A review of the genus Hoplistomerus Macquart, 1838 (Diptera: Asilidae: Laphriinae) Author Londt, Jason G. H. text African Invertebrates 2007 2007-12-31 48 2 167 198 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.7667859 2305-2562 7667859 Hoplistomerus quintillus Oldroyd, 1940 Figs 30–32 Hoplistomerus quintillus : Oldroyd 1940: 317 (fig. 5e ơ clasper); 1980: 350 (catalogue); Hull 1962: 96 . Diagnosis: Size: Moderate (wing length from humeral cross-vein to tip 8–11 mm ). Head : Eye wider than face (in anterior view measured at level of greatest head width). Relative proportions of antennal segments (scape, pedicel and postpedicel) 1.0:0.9:3.7 (i.e. scape and pedicel approximately equal; postpedicel more than three and a half times length of scape). Thorax : Presutural macroseta(e) absent.Anepisternal macroseta absent. Prosternal ventromedial setation short to absent. Male metatibial spur large. Scutellum with a transverse groove at mid-length.Wing cell m 3 with microtrichia limited to a narrow posterior strip. Prothoracic coxa and prosternum both dark red-brown. Prothoracic femur dark red-brown (tips may be paler). Abdomen : T3 setulae white laterally, golden medially. ơ genitalia as in Figs 30–32 . Type specimens studied (all BMNH): KENYA : 2ơ paratypes , ‘Brit. E. Afr. / Mara R. / Masai Res. [Masai Mara Res., 01°26'S : 34°55'E ], 11.ii.1914 / Capt. A. O. Luckman.’, ‘ Paratype / Hoplistomerus ơ quintillus Oldr. / det. H. Oldroyd 1940 ’; 1ơ 1^paratypes , ‘Brit. E. Africa. / Mogorr R. [Mogorro = Migori , 00°59'S : 34°15'E ] / May 1913 . / A. O. Luckman.’; 1^paratype , ‘Brit. E.Africa. / Narok . [ 01°05'S : 35°52'E ] / 1.4.14. 5,600 ft. / A. O. Luckman.’ Notes: I have not seen all the type specimens. Those listed by Oldroyd (1940) , but not included in the material sent for study, were (as listed by Oldroyd): ‘ Type ơ BRITISH EAST AFRICA [ KENYA ]: Kenyamkago [?], Kisumu [Populated place, 00°06'S : 34°45'E ] Province ( Dr , J . Pugh ). Paratypes BRITISH EAST AFRICA : 2ơ Kaja [Stream, 00°01'S : 37°48'E ] Valley, S . Kavirondo [Bay, 00°15'S : 34°35'E ], 4000 ft. , 31.iv.-1.v.1911 ( S . A . Neave ) ’. Distribution and biology: Known only from the type series, all from Kenya . Specimens were collected in February, April and May (Table 1).