Revision of the genus Sinochlora Tinkham (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae, Phaneropterinae) Author Liu, Chun-Xiang Author Kang, Le text Journal of Natural History 2007 2007-08-31 41 21 - 24 1313 1341 journal article 10.1080/00222930701437667 1464-5262 4581439 Sinochlora aequalis sp. n. ( Figures 3K, L , 11B , I–N) Type material Holotype : male, China : Jiangxi Prov. : Lushan , 280 m , 10 September 2005 , coll. Ding Dongsun ( IZAS ) . Paratypes : five males, one females, same data as in holotype , but 280– 1100 m ( IZAS ) . Figure 11. (A, C–H) Sinochlora tibetensis sp. n. ; (B, I–N) S . aequalis sp. n. (A, B) Stridulatory file on underside of left tegmen; (C, I) male abdominal apex, lateral view; (D, J) male tenth abdominal tergum, dorsal view; (E) male cerci, dorsal view; (F, K) male epiproct, dorso-apical view; (G, L) male epiproct, lateral view; (H) male subgenital plate, ventral view; (M) female ovipositor, lateral view; (N) female subgenital plate, ventral view. Scale bars: 1 mm. Description Male ( holotype ). Stridulatory file on the underside of left tegmen with about 51 teeth ( Figure 11B ). Tenth abdominal tergum produced backwards, apical half elliptically sulcate in the middle, lateral forcipate processes gently decurved in the apical half, and apical margin approximately flat in the middle ( Figure 11I, J ). Epriproct dorsally concaved, with little bristles in the middle and both lateral sides in ventral surface, basal part widest, gradually constricted and shaped into three upcurved spines at apex, among which the middle one is approximately as long as lateral ones, directing dorsad ( Figure 11K, L ). Cerci conical, rather long, slender, and slightly curved. Subgenital plate broad at the base and very deeply cleft at the basal third, and the long arms strongly recurved and terminated with minute apical styli. Female. Subgenital plate short, triangular, wider than long, and with a rather deep broad rounded notch at the apex ( Figure 11N ). Color. Green. Costal vein white and black, each tegmen with a black spot at the base of the green subcostal vein. Female ovipositor with apical third brown. Measurements (mm) Length of body: male 26.0, female 32.0; length to apex of ovipositor 34.0; length to tip of wing: male 55.0, female 55.0; length of pronotum: male 6.0, female 6.0; length of tegmen: male 45.0, female 45.0; largest width of tegmen: male 9.0, female 9.0; length of hind wing: male 50.0, female 50.0; length of anterior femur: male 8.0, female 8.0; length of median femur: male 11.0, female 12.0; length of posterior femur: male 29.0, female 29.5; length of ovipositor 9.0. Remarks The new species is distinguished from other species in the genus by the male epiproct bearing three spines, of which the middle one is approximately as long as the lateral ones, and the female subgenital plate with broad rounded notch at apex. Distribution China .