Taxonomic review of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae) in the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico Author Martinez-Dominguez, Lili Laboratorio de Taxonomia Integrativa, Instituto de Investigaciones Biologicas, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, 91190, Veracruz, Mexico & Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales, Universidad Veracruzana, Jose Maria Morelos 44, Zona Centro, Xalapa, 91000, Veracruz, Mexico Author Nicolalde-Morejon, Fernando Laboratorio de Taxonomia Integrativa, Instituto de Investigaciones Biologicas, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, 91190, Veracruz, Mexico Author Vergara-Silva, Francisco Laboratorio de Sistematica Molecular (Jardin Botanico), Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 3 er Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacan 04510, Mexico, D. F., Mexico Author Stevenson, Dennis Wm. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, Nueva York, 10458 - 5120, USA text PhytoKeys 2018 2018-06-21 100 91 124 journal article 1314-2003-100-91 117AFFB5FFE90945FB26EE02FF92FFA4 1300062 14. Ceratozamia zaragozae Medellin-Leal . Brittonia 15: 175-176. 1963. Figures 4B , 5C Type . MEXICO . San Luis Potosi : Rio Verde , 22 Jul. 1962 . F. Medellin-Leal 1452 ( holotype : SLPM; isotypes: ENCB, MICH, US ). Description. Stem semihypogeous, erect, 10-20 cm in length, 10-15 cm in diameter. Cataphylls persistent, densely tomentose at emergence, reddish-brown and partially tomentose at maturity, triangular, apex acuminate, 1.8-2.5 x 1-2 cm at base. Leaves 3-27, ascending, 95-202 cm, reddish-brown at emergence with whitish-grey pubescence , glabrous at maturity. Petiole terete, twisted, 11-36 cm, unarmed, green in adult leaves. Rachis terete, twisted, 40-77 cm, unarmed, green in adult leaves. Leaflets 25-46, linear, mostly planar, basally falcate, membranaceous, strongly caniculate, opposite to subopposite, plane, green, adaxial and abaxial side glabrous, acute apex, symmetric apex, attenuate at base, with conspicuous and light green veins; median leaflets 17-31.5 x 0.4-0.7 cm, 0.8-2.3 cm between leaflets; articulations yellow, 0.2-0.3 cm wide. Polliniferous strobilus solitary, cylindrical, erect, 15-19 cm in length, 2-3.5 cm in diameter, greenish with reddish-brown pubescence at emergence, reddish-brown at maturity; peduncle tomentose, reddish-brown to brown, 5-8 cm in length, 1.5-1.8 cm in diameter; microsporophylls 0.8-1.2 x 0.3-0.6 cm, non-recurved distal face. Ovuliferous strobilus solitary, cylindrical, erect, 8.2-12 cm in length, 5.8-7 cm in diameter, green with scarcely reddish-brown trichomes at emergence, dark green at maturity, acute apex; peduncle tomentose, brown, 6-9 cm in length, 0.9-1.2 cm in diameter; megasporophylls 24-49, 2.2-3.7 x 2-2.6 cm, truncate distal face, obtuse angle between horns. Seeds ovoid, sarcotesta light brown at maturity, 2-2.8 cm in length, 1.8-2 cm in diameter. Distribution and habitat. Endemic to Mexico in a small mountain range in South Central San Luis Potosi at 1,500-1,800 m elevation (Fig. 9 ). The vegetation type of the habitat is pine-oak forest. Figure 9. Distribution map of Ceratozamia sabatoi , C. latifolia , C. zaragozae , C. kuesteriana , C. hildae , C. fuscoviridis and C. chamberlainii . Etymology. The specific epithet is refers to General Ignacio Zaragoza, a hero of the Battle of Puebla (May 1862) against the French Army. Distinguishing features. This species is distinguished by having petiole and rachis unarmed and twisted. Leaflets are lanceolate, mostly planar, not basally falcate, membranaceous and caniculate, with symmetric apex. Specimens examined. MEXICO . San Luis Potosi : Rio Verde, A. G. Mendoza & L. Vargas 1389 (MEXU), A. P. Vovides 435 (XAL), E. Molseed 34 (MEXU), F. Nicolalde-Morejon et al. 2307-2319 (CIB), L. Martinez-Dominguez et al. 792-808 (CIB), T. Walters et al. TW-2001-07 (MEXU, XAL). Figure 10. Ceratozamia latifolia . Figure 11. Ceratozamia mexicana . A Adult plant in habit B Leaf at emergence C Detail of pollen strobili D Microsporophyll E Megasporophyll F Detail of ovulate strobili G Seeds.