Unexpected high species diversity among European stalked puffballs - a contribution to the phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Tulostoma (Agaricales) Author Jeppson, Mikael Author Altes, Alberto Author Moreno, Gabriel Author Nilsson, R. Henrik Author Yolanda Loarce, Author Bustos, Alfredo de Author Larsson, Ellen text MycoKeys 2017 21 33 88 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.21.12176 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.21.12176 1314-4049-21-33 Tulostoma giovanellae Bres., fungi Trident. 1(1): 63. 1881. Figure 2f Tulostoma volvulatum ≡ I.G. Borshch., Zap. Imp. Akad. Nauk 7: 189. 1865. Holotype. TURKMENISTAN: in arenosis deserti Kara-Kum, Oct. 1857, I.G. Borshschov (LE 1938). Holotype. ITALY, Trento: in Horto Cappucinarum, 1880, Bresadola (S!) Our sequence data confirm T. giovanellae as a well-defined species. Morphologically it is characterized by its finely verrucose spores with verrucae arranged in radial lines, as seen under SEM (Figure 2f). Some photos of the holotype collection at S (habit and spore ornamentation under SEM) were included in Altes et al. (1999) . Since T. volvulatum is an older synonym, it takes priority over T. giovanellae . Art. 57 of the Melbourne Code allows an exception to the priority rule, preventing the use of a name that incurs in serious conflict with the taxonomic concept traditionally associated with it. Also, Art. 56 allows rejection of a name in that circumstance. A formal proposition will be put forward to the General Committee (to be published in Taxon) that the name T. volvulatum become a nomen rejiciendum, whereas T. giovanellae would be a conserved name to be used in its traditional sense. A sequence from a collection labelled T. caespitosum var. acaule , originating from Patouillard's herbarium (BPI), proved to be identical with T. giovanellae . See discussion (below) for issues around interpretation of T. caespitosum and T. caespitosum var. acaule . Habitat and distribution. Africa, Asia, and Europe. It is a typical Mediterranean species found on sandy or halophytic soils in more or less exposed sites, but it is also recorded from anthropogenic habitats in Austria, Hungary, and Germany ( Bohus and Babos 1977 , Kreisel 1984 , Rimoczi et al. 2011 ). Other specimens examined. AFRICA, N. Patouillard 4639 (as T. caespitosum var. acaule , herb. Lloyd 15426, BPI 704323)*. HUNGARY, Bacs-Kiskun : Kecskemet , 1 Dec. 1898, L. Hollos (S). SPAIN, Alicante: Punta del Sabinar, en dunas costeras, sobre restos enterrados de Posidonia oceanica, 28 May 1989, C. Bartolome , J. Alvarez (AH 11641, GB)*; Almeria : Tabernas, Puente de los Callejones, in halophilous vegetation on sandy rambla, 22 Apr. 2008, M. Jeppson 8706 (GB)*; Zaragoza: Candasnos SW, in halophilous steppe vegetation on road verge, 7 Apr. 2009, E. Larsson, U. Andersson, T. Gunnarsson, T. Knutsson, M. Jeppson 9059 (GB)*.