New taxa and records of Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera, Stenopelmatoidea) from South East Asia and New Guinea with a key to the genera Author Ingrisch, Sigfrid text Zootaxa 2018 2018-11-05 4510 1 1 278 journal article 27991 10.11646/zootaxa.4510.1.1 f3128a32-5f0b-413e-a755-c859bdd7cac4 1175-5326 10072806 EAA35595-0972-4CF8-A128-16267A59112B Gryllacris (Gryllacris) kinabaluensis Griffini, 1915a Figs. 1D , 11A , 12K , 16 L–M, 17I Material examined. East Malaysia : Sabah , Mt. Kinabalu, primary forest, fogging, tree B 2 I 138, 19.iii.1998 , leg. A. Floren— 1 female (Bonn ZFMK); Lagud Seberang (ARS) near Tenom, 1–31.iii.2007 , leg. N. Koeniger— 1 female (Bonn ZFMK). Discussion. The species was established by Griffini (1915a) at hand of a single male as a new variety of G. nigrilabris Gerst. That specimen was redescribed by Karny (1930a) . The female of this species has not been described before. It differs from the female of G. nigrilabis by the subgenital plate having a shorter apical incision, a minute elongate sclerite projecting under the process of the seventh sternite, and the process of the seventh sternite being entirely free not covered at base by another fold of the seventh sternite. Description. Medium large species ( Fig. 11A ). Head: Face long ovoid; fastigium verticis about as wide as scapus; ocelli of light yellowish; fastigium frontis separated from fastigium verticis by a faint suture; subocular furrows only indicated above bases of mandibles ( Fig. 12K ). Abdominal tergites two and three with minute stridulatory pegs (0, 0–3; 4–5; 7–9; n = 2 females ). Wings surpassing hind knees and reaching about middle of stretched hind tibiae. Tegmen widest in mid length ( Fig. 1D ): Radius with two branches, both forked near tip; media anterior fused in basal area with radius; media posterior absent; cubitus anterior forks between basal third and mid-length into two veins, CuA1 and CuA2; cubitus posterior undivided, free throughout; with 4 anal veins. Legs: Fore coxa with a large spine at fore margin; fore and mid femora unarmed; fore and mid tibiae with four pairs of large ventral spines and one pair of ventral spurs; hind femur with 8–12 external and 8–12 internal spines on ventral margins; hind tibia with spaced spines on both dorsal margins, ventral margins with one pre-apical spine each; with 3 apical spurs on both sides. Coloration. General color light brown (originally conserved in alcohol); vertex unicolored; disc of pronotum with indistinct pattern, rim at hind margin black. Legs of general color. Face medium dark brown, center of frons somewhat lighter than towards vertex; clypeus light yellow but basal area brown and tip black; labrum and tip of mandibles black. Tegmen yellowish transparent, veins only in basal half dark brown; hind wing along anterior margin yellowish transparent, otherwise brownish transparent, main veins little darkened towards base; cross veins blackish brown bordered by a narrow brown band on both sides. Male. Terminal tergite with a single rectangular process pointing ventrad ( Karny 1930a ). Female. Seventh abdominal sternite little wider than preceding sternites and swollen in middle; otherwise normal ( Fig. 16L ). Subgenital plate rather long; wide at base with strongly converging lateral margins, constricted behind basal third, afterwards with convex lateral margins, apex slightly bi-lobate; surface in apical third with a pair of ovoid swellings separated by a furrow in midline; center of subgenital plate depressed and provided with a narrow projection with a pinhead like tip; projection at base covered by soft lobe with stiffened rim that is suddenly widened towards and fuses with the lateral margins of the subgenital plate ( Figs. 16 L–M). Base of ovipositor with a small elongate sclerite near base of ventral valves. Ovipositor elongate but curved throughout, with faintly approaching margins; dorsal margin with a slight pre-apical expansion ( Fig. 17I ). Measurements ( 2 females ).—body w/wings: 46–49; body w/o wings: 30–34; pronotum: 7.0–7.2; tegmen: 34– 35; hind femur: 19.5–23.0; tegmen width: 12–13; antenna: 145; ovipositor: 26–27 mm .