The genus Eunotia Ehrenb. (Bacillariophyta) in the Cheremsky Nature Reserve, Ukrainian Polissya, and refined terminology relevant to the raphe system morphology Author Bukhtiyarova, Lyudmila N. Institute for Evolutionary Ecology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Acad. Lebedev str. 37, 03143 Kyiv, Ukraine text PhytoKeys 2019 2019-07-23 128 1 31 journal article 1314-2003-128-1 FFBCFFAA6B21923EFFFBFFF40320FFB7 3355843 Eunotia sp. 4 (cf. Eunotia intermedia (Krasske ex Hustedt) Noerpel et al. 1993: p. 32) Fig. 24 Morphometric data. Length 23 µm , width 4 µm , striae density 11 in 10 µm . Distribution in Ukraine. Volyn region, Vladimir-Volyn district, near village Fedorovka, Western Bug River, floodplain basin, benthos. Comments. This exemplar has more curved valves and non-narrowed poles and differs in valve outline from E. intermedia (see Krammer and Lange-Bertalot 1991 : p. 215, pl. 143/figs 11, 13; Juettner et al. 2019 : 7 exemplars).