Synoptic list of Symphyta (Hymenoptera) in Korea Author Lee, Jong-Wook Author Park, Jin-Kyung Choi and Bia text Journal of Species Research 2019 8 1 1 96 journal article 10.12651/JSR.2019.8.1.001 2713-8615 188. Apareophora forsythiae Sato, 1928 ffl나ƞDzḇ Apareophora forsythiae Sato, 1928: 185-187 . Korean records. Sato, 1928 ; Cho, 1955 ; Kim, 1963 ; Zool. Soc. Kor., 1968; Kim, 1970 ; Shinohara and Smith, 1979 ; Kim et al ., 1994 ; Lee and Ryu, 1996a ; Lee et al ., 2000 ; Paek et al ., 2010 ; Lyu et al ., 2014 . Host plants. Forsythia koreana (Rehder) Nakai , Forsythia ovata Nakai , Forsythia saxatilis (Nakai) Nakai , Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl. Distribution. Korea (South).