Two new species of Rigidoporus (Agaricomycetes) from Brazil and new records from the Brazilian Amazonia
Gomes-Silva, Allyne Christina
Departamento de Micologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia de Fungos, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Av. Nelson Chaves s / n, CEP 50760 - 420, Recife, PE, Brazil. Email: allynefungi @ hotmail. com; tbgibertoni @ hotmail. com & Current address: Faculdade São Lucas, Coordenação de Ciências Biológicas, Av. Alexandre Guimarães, 1927, CEP 78916 - 450, Porto Velho, RO, Brazil.
Medeiros, Priscila Sanjuan De
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Coordenação de Botânica, Caixa postal 399, CEP 66040170, Belém, PA, Brazil.
Soares, Adriene Mayra Da Silva
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Coordenação de Botânica, Caixa postal 399, CEP 66040170, Belém, PA, Brazil.
Sotão, Helen Maria Pontes
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Coordenação de Botânica, Caixa postal 399, CEP 66040170, Belém, PA, Brazil.
Ryvarden, Leif
Department of Botany, University of Oslo, P. O. Box 1045, Blindern, N- 0316, Oslo, Norway. Email: leif. ryvarden @ bio. uio. no
Gibertoni, Tatiana Baptista
Departamento de Micologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia de Fungos, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Av. Nelson Chaves s / n, CEP 50760 - 420, Recife, PE, Brazil. Email: allynefungi @ hotmail. com; tbgibertoni @ hotmail. com
journal article
Key to the species of
in the Neotropics
1. Basidiomata pileate...................................................................................................................................................... 2
- Basidiomata resupinate ............................................................................................................................................... 13
2. Presence of an umbo that attaches the basidiomata to the substrate......................................................
R. umbonatipes
- Absence of an umbo that attaches the basidiomata to the substrate ............................................................................. 3
3. Basidiomata pale buff to cream, up to
6 cm
thick; pores 5
6 per mm; basidiospores, 7−10 ×
6.5−10 µm
................... .....................................................................................................................................................................
R. ulmarius
- Basidiomata of different colour, up to
1 cm
thick; pores> 6 per mm; basidiospores <
7 µm
long ............................. 4
4. Thick-walled cystidia present ...................................................................................................................................... 5
- Thick-walled cystidia absent ........................................................................................................................................ 8
5. Basidiomata tiny, less than
7 mm
wide, pendant ...................................................................................
R. micropendulus
- Basidiomata different and larger .................................................................................................................................... 6
6. Basidiomata laterally stipitate...................................................................................................................
R. biokoensis
- Basidiomata sessile to dimidiate.................................................................................................................................. 7
7. Pore surface cream to orange, basidiospores ellipsoidal .................................................................................
R. andinus
- Pore reddish to buff when dry, basidiospores globose .....................................................................................
R. lineatus
8. Pore surface bright to deep orange without a reddish tint, basidiomata often large and
2 cm
thick at the base, growing in clusters...................................................................................................................................
R. aurantiacus
- Pore surface distinctly reddish, basidiomata small to medium, rarely above
1 cm
thick ................................................ 9
9. Basidiomata sessile to occasioanally resupinate.....................................................................................
R. microporus
- Basidiomata stipitate................................................................................................................................................... 10
10. Basidiospores
7 µm
in diameter .........................................................................................
R. grandisporus
sp. nov.
- Basidiospores <
6 µm
in diameter ............................................................................................................................. 11
11. Basidiomata azonate, ochraceous; context white with black lines; pore surface isabelline; cystidiols
12–15 µm
R. amazonicus
- Basidiomata zonate, diffetent colour; context without black lines, pore surface different colour; cystidiols absent 12
12. Basidiomata cinnamon, fulvous to snuff brown; pore surface fulvous; basidiospores globose
4–6 µm
R. mariae
sp. nov.
- Basidiomata first white becoming brown to grey with age or drying; pore surface white; basidiospores globose
3–4 µm
R. mutabilis
13. Thick-walled cystidia and cystidiols absent ............................................................................................................... 14
- Thick-walled cystidia and cystidiols present .............................................................................................................. 15
14. Pores 8–10 per mm, turning reddish where bruised; basidiospores 5
6 (
7) ×
6 µm
R. sanguinolentus
- Pores 5–7 per mm, not turning reddish when bruised; basidiospores 3.5
5.5 ×
5 µm
R. crocatus
15. Basidiomata resupinate to efussed-reflexed, pale ochraceous buff to pinkish ochraceous; hyphal system pseudodimitic; basidiospores ovoid to subglobose 4
5.5 ×
4 µm
R. vinctus
- Basidiomata resupinate, isabelline to beige; hyphal system monomitic; basidiospores globose 5
5.5 (
6) .................
R. undatus