New lineages of Lebinthini from Australia (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Eneopterinae) Author Robillard, Tony Author Su, You Ning text Zootaxa 2018 2018-03-09 4392 2 241 266 journal article 30564 10.11646/zootaxa.4392.2.2 eb5d92a1-889c-4999-be72-fe82f0f25ebe 1175-5326 1195344 B1F162A5-D42F-4B76-9068-666EE484D95A Julverninthus minoris n. sp. ( Figs 5E–H , 6D–F , 7C , 10D–F , 13 , 18 ) Orthoptera Type material. Male holotype : Australia , Queensland , Clohesy Riv. [er] Rd. [road] QLD, 16.7 km from Kennedy Hwy [highway], electricity tower, 16°58.599’S 145°39.358’E (car), 621 m , 15.ii.2016 , D.C.F. Rentz, Stop 10, molecular sample L126 ( ANIC 14-009141 ) . Female allotype : Australia , Queensland , Bellenden Ker Range , NO, ½ km S. Cable Tower No. 7, 500 m , 17–24.x.1981 , Earthwatch / Qld Museum ( ANIC 14-009143 ) . Paratypes (2♀): Australia, Queensland, 1♀, same information as AT (ANIC 14-009142). Mt Lewis Rd via Julatten , 3.8 km from Jct. QLD, 16°34’S 145°18’E (GPS), 542 m , 11.v.2012 , 1♀ , D.C.F. Rentz & B. Richardson , Stop 12–20, molecular sample L144 (MNHN-EO-ENSIF4387). Other material examined. Australia , Queensland , Mt Lewis Rd via Julatten , 5.5 km from Jct. QLD., 16°3’S 145°18’E (GPS), 713 m , 15.IX.2014 , 1 juvenile , D.C.F. Rentz & B. Richardson , Stop 12–24, molecular sample L143 ( ANIC Database NO .14-009140) Type locality. Australia , Queensland , Clohesy River road, 16.7 km from Kennedy highway, electricity tower. Distribution. Australia , Queensland . Etymology. Species named after its small size. Diagnosis. J. minoris is characterized by its smaller size, dark brown coloration more homogeneous than in J. rentzi , short stocky FIII, female FW venation reticulated, and following characters in male genitalia: pseudepiphallus wider and shorter than in J. rentzi , convex dorsally in lateral view; pseudepiphallic parameres with a rounded dorsal lobe (more rectangular in J. rentzi ), their bases diverging (parallel in J. rentzi ). FIGURE 9. Julverninthus rentzi n. sp. (A), Macrobinthus kutini n. sp. (B): apex of ovipositor. Scale bar: 1 mm. FIGURE 10. Julverninthus rentzi n. sp. (A–C), Julverninthus minoris n. sp. (D-F), Macrobinthus kutini n. sp. (G–I): female copulatory papilla in ventral (A, D, G), dorsal (B, E, H) and lateral (C, F, I) views. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. FIGURE 11. Julverninthus rentzi n. sp. : male holotype in natural habitat (Photo © David Rentz). FIGURE 12. Julverninthus rentzi n. sp. : couple mating on vegetation (A); juvenile on leaf (B) in natural habitat (Photos © David Rentz). Description. Size small. Coloration mostly dark brown ( Figs 5E–H ). Eyes small, dark brown with a wide pink dorsal band in living specimens ( Fig. 5E ); eyes occupying ca. 35% of head width dorsally. Vertex with five wide longitudinal black bands on orange brown background, the median one resulting from the fusion more or less complete of two bands ( Fig. 6D ). Fastigium orange brown twice as wide as scape, densely setose. Ocelli whitish. Scapes orange brown, with a black pattern on facial side; antennae light brown basally, then darker with yellow brown rings. Frons dark brown, with two black dorsal spots. Face dark brown, with a yellow spot bellow eyes. Lateral side of head dark brown, with two faint yellow lines posterior to eyes. Mouthparts homogeneously dark brown in HT, but some specimens with similar pattern of coloration as in J. rentzi : clypeus with two lateral yellow spots on dorsal margin and a faint trident-shaped whitish pattern on ventral part ( Fig. 6B ); mandibles black basally, yellow ventrally; labrum brown; Maxillary palpi brown. Pronotum: Dorsal disk homogeneously brown; lateral lobes homogeneously black. Wings brachypterous, very short in both sexes. Legs orange brown; FI-II with dark brown spots, TI-II with a faint lighter ring; tarsomeres yellow basally. FIII short and stocky, mostly orange brown, knees dark brown, mottled with white spots and with dark striated patterns. TaII-1 with one lateral spine on lateral external side in HT and 1 PT. Abdomen dark brown; cerci orange brown mottled with dark brown basally, with dark rings apically. Male: FW dorsal field ( Fig. 7C ) translucent brown with yellow veins, its antero-lateral corner with a large whitish sclerotization; area of plectrum with a strong orange sclerotization. Vein 1A bisinuate anterior to angle. File with 116 stridulatory teeth distributed on transverse part of 1A (107) and on angle (9) (n=1). CuA barely curved inward. CuP absent. Mirror not rounded but well differentiated from other cells of D alignment, forming a wide rectangle. Cell c1 not widened posteriorly, without transverse vein. Apical field short, with faint reticulated veins posterior to mirror (cell alignment E). Lateral field homogeneously dark brown (veins and cells); veins R and M strong, delimiting a darker area; Sc with one preapical projection. Lateral field with five (n=1) strong parallel longitudinal veins ventral to Sc, with faint dark transverse veins. Male genitalia ( Fig. 13 ): Pseudepiphallus triangular, less elongate than in J. rentzi ; convex dorsally in lateral view; posterior apex forming a gutter barely longer than wide ( Fig. 13A ). Pseudepiphallic parameres dorsal posterior lobe rounded, their bases diverging. FIGURE 13. Julverninthus minoris n. sp. : male genitalia in dorsal (A), ventral (B) and lateral (C) views. Scale bar: 1 mm. Female: FWs very short, separated dorsally by half their length, apex rounded; its venation mostly reticulated. Ovipositor slightly shorter than FIII, apex acute, slightly denticulate dorsally. Female copulatory papilla ( Figs. 10D–F ): rounded, flat ventrally; apex slightly sclerotized and folded ventrally. Juvenile: Brown, with similar color pattern as in adults. Measurements. See Table 2 . Habitat and life history traits. J. minoris was found active at night on low plants in forested areas. Calling song. Unknown.