral base of female ovipositor and recurved subgenital plate (C), subgenital plate in anterior view (D), female subgenital plate and tip of seventh abdominal sternite (K), ovipositor with tip of abdomen in lateral view (L). Long scales 5 mm, short scales 1 mm. Coloration. General color brown, thorax with few black spots; head mainly black; spines on hind femur and hind tibiae black. Face black; lower parts of clypeus and labrum of lighter color (in male also lateral carinae of fastigium). Male. Eighth abdominal tergite brown; prolonged and towards end globular. Ninth abdominal tergite oriented ventrally compared to eighth tergite; with down-curved and approaching lateral margins; recurved apical margin in middle with a pair of small black spines. Subgenital plate wider than long with medial furrow; lateral margins concave, apical margin convex; small styli inserted at lateral angles ( Fig. 61M ). Female. Seventh abdominal sternite conically narrowing backward followed by an oval expansion at end, the latter with a pit; lateral areas membranous. Subgenital plate semi-oval with membranous base ( Fig. 61N ). Ovipositor elongate and little curved; tip more strongly upcurved ( Fig. 60E ). Measurements ( 1 male after Brunner 1888 , 1 female after Karny 1929a ).—body w/o wings: male 31, female 32; pronotum: male 7.5, female 7.3; hind femur: male 19, female 19.3; ovipositor: female 20.1 mm .