Reports on the results of dredging under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, on the east coast of the United States, during the summer of 1880, by the U. S. coast survey steamer “ Blake, ” Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., commanding. Author Goode, G. B. Author Bean, T. H. text Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College 1883 10 5 183 226 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.28095 3283BFE8-BAA3-437C-90F2-B33A8DF5125E 2. Notosema dilecta , new species . Diagnosis of Species. -Extreme length of specimen described 0.122 mm. The height of the body is contained twice in its total length, without caudal, and is equal to twice the distance of the origin of. the ventral from the snout. The height of the caudal peduncle is one ninth of the standard body length. The length of the head is two sevenths of the standard length, and three times the diameter of the eye. "Width of interorbital area almost imperceptible. Mandible reaching to middle of pupil of lower eye, its length equal to half that of the head. Upper jaw contained twice and one half in length of head. The dorsal fin, beginning almost over the anterior margin of the eye, is composed of about 68 rays, the longest of which are the second and third, which are contained twice in the greatest height of the body, and which are almost twice as long as the length of the base of the triangular division of the fin to which they belong. The anal iin is made up of 54-56 simple rays, of which the posterior ones are largest, as they are also in the main portion of the dorsal. It begins close to the vent, at a distance from the snout equal to the length of the elongated rinistral ventral. The caudal is pedunculate, its middle rays somewhate elongate, giving it a wedge-shaped outline. The pectoral of the colored side is sul"triangular, its length contained five and one half times in the standard length. The ventrals are composed of six rays, that upon the colored side much produced in its anterior portion, its length more than three times that of its mate. vol. x. - no. 5. 13 Color on the left side purplish brown, speckled with dark brown, and with three large ocellated subcircular spots, nearly as large as the eye, with white centre, dark iris, narrow light margin, and a brown encircling outline. They are arranged in the form of an isosceles triangle, the spot marking the apex being upon the lateral line, near the base of the caudal peduncle, the others distant from the lateral line, on either side, a space equal to their own diameter?, the lower one nearly reached by the tip of the elongate ventral. On the blind side white. Fins blotched with dark brown. Radial formula: I). 69; A. 5G; P. 11; Y. 6; B. 7. Lateral line 48 (in straight portion).
Station N. Lat. W. Long. Fathoms. Specimens.
313 32° 31' 50" 78 45' 75 4