A revision of Xylopia L. (Annonaceae): the species of Tropical Africa Author Johnson, David M. Department of Botany-Microbiology, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH, 43015, USA Author Murray, Nancy A. Department of Botany-Microbiology, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH, 43015, USA namurray@owu.edu text PhytoKeys 2018 2018-04-24 97 1 252 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.97.20975 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.97.20975 1314-2003-97-1 BD026E15CD67FF99E01FF605FFF6FFEF 1239255 II. Xylopia Section Ancistropetala (Engler), D. M. Johnson & N. A. Murray, Syst. Bot. 42(2): 221. 2017. Artabotrys section Ancistropetalum Engler, Monogr. afrik. Pflanzen-Fam. 6: 71. 1901. Type . Artabotrys auranti[i]odorus (De Wildeman & T. Durand) Engler [= Xylopia aurantiiodora De Wildeman & T. Durand]. Description. Nodes with a branch from a single axillary bud; outer and inner petals linear, similar in length; inner petals with differentiated fleshy basal margins (Fig. 14E, I ); anther connectives conical to globose at apex, not overhanging anther thecae: staminal cone absent; carpels 3-5, stigmas free, not connivent; aril fimbriate, enveloping seed; seed coat smooth, sarcotesta absent. Three species in Tropical Africa. Notes. Section Ancistropetala comprises species restricted to wet forests of western and central Africa. Species of the section are set apart from all other members of the genus by the fimbriate membranous orange arils and conical to globose anther connectives. Differentiated inner petal margins are present outside of sect. Ancistropetala only in the species Xylopia toussaintii , X. gilbertii , and X. flamignii of section Stenoxylopia (Fig. 23D, G ), but these species have a distinct staminal cone, anther connectives that are truncate at the apex, and seeds with an orange sarcotesta, and the seeds lack arils. Figure 14. Xylopia quintasii , X. congolensis , and X. aurantiiodora . A-F X. quintasii A Seed, lateral view B Outer petal, adaxial view C Monocarp, lateral view D Flower, lateral view E Inner petal, adaxial view F Leaf G X. congolensis , flower, lateral view. H-K X. aurantiiodora H Leaf I Inner petal, adaxial view showing tooth J Flower, lateral view K Monocarp, attached to pedicel L Outer petal, adaxial view. A, C from Reitsma 1423 (WAG) B, D-F from de Wilde et al. 9156 (WAG) G from Tutin 80 (MO) H, K from Harris 752 (MO) I, J, L from Harris & Fay 1846 (MO).