Phylogenomic inference of the African tribe Monodoreae (Annonaceae) and taxonomic revision of Dennettia, Uvariodendron and Uvariopsis Author Dagallier, Leo-Paul M. J. DIADE, Universite de Montpellier, IRD, CIRAD, Montpellier, France & Institute of Systematic Botany, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458, USA Author Mbago, Frank M. The Herbarium, Botany Department, Box 35060, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Author Couderc, Marie DIADE, Universite de Montpellier, IRD, CIRAD, Montpellier, France Author Gaudeul, Myriam Institut de Systematique, Evolution, Biodiversite (ISYEB), Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle-CNRS-SU-EPHE-UA, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 39, 75231 Paris, Cedex 05, France Author Grall, Aurelie Herbaria Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland & Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW 9 3 AE, UK Author Loup, Caroline DIADE, Universite de Montpellier, IRD, CIRAD, Montpellier, France Author Wieringa, Jan J. Herbier MPU, DCSPH - CC 99010, Universite de Montpellier, 163 rue A. Broussonnet, F- 34090 Montpellier, France Author Sonke, Bonaventure Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR, Leiden, Netherlands Author Couvreur, Thomas L. P. DIADE, Universite de Montpellier, IRD, CIRAD, Montpellier, France text PhytoKeys 2023 2023-09-22 233 1 200 journal article 1314-2003-233-1 EB874C2B403C5C42ACE3846B51EE6F22 Uvariodendron calophyllum R.E.Fr., Acta Horti Berg. 10: 63 (1930) Figs 11 , 12 = Uvaria gigantea Engl., Notizbl. Koenigl . Bot. Gart. Berlin 2: 292. (1899) (quoad specimen Zenker 1738). Type . Cameroon - South RegionG.A. Zenker 2344 ( holotype : B! (B100153116); isotypes: BM! (BM000636669), E!(E00704856), G! (G00412241), GOET! (GOET005732), HBG! (HBG502513), K! (K000198796, K000198797), M! (M0107940), P! (P00362658, P00362659, P00362661), S! (S07-13393, S07-13396), WAG! (WAG.1418666)), Bipindi; 3°05'N , 10°25'E ; 1901. Description. Tree 2-20 m tall, D.B.H. 1-32.1 cm; young branches tomentose, old branches slightly tomentose to glabrous. Leaves reddish when young, dark green when old. Petiole 4-25 mm long, 2-9 mm wide, tomentose. Leaf lamina 258-765 mm long, 61-248 mm wide, length:width ratio 2.2-4.9, obovate, coriaceous, base rounded to slightly truncate, apex acuminate, acumen 6-32 mm long; surface above glabrous, surface below pubescent to glabrous; midrib impressed above, raised below, glabrous above, tomentose below; secondary veins 20-41 pairs, brochidodromous to weakly brochidodromous, impressed above, raised below; tertiary veins reticulate. Inflorescences borne on trunk and branches, composed of 2-3 (sub)sessile flowers. Flower pedicel 0-11 mm long, 4-9 mm in diameter, tomentose. Flowers bisexual, buds globose, sessile, 7-17 mm high, 7-30 mm in diameter, tomentose. Bracts 1 to 6, upper bract 10-23 mm long, 10-40 mm wide, ovate, appressed, enclosing the bud, tomentose outside, glabrous inside. Sepals 3, 10-27 mm long, 10-26 mm wide, imbricate to fused at base, tomentulose outside, glabrous inside, dark brown outside, reddish inside. Outer petals 3, 15-46 mm long, 10-33 mm wide, length:width ratio 0.9-1.5, broadly elliptic to elliptic, tomentulose outside, glabrous inside, cream outside, cream with dark red at base inside. Inner petals 3, 14-41 mm long, 11-32 mm wide, length:width ratio 1.2-1.9, obovate, shortly tomentulose outside, glabrous inside, cream outside, dark red with cream margins inside. Stamens around 3000, 3.5-4.9 mm long, 0.1-0.5 mm wide, anthers linear, connective prolongation truncate. Carpels 35 to ca. 150, 2-5 mm long, 0.5-2 mm wide, pubescent, free; stigma 1-2 mm long, 0.5-2 mm wide, coiled, velutinous, covered with an exudate at anthesis. Fruiting pedicel 1-7 mm long, 4-7 mm in diameter, densely pubescent. Monocarps 3 to 35, 27-55 mm long, 9-25 mm wide, length:width ratio 1.8-3.7, ellipsoid to obovoid, tomentose, brown; sessile to shortly stipitate, stipe 0-10 mm long, 1.5-3 mm wide, tomentose. Seeds 7-13 per monocarp, biseriate, ca. 13 mm long, 8-9 mm wide, semicircular. Figure 11. Uvariodendron calophyllum R.E.Fr. A leaf apex upper side B detail of young branch and leaf base, upper side, note the brown tomentum C detail of young branch and leaf base, lower side D leaf E flower fully open, top view F flower with inner petals still attached to each other, semi-top view G fruit with many monocarps (dried) H flower buds, note the brown tomentum. A, D, H Couvreur 1157 B, C Couvreur 999 E, F Couvreur 1013 G Letouzey 14020. Photos A-F, H Thomas Couvreur, G Leo-Paul Dagallier. Distribution. Element of the Upper Guinean Domain and Lower Guinean Domain of the Guineo-Congolian Region: Cameroon, Gabon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria. Habitat and ecology. Lowland mature or old secondary rain forests, near streams. Altitude: 30-140 m a.s.l. Phenology. Flowers collected from December to May. Fruits collected from March to May, from July to August, and in November. Vernacular names. Cameroon: 'Ebom Bulu' (Parren 223) or 'Ebom Afame' (Parren 68) in Bulu/Ewondo. Notes. This species is close to Uvariodendron connivens and Ud. fuscum var. giganteum by having large obovate leaves (more than 25 cm long). However, it can easily be distinguished from these three other species as it presents a tomentum of short dense brown matted hairs on the young parts (branches, petioles and lower midrib), producing a brown appearance with whitish reflections. The flower buds and outer petals are also covered outside with a similar brown and dense tomentum. The older parts of the plant are generally glabrous but can also present remnants of the tomentum. Figure 12. Distribution map of Uvariodendron calophyllum . Shades of grey represent elevation, from white (sea level) to darker grey (higher elevation). The inset shows the extent of the map over Africa. Conservation status. This species is widespread, distributed from Ivory Coast to Gabon. It has been previously assessed as Least Concern LC ( Cosiaux et al. 2019a ). Additional specimens examined. Cameroon - Central RegionJ.N. Asonganyi 421 (P, YA), Ndikinimeki , at Sonossi 26 km W. of Ndikinimeki. Map 1/200 000; 4°45'44.24"N , 10°36'29.26"E ; 29 Mar. 1982 - LittoralA.J.M. Leeuwenberg 5282 (BR, K, MO, P, PRE, WAG), 8 km W of Masok ; 4°08'N , 10°24'E ; alt. 400 m ; 31 Mar. 1965 A.J.M. Leeuwenberg 5282a (K, P, WAG), 8 km W. of Masok ; 4°08'N , 10°24'E ; alt. 400 m ; 31 Mar. 1965 R.G. Letouzey 12352 (P, YA), colline entre Tcherikoy et Sokelle II( 30 km NW Eseka ) - feuille IGN 1/200 000 EDEA; 3°48'18.03"N , 10°34'32.35"E ; 14 Dec. 1973 - North-West RegionE.U. Ujor FHI29281 (FHI, K); Mentchum , Nkom-Wum , Bamenda Prov. , Wum Distr. , NkomWum F.R. on German old road leading to Timber Camp by the left; 6°16'N , 10°08'E ; 03 Jul. 1951 R.G. Letouzey 14020 (P, WAG, YA), Piste Baji-Tumbo , entre Baji et riviere Chonogbonbon , 55 km NNE Wum ; 6°45'N , 10°10'E ; 12 Jul. 1975 - South RegionG.A. Zenker 1738 (B (B101178582), BM (BM000636667), COI (COI00004925), E (E00718583), G (G00412236), HBG (HBG502512), K (no barcode), LE (LE00012448), LECB (LECB0000053), M (M0239941), P (P06901474, P06901466, P06901467), WAG (WAG.1418665), WU (WU0025882, WU0025883), Z (Z-000056111, Z-000056112)), Bipindi ; 3°05'N , 10°25'E ; 1898 • G.A. Zenker s.n (P), Bipinde , Bipindi ; 3°05'N , 10°25'E ; Apr. 1903 M.P.E. Parren 223 (KRIBI, WAG), About 7 km NE of Ebom. Plot 13, subplot 84, tree 6, coordinates: X = 7, Y = 3 m ; 3°07'N , 10°45'E ; alt. 500 m ; Aug. 1996 M.P.E. Parren 68 (KRIBI, WAG), About 7 km NE of Ebom. Plot 4, subplot 53, tree 9, coordinates: X = 7.5, Y = 8.5 m ; 3°07'N , 10°45'E ; alt. 500 m ; Aug. 1996 R.G. Letouzey 15272 (P, YA), Piste Meyo Ntem-Evouzok , 75 Km W Ambam , entre 1er et 3e bras du Ntem ; 2°16'48"N , 10°31'12"E ; 28 Nov. 1979 T.L.P. Couvreur 1157 (K, MPU, P, WAG, YA), on road Lolodorf-Bipindi , about half way, near Mbiguiligui village ( Mbikiliki ); 3°09'41.51"N , 10°31'52.18"E ; alt. 250 m ; 26 Feb. 2018 T.L.P. Couvreur 486 (YA), 15 km east from Lele village ; 2°16'17.2"N , 13°17'30.35"E ; alt. 578 m ; 09 Sep. 2013 - South-West RegionA. Binuyo FHI35564 (FHI, K, WAG), Kumba Distr. Along the path from Pete to Bopo at the right handside of the road in Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve ; 4°31'N , 9°22'E ; 23 Feb. 1956 A.H. Gentry 62407 (MO), Banyong , Batanga area , between Awong and Banyu , ca 15 km W of Manyemen. TRANSECT 2; 5°00'N , 9°10'E ; alt. 420 m ; 02 May. 1988 B. Sonke 5610 (MO); Meme , Nguti , Sanctuaire Mbanyang Mbo ; 5°21'24"N , 9°32'57"E ; alt. 239 m ; 14 Apr. 2011 C.F.A. Onochie FHI30860 (FHI, K), S.Bakundu , S. Bakundu F.R., between Bombe Rest House and Mbalange ; 4°27'N , 9°28'E ; 19 Mar. 1953 D.W. Thomas 3322 (K, MO, P, YA), North-eastern corner of Korup National Park ; near Baro village ; 5°16'N , 9°11'E ; alt. 200 m ; 24 Mar. 1984 D.W. Thomas 4549 (MO, YA), Takamanda Forest Reserve ; 6°14'N , 9°19'E ; alt. 170 m ; 21 Mar. 1985 D.W. Thomas 5965 (K, MO, WAG, YA), 30 km W of Kumba on Mbonge Road ; 4°31'N , 9°22'E ; alt. 50 m ; 26 Mar. 1986 D.W. Thomas 6090 (P, YA); Meme , from the vicinity of Lake Barombi , Kumba ; 4°39'N , 9°24'E ; alt. 300 m ; Apr. 1986 D.W. Thomas 7499 (MO, P, WAG, YA); Ndian , Between Baro and Ikenge villages, along foot path, in the Korup National Park ; 5°15'N , 9°00'E ; alt. 250 m ; 01 Apr. 1988 G.K. Gottsberger 210307/12 (ULM, WAG), c. 20 m from Banyang Mbo Research Station ; 5°08'N , 9°30'E ; 21 Mar. 2007 J. Dundas FHI13898 (K), Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve ; 4°30'N , 9°30'E ; 19 Feb. 1946 J. Nemba 64 (K, MO, P, WAG, YA, YA), Bolo Forest , 5 kms W of Kumba - Mamfe road near Konye ; 4°55'N , 9°36'E ; alt. 300 m ; 25 Mar. 1986 J. Olorunfemi FHI30561 (FHI, K) , Mungo River F.R. , Kumba Distr. : Mumbo - Southern Bakossi ; 4°50'N , 9°20'E ; 09 May. 1951 • M.R. Cheek 9337 (K, YA), Mungo River F.R. , Mungo river forest reserve. c. 1 Km East of bridge, Chained road to S; 4°44'N , 9°33'E ; alt. 200 m ; 24 Oct. 1998 R.G. Letouzey 13673 (P, YA), entre Babong et Okurikang , 35 km WSW. Mamfe (feuille IGN 1/200 000 Mamfe ); 5°37'02.16"N , 9°02'22.7"E ; 29 May. 1994 T.L.P. Couvreur 1013 (MPU, WAG, YA), Bayang Mbo Wildlife Sanctuary , after Mbu river ; 5°21'19.19"N , 9°30'01.69"E ; alt. 242 m ; 26 Mar. 2016 T.L.P. Couvreur 980 (WAG, YA), on top of hill, near Small Ekombe village , 3 km after Kumba on road to Ekondo Titi town ; 4°37'22.48"N , 9°22'37.12"E ; alt. 615 m ; 13 Jan. 2016 T.L.P. Couvreur 999 (MPU, WAG, YA), Bayang Mbo Wildlife Sanctuary , after Mbu river ; 5°21'04.06"N , 9°30'01.78"E ; alt. 251 m ; 25 Mar. 2016 . Gabon - Ogooue-Ivindo J. Florence 1005 (P), Station d'Ipassa , 10 km S de Makokou ; 0°30'N , 12°45'E ; alt. 500 m ; 17 Apr. 1978 N. Halle 548 (P), Belinga , mines de fer; 1°08'N , 13°12'E ; alt. 700 m ; 16 Aug. 1966 . Ghana - Ashanti RegionC. Vigne 1611 (K, P), Kwahu Prasu ; 6°37'10.2"N , 0°54'27.72"E ; Feb. 1929 H. Abbin GC43343 (K), Tano Ofin Forest Reserve , Tano Ofni F.R ; 6°40'N , 2°10'W ; 16 Aug. 1972 - Eastern RegionF.R. Irvine 3016 (K), Bunsu ; 6°16'21.42"N , 0°27'52.93"E ; May. 1938 - Western RegionA.A. Enti FE-2169 (B), Neung Forest Reserve , Takoradi-Tarkwa Road ; 5°11'07.08"N , 1°58'23.52"W ; May. 1982 A.A. Enti FH6705 (K, P, WAG), Enchi Distr. , Enchi - Nyankamam ; 5°49'N , 2°49'W ; May. 1957 M.C. Merello 1385 (MO), Bia National Park , Bia National Forest and Production Reserve . Secondary logging roads west from MIM Timber Company Camp ; 6°24'15"N , 3°02'30"W ; alt. 140 m ; 04 Mar. 1996 . Ivory Coast - Adzope L. Ake Assi 11501 (G), Foret d'Abongoua ; 6°15'N , 3°32'W ; 19 Mar. 1971 - DivoC. Chatelain 679 (G), Foret de l'IRCC de Divo ; 5°47'N , 5°17'W ; 19 Dec. 1990 L. Ake Assi 8469 (G), Foret de Mopri ; 5°46'10.5"N , 4°56'34.87"W ; 22 Jan. 1966 - Tiassale L. Ake Assi 4290 (G, P), Foret d'Amitioro ; 5°52'50.13"N , 4°52'46.45"W ; 07 May. 1957 . Nigeria - Cross River StateB.O. Daramola 641 (MO), Ikom Forest Reserve ; 5°58'N , 8°42'E ; 06 May. 1995 J.O. Ariwaodo 447 (FHI, WAG); Ikom District , Efraya ; 5°53'N , 8°42'E ; 25 Mar. 1977 M.G. Latilo FHI43924 (K); Ikom District , Cross River North Forest Res. , between miles 156 & 157 on Ikom-Namfe road; 5°53'08.13"N , 8°47'51.41"E ; 10 May. 1961 P.A. Talbot 123 (K), Oban ; 5°13'23.28"N , 8°33'06.9"E ; 1911 • P.A. Talbot s.n (BM); Calabar , Oban ; 5°13'23.28"N , 8°33'06.9"E ; 1912 • P.P.C. van Meer 1490 (WAG), Ekinta River Forest Reserve , Northern part. Near and between pillar 18 and 19; 4°58'N , 8°35'E ; 26 Apr. 1971 P.P.C. van Meer 1664 (WAG); Ikom District , Cross River North Forest Reserve. Compt 1 and 2. 15 km SE of Ikom ; 5°52'N , 8°46'E ; 18 May. 1971 P.P.C. van Meer 1736 (WAG); Ikom District , Cross River North Forest Reserve. Compt 1 and 2. 15 km SE of Ikom ; 5°52'N , 8°46'E ; 20 May. 1971 R.W.J. Keay FHI28683 (K, P); Ikom District , Cross River North Forest Res. ; 5°50'N , 8°50'E ; 19 Jan. 1951 - Nassarawa StateA.P.D. Jones FHI16965 (P), Khaya HF nr. Onda enclave; 8°30'N , 7°48'E ; 18 Feb. 1946 - Oyo StateC.F.A. Onochie FHI31539 (K); Ibadan District , c. 14 miles south of Ibadan on the Ijebu-Ode road; 7°11'00.66"N , 3°58'13.92"E ; 19 Mar. 1958 D.P. Stanfield FHI44949 (K, MO); Ibadan District , Gambari Forest Reserve ; 7°07'59.88"N , 3°49'59.88"E ; alt. 80 m ; 11 Mar. 1964 R.W.J. Keay FHI22812 (K); Ibadan District , Ibadan Forest Reserve , c. 22 miles south of Ibadan. School Enumeration area 1948; 7°03'02.43"N , 3°54'20.56"E ; 22 Apr. 1948 .