Revision of Brazilian species of Aleochara Gravenhorst of the subgenus Aleochara (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) Author Caron, Edilson Author Moussallem, Marcelo Author Bortoluzzi, Sidnei text Zootaxa 2019 2019-12-18 4712 1 1 33 journal article 24560 10.11646/zootaxa.4712.1.1 7a2586bd-e52d-4759-819d-235e6f200c3b 1175-5326 3586751 1F632A35-CB78-4ABB-A701-7B7B5D62FA7B Aleochara lustrica Say, 1832 ( Figs. 5 , 45–54 , 75 ) Aleochara lustrica Say 1832: 55 (description, type locality: “ Pennsylvania ”). Say 1834: 468 (additional description). Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz 1926: 778 (catalogue). Klimaszewski 1984: 7 2 (redescription). Caron et al. 2008: 832 (checklist). For a more complete list of literature see Klimaszewski (1984: 72) . For synonyms list see updated checklist below. Type material: Type not studied. Note: neotype by Klimaszewski (1984) and deposited in Museum of Comparative Zoology Cambridge, USA ( MCZ ), available at: MCZ :Ent:32917. Additional material: DZUP : Brazil: Eleven specimens: (1) “BRASIL, PB , São José da \ Mata – Estação Chuvosa, \ 9° dia 29-VI-2009 \ Coleta em porco (bandeja)\ C. de L. Bicho, col.”. 19 specimens : (1) “ Brasil , PB , São José dos \ Cordeiros (Fazenda Almas) \ 7°28’ S ; 36°53’ W 600m \. II.2011 \ W.E. Santos leg. ”. One specimen (1) “BRASIL, Paraná , Palotina, \ Pq. Est. São Camilo\ 24°18’26.96”S ,53°54’22.9 1\ ”W, Pitfall- 15/X/2016 \ Leivas et al. (leg.)”. One specimen (1) “ BRASIL , PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Shannon) 31-III-2012 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. Four specimens (1) “BRASIL, PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Shannon) 31-III-2012 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. Six specimens (1) “ BRASIL , PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Manual) 03-IV-2012 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. Two specimens (1) “BRASIL, PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Manual) 23-VI-2012 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. Two specimens (1) “ BRASIL , PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Shannon) 26-XII-2012 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. One specimen (1) “BRASIL, PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Pitfall 01) 15-VII-2011 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. One specimen (1) “ BRASIL , PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Manual) 13-VII-2011 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. One specimen (1) “BRASIL, PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Shannon) 17-VII-2011 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. Three specimens (1) “ BRASIL , PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Pitfall 02) 17-IV-2012 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. One specimen (1) “BRASIL, PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Shannon) 05-IV-2012 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. One specimen (1) “ BRASIL , PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Manual) 24-III-2012 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. One specimen (1) “BRASIL, PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Manual) 28-VII-2012 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. One specimen (1) “ BRASIL , PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Manual) 01-VII-2011 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. One specimen (1) “BRASIL, PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Manual) 25-VI-2011 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. One specimen (1) “ BRASIL , PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Manual) 01-I-2012 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. One specimen (1) “BRASIL, PR , Palotina, \ UFPR \ Mata anexa ao Campus \ (Manual) 26-III-2012 \ R . J. Simioni, S. B. Silva & \ E. Caron col.”. One specimen (1) “ BRASIL , PR , Palotina, Mata \ anexa ao Setor \ IV.2016 , Pitfall com carne \ A.Nicolau, col.”. One specimen (1) “ BR , PR , Palotina \ fezes cachorro \ 16.IX.2018 \ E. Caron, col.”. Two specimens (1) Brasil, Paraná , Toledo \ Mata PUC \ 28/X/2012 \ Kotzko, C. K., col.”. One specimen (1) Brasil , Paraná , Toledo \ Mata PUC \ 27/X/2012 \ Kotzko, C. K., col.”. One specimen (1) Brasil , Paraná , Toledo \ Mata PUC \ 25/X/2012 \ Kotzko, C. K., col.”. Nine specimens (1) “Brasil, Parana , \ Alvo[r]ada do sul \ Faz Alvorada (CR-2) \ J. Lopes, T .L. COPPO , \ C.E.A. Julio, col.”; (2) “CR-2 \ C- Carne \ R- Area de \ reflorestamento \ adjacente \ Armadilha pitfall 2”. One specimen (1) “ BRASIL : SP, Parq. Est. \ Morro do Diabo, 302m , \ 22°30’41.50”S , \ \ 52°21’26.47”W , 16.IV.2017 , \ rim, V . Costa-Silva leg.”. One specimen (1) “Dourados, MS, BRA \ 22°12’43.8”S \ 54°55’03.0”W \ Mata do Azulão \ Paula.M.C. col.”; (2) “ Staphylinidae \ (163) \ 11.06.2013 \ 12:00h \ P1”. One specimen (1) “ BRASIL , MG , Uberlândia \ Mata – UFU \ Carcaça suína em mata \ semidecidua \ 24/09/2010 \ Faria, col.”. Three specimens (1) “ BRASIL , MG , Uberlândia \ Cerrado – UFU \ Carcaça suína em reserva \ de cerrado \ 07/05/2005 \ Rosa, col.”. Two specimens (1) “ BR , PR , Rancho Alegre \ Fazenda Congonhas \ 14-II-2008 ”. Two specimens (1) “ BR , PR , Rancho Alegre \ Fazenda Congonhas \ 05-XII-2007 ”. FMNH : Brazil : One specimen (1) “12.893”; (2) “Brasil.S.Paulo \ Ypiranga \ Dr. Ihering”; (3) “lateralis \ det. Bernh”; (4) “Chicago NHMus \ M.Bernhauer \ Collection”; (5) “FMNHINS \ 2840583 \ FIELD MUSEUM \ pinned”. INPA : Brazil : One specimen (1) “5610”; (2) “BRASIL: Para \ Tucurui Jatobal \ 04-VIII-1980 \ eq. Nunes de Mello”. IRSNB : Paraguay : Three specimens (1) “ Paraguay \ Dr. Bohls”; (2) “Coll. I. R .Sc.N.B.”. MPEG : Brazil : One specimen (1) “Brasil Pará Tucurui \ Rio Tocantins \ CHIQUEIRINHO \ 08-IV-1984 ”; (2) “ Brasil Pará \ M. F. Torres”. MZUSP : Brazil : Eight specimens (1) “9670\ Ypi. \ Ranga”; (2) “Aleocha. \ lateral. \ Brh. det.”. One specimen (1) “9670\ Ypi. \ Ranga”; (2) “Bernhauer \ Det. \ 9670”. One specimen (1) “6392 \ Ypi. \ Ranga”; (2) “Bernh. \ det.”. One specimen (1) “BR-MG-Barbacena \ 2012 \ F. Gomes, col”. One specimen (1) “BR- MG-Barbacena \ 28-VIII- 2012 \ F. Gomes, col”. One specimen (1) “BR-MG-Barbacena \ 22-XI-2012 \ F. Gomes, col”. One specimen (1) “Brasil: Minas Gerais , Barbacena \ Campus IFET – Sudeste \ S21°14’09.63” O43°45,6’ 55” \ Porco 1, 29/ V /2012 \ Gomes, F.L. T col”. Two specimens (1) “ Brasil : Minas Gerais , Barbacena \ Campus IFET – Su- deste \ S21°14’09.63” O43°45,6’ 55” \ Porco 2, 11/II/2012 \ Gomes, F.L. T col”. Two specimens (1) “ Brasil : Minas Gerais , Barbacena \ Campus IFET – Sudeste \ S21°14’09.63” O43°45,6’ 55” \ Bandeja 1, 10/II/2012 \ Gomes, F.L. T col”. Two specimens (1) “ Brasil : Minas Gerais , Barbacena \ Campus IFET – Sudeste \ S21°14’09.63” O43°45,6’ 55” \ Bandeja 2, 30/ V /2012 \ Gomes, F.L. T col”. Two specimens (1) “ Brasil : Minas Gerais , Barbacena \ Campus IFET – Sudeste \ S21°14’09.63” O43°45,6’ 55” \ Bandeja 1, 12/II/2012 \ Gomes, F.L. T col”. Three specimens (1) “ Brasil : Minas Gerais , Barbacena \ Campus IFET – Sudeste \ S21°14’09.63” O43°45,6’ 55” \ Bandeja 2, 02/II/2012 \ Gomes, F.L. T col”. Ten specimens (1) “ Brasil : Minas Gerais , Barbacena \ Campus IFET – Sudeste \ S21°14’09.63” O43°45,6’ 55” \ Bandeja 1, 05/II2012 \ Gomes, F.L. T col”. Diagnosis: Aleochara lustrica is very similar to A. bugnioni and differs from it by straight apical one-third of median lobe of the aedeagus, and capsule of spermatheca very long and with short apical invagination, sometimes difficult to see. Redescription: BL: 7.8 mm . EW: 1.8 mm . Body brown to dark brown, with elytra, appendices and apical part of abdomen lighter. Elytra with a conspicuous darker spot on the external and apical angle, spot with the same color of pronotum. Dorsal surface glossy and covered with thin golden yellowish setae with setigerous pores impressed. Head: with coarse setigerous punctutation; disc with sparse pubescence directed mediad and anterad. Antennae with antennomere 2 half the length of first and slightly narrower than first; 3 longer than 2; 4 transverse; 5–10 similar in shape, distinctly transverse; 11 twice longer than the previous one, semi-triangular in shape; 1–4 glossy with some long black setae; 5–11 dull and covered by very short white setae, with some long black setae on apex of each antennomere and in 11 with long black setae on a transversal circular line in the middle of the antennomere. Thorax: pronotum with setigerous punctuation; setae directed posterad at the midline of the disc and directed posterad and laterad elsewhere. Mesoventral process truncate. Elytra with setigerous punctuation, denser than pronotum; setae directed posterad. Abdomen: distinctly narrowed posteriorly, with maximum width of tergum X about one-third of apical width of tergum VII; terga with coarsely setigerous punctuated, similar to head, sparse pubescence directed posterad. Male: tergum VIII as wide as long; posterior margin distinctly emarginate at the middle, distinctly serrate, with about 10 teeth ( Fig. 45 ). Sternum VIII as wide as long; posterior margin truncate ( Fig. 46 ); Tergum IX with asymmetrical ventral struts, the left shorter than the right, the left with one accessory short arm directed laterad. Tergum X with anterior margin truncate and posterior margin emarginate at the middle ( Fig. 47 ); Aedeagus: median lobe elongate with bulbous base ( Fig. 49 ); straight in apical one-third, and with a very small apical tooth on ventral face ( Fig. 50 ). Female: tergum VIII as wide as long; posterior margin truncate ( Fig. 51 ). Sternum VIII as wide as long; posterior margin broadly rounded, somewhat truncate at the middle, with short setae restricted to posterior margin ( Fig. 52 ). Tergum IX with very short and symmetrical ventral struts. Tergum X with anterior margin somewhat truncate and posterior margin very slightly emarginated at the middle ( Fig. 53 ). Spermatheca long, somewhat L-shaped; capsule of spermatheca long and without apical invagination, or it is very short and difficult see ( Fig. 54 ). Taxonomic note: there are some differences among the specimens studied here from the illustrations by Klimaszewski (1984) . Tergum VIII is truncate on posterior margin (compare Fig. 45 with Fig. 138 in Klimaszewski 1984: 144 ); the short arm of tergum IX is directed inwards of the right ventral strut (compare Fig. 47 with Fig. 150 from Klimaszewski 1984: 144 ); short and curved parameres (compare Fig. 48 with Fig. 138 from Klimaszewski 1984: 142 ); and spermatheca is broadly curved (compare Fig. 54 with Fig. 140 from Klimaszewski 1984: 142 ). However, we decide to identify our specimens as Aleochara lustrica until detailed study of the neotype (MCZ) is conducted. Additionally, A. pseudolustrica Klimaszewski, 1990 ( Klimaszewski et al. 1990 ) differs from our specimens by small subapical tooth ( Fig. 6 from Klimaszewski et al . 1990: 180 ) and the capsule of spermatheca is not so long ( Fig. 9 from Klimaszewski et al . 1990 ). Geographical records: Examined material: Brazil ( Mato Grosso do Sul : Dourados; Minas Gerais : Barbacena, Uberlândia; Pará : Tucuruí; Paraíba : São José da Mata and São José dos Cordeiros; Paraná :Alvorada do Sul, Palotina and Toledo; São Paulo : São Paulo ); Paraguay ( Fig. 75 ). Literature: Brazil : Bahia , Mato Grosso ( Sharp 1883: 147 ; Klimaszewski et al . 1987: 257 ; Pace 2009: 170 ); USA , Mexico , Chile , Trinidad and Tobago ( Tobago ), Ecuador ( Klimaszewski & Génier 1987: 247 ; Caron et al . 2008: 833 ; Pace 2008: 374 ). Natural history: associated with decomposing pig carcass, animal feces. Some specimens were collected using Shannon and pitfall traps.