Taxonomic study of the subfamily Pyraustinae (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Iran Author Alipanah, Helen 0000-0002-3717-6304 Author Asselbergs, Jan Author Malm, Tobias Author Slamka, František 0000-0002-3717-6304 text Zootaxa 2023 2023-05-18 5289 1 1 82 journal article 53357 10.11646/zootaxa.5289.1.1 4ae5e2e8-64ab-4d9b-8994-666c36b53d7b 1175-5326 7959127 48861CED-4F86-409E-B786-E3650FB4DCC3 Pyrausta virginalis Duponchel, 1832 ( Figs 6A–F , 7A–F ) Pyrausta virginalis Duponchel, 1832: 216–217 , pl. 224 fig. 3. TL: France , Morée. Syn.: Pyrausta sanguinalis var. auroralis Zeller, 1847: 644–645 . Pyrausta neglectalis Caradja, 1916: 40–41 . Pyrausta rungsi D. Lucas, 1942: 124 . Pyrausta perkeo Amsel, 1970 syn. n. Pyrausta perkeo Amsel, 1970 , Beitr. nat.kdl. Forsch. Şdwestdtschl. 29(1): 34–35, pl. 1 fig. 13. TL: Afghanistan , road Gulbahar-Sarobi, 1600 m . Material examined. 22 ♂♂, 50 ♀♀ : Alborz Prov. : 1 ♀ , Tâleghân , Sabzân , 1550 m , 30.viii.-1.ix.1996 , Badii , Barâri , Sarafrâzi leg. ; Bushehr Prov. : 1 ♂, 10 km Dâlaki , 18.iv.1977 , Pâzuki , Hâshemi leg. ; East Âzarbâijân Prov. : 1 ♂, 42 km N Marand , 1100 m , , Abâi leg., 2 ♂♂, Sarâb , 1500 m , , Hâshemi , Zairi leg. (gen. prep. HA-2530, HMIM ) ; Fârs Prov. : 2 ♀♀ , Kâzerun , Nowdân , 17.v.1975 , 1250 m , Abâi , Pâzuki leg. , 1 ♀ , Firuzâbâd , Ghir , 1160 m , 11.iv.1975 , Borumand leg., 1 ♂, Tang-e Chogân , 30 km N Kâzerun , 930 m , 23.iii.1973 , Abâi leg. ; Qazvin Prov. : 1 ♀ , Qazvin- Alamut Rd. , after Alamut mountain pass, sandy Rd. to Khanjarbolâgh vill., N 36˚24΄11˝, E 50˚12΄52˝, 2024 m , 1.-2.vii.2009 , Rajaei , Meineke & Hofmann leg. (gen. prep. HA-2666, HMIM ) ; Hormozgân Prov. : 1 ♂, Bandar Abbâs , Gohreh , 8.iii.1971 , Âyatollâhi , Pâzuki leg., 2 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ , Bandar Abbâs- Minâb Rd. (km 15), 150 m , 1.iv.1973 , Abâi leg. (gen. prep. HA-2422, HA-2425, HMIM ) , 1 ♂, Bandar Abbâs , Rudân , 400 m , 4.iv.1973 , Abâi leg. , 1 ♀ , Minâb , 11.iii.1971 , Pâzuki , Âyatollâhi leg. ; Kermân Prov. : 1 ♂, Jiroft , Esfandagheh , 20.iv.1971 , Safavi , Zairi leg. ; Kermânshâh Prov. : 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀ , Eslâmâbâd-e Gharb , Sorkheh Dizeh , 1600 m , 2.vii.1972 , Mirzâyâns , Abâi leg. ; Khuzestân Prov. : 1 ♂, Ahwâz , Mollâsâni , 16.v.1975 , Borumand , Pâzuki leg. ; Lorestân Prov. : 1 ♀ , Dorud , Espar valley , 1500-1700 m , , Badii , Mofidi-Neyestânak leg. (gen. prep. HA-2527, HMIM ) ; Mâzandarân Prov. : 1 ♀ , Malâr , 8.vii.1971 , Hâshemi , Zairi leg., 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , Rineh , 19.vii.1971 , Hâshemi , Zairi leg. (gen. prep. HA-2753, HMIM ) ; North Khorâsân Prov. : 3 ♀♀ , Golestân National Park , Âlmeh , 1600 m , 26.-29.v.1986 , Pâzuki leg. ; Tehrân Prov. : 5 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀ , Tehrân , Evin , 23, 28, 30.vii.1971 , 22, 30.viii.1971 , , 11.vii.1974 , 9.v.1974 , no collector is given (gen. prep. HA-2524, HMIM ) , 2 ♀♀ , Firuzkuh , Zarrin Dasht , 1980 m , 21.viii.1984 , Mirzâyâns , Borumand leg. , 1 ♀ , Firuzkuh , Chehel Cheshmeh , 2000 m , , Mofidi-Neyestânak leg. ; West Âzarbâijân Prov .: 2 ♀♀ , Bâzargân , 1450 m , , Abâi leg., 2 ♂♂ , 14 ♀♀ , 15 km S Mâku , 1050 m , 4, , Abâi leg. (gen. prep. HA-2423, HA-2762, HMIM ) , 2 ♂♂, 8 ♀♀ , 15 km NE Mâku , , Abâi leg. (gen. prep. HA-2424, HMIM ) , 1 ♀ , 15 km NE Sardasht , , Abâi leg. (gen. prep. HA-2529, HMIM ) . Distribution. Southern part of Europe. A rather local species in Central Europe, W Ukraine (probably), Turkey , Morocco , Egypt , Palestine , Armenia , Azerbaijan ( Ordubad ), Syria , Iraq and Iran including Alborz (Karaj), Fars (Cherom, Sepidan, Shiraz, Sineh Sefid), Golestan ( Golestan National Park: Almeh), Mazandaran (Tarsi Kola) and Sistan and Baluchestan (Taftan Mt.) Provinces ( Zerny 1940 ; Amsel 1961 ; Wieser et al . 2002 ; Slamka 2013 ). This species has also been reported from Afghanistan (Gulbahar- Sarobi Rd. [ type locality of P. perkeo ], Kabul , Gulbahar, Sarobi, Pol-i-Kharchi, Tanghi Gharuh, Khurd Kabul , Paghman) and Pakistan ( 20 km SE of Quetta) ( Amsel 1970 ). Remarks 1. According to Amsel (1970) , Pyrausta perkeo and P. virginalis are indistinguishable from each other based on male and female genitalia, and the only difference is the considerably smaller size of P. perkeo compared with P. virginalis (wingspan of P. perkeo 11–13 mm , rarely 14 or even 16 mm ; wingspan of P. virginalis 18–20 mm , at least 16 mm and sometimes 22 mm ( Amsel 1970 )). In this study, we examined 22 males and 50 females of P. virginalis collected from different parts of Iran and housed in HMIM and compared these with figures of the holotype , paratype and another two specimens of P. perkeo collected from Iran and deposited in SMNK ( Fig. 5B–F ). The length of the forewing in the examined males of P. virginalis was 6.5–10.9 mm ( x = 8.36 mm ± 1.32, n = 21) and that of the females was 7.0– 10.5 mm ( x = 8.51 mm ± 0.71, n = 37). The wingspans of our examined P. virginalis males and females were 14.0– 22.5 mm and 13.5–20.5 mm , respectively. Therefore, due to the overlap in wingspan of these two species, wing size cannot be considered a reliable character to separate P. virginalis and P. perkeo from each other. Additionally, in our opinion, the differences in the wing pattern noted by Amsel (1970) , i.e., narrower red costal band of P. perkeo compared with P. viginalis (completely red colour of the second cross line in P. viginalis which was slightly different in P. perkeo and much lighter hindwing of P. perkeo ), are intraspecific variations of P. virginalis , as discussed below. Considering these findings and their identical genitalia structure ( Figs 8A–G, I , 9A–I ), we consider P. virginalis to be a senior synonym of P. perkeo syn. n. Remarks 2. Amsel (1961) reported P. virginalis from Alborz (Karaj), Fars (Cherom, Shiraz, Sepidan) and Sistan and Baluchestan (Taftan Mt.) Provinces; however, in 1970 while describing Pyrausta perkeo from Afghanistan , Pakistan and Iran (Taftan Mt.), he noted that all the specimens identified as P. virginalis belong to the newly described species, P. perkeo ( Amsel 1970 ) . Remarks 3. During this study, 22 males and 50 females of P. virginalis as well as the genitalia of three males and six females were examined. The results showed that two to three different forms are distinguishable among them mainly based on the ground colour and pattern of the forewing. In some populations (e.g., those collected in Firuzkuh [Tehran Province]) ( Fig. 6A, B ), both fore- and hindwings are bright, with a bright area between the postmedial and antemedial lines and a relatively narrow purple marginal band (nearly like the specimens presented by Slamka (2013: 282 , 283) as P. cf. virginalis and collected from Greece ). In these specimens, the reniform discoidal spot of the forewing can easily be distinguished ( Figs 6A, B , 7B–F ). There is an intraspecific variation in width of the area between antemedial and postmedial lines in the latter population. In some specimens the distance between the lines is narrower ( Figs 6A , 7B, E, F ) than in others ( Figs 6B , 7C ), even among those with the same collecting data. The ground colour of the hindwing in this form varies from creamy to pale brownish-creamy and pale brown ( Figs 6A, B , 7B–F ). External variability of P. virginalis can also be seen in most of the specimens collected in the West and East Azarbaijan, North Khorasan and Lorestan Provinces. In these populations, the fore- and hindwings are darker with pinkish-purple area between the postmedial and antemedial lines, a distinctly broader purple marginal band and a nearly indistinguishable reniform discoidal spot of the forewing ( Fig. 6C ). A small yellow area is often visible basal to the discoid spot in these specimens, and the width of the area between antemedial and postmedial lines also varies. The hindwing of these populations is normally pale brown with a pink tint at the posterior end ( Fig. 6C ). These populations are similar to the nominotypical form presented by Slamka (2013: 283) . Among the Tehran (Evin) populations there was a single female that was similar to the nominotypical form. The specimens collected from Fars, Kerman, Kermanshah, Bushehr and Hormozgan Provinces and a single female collected from NE Sardasht ( West Azarbaijan Province ), form the third group which is intermediate between the two above mentioned forms ( Figs 6D–F , 7A ). They mostly match with P. virginalis ab. tristriatalis presented by Slamka (2013: 282 , 283). These specimens are variable in the width of the marginal band of the forewing, the colour of the area between antemedial and postmedial lines of the forewing, and the hindwing’s ground colour itself. For example, among the specimens collected in Hormozgan Province , some specimens have a creamy hindwing and the narrowest width of the marginal band of the forewing ( Fig. 6F ), while others with identical collecting data have a darker hindwing with a broader marginal band, but slightly different colour of the area between antemedial and postmedial lines ( Fig. 6D, E ). FIGURE 6. Pyrausta virginalis Duponchel. A, B ) Females, Tehran, Firuzkuh. C) Female, West Azarbaijan, Maku. D, E) Female, male, respectively, Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas- Minab Rd. F) Male, Hormozgan, Rudan (scale bar = 10.0 mm). FIGURE 7. Pyrausta virginalis Duponchel. A ) Female, Kermanshah, Eslamabad-e Gharb (HMIM). B) P. perkeo Amsel syn. n. , male, Alborz, Arangeh (SMNK). C, D) P. perkeo Amsel syn. n. , holotype, male, Afghanistan, Golbahar (SMNK) upperside (C) and underside (D). E) P. perkeo Amsel syn. n. , paratype, female, Afghanistan, Sarobi (SMNK). F) P. perkeo Amsel syn. n. , female, Tehran, Evin (SMNK) (scale bar = 10.0 mm). FIGURE 8. Male genitalia of Pyrausta virginalis Duponchel (genitalia slides HA-2422, HA-2423, HA-2530, HA-2753, HMIM) (A–G), P. perkeo Amsel syn. n. (genitalia slide 4484mPT) (I), and P. taftanalis Amsel (genitalia slide GU 3569A; NHRS-TOBI 000005081) (H, J). A, I, J) Genitalia in ventral and phallus in lateral views. B, C) Uncus. D–F) Distal half of phallus. G, H) Juxta. In the specimens collected in Kermanshah Province , the area between antemedial and postmedial lines is brighter ( Fig. 7A ). A small variation in colour of the latter area was also stated by Amsel (1961) , in a way that in the holotype it was more or less covered with dark scales, whereas the paratype had lighter scales in that area ( Amsel 1961 ). None of these forms is limited to a specific geographical region. The intraspecific variations were also observed in the male genitalia structure of P. virginalis , especially the uncus tip ( Fig. 8A–C ) and cornuti structure ( Fig. 8A, D–F ). Also, in the female genitalia of examined specimens there is an intraspecific variation in the length of the area bearing sclerotized spines at the posterior end of the ductus bursae ( Fig. 9A–D ).