Eleven new species of theridiosomatid spiders from southern China (Araneae, Theridiosomatidae)
Zhao, Qingyuan
Li, Shuqiang
journal article
Baalzebub youyiensis
sp. n.
Figs 910
Material examined.
Holotype: CHINA, Guangxi: Pingxiang City, Youyi County, Bantou Village, Niuyan Cave,
, elevation ca 251 m, 18 January 2011, Z.G. Chen & Z.W. Zha (IZCAS), 1 female.
Paratypes: [same data as holotype] (IZCAS), 3 females.
This specific name formed from the Chinese words for friendship
(), which is the name of the county where this species was collected; adjective.
Females distinguished from other described
by the shape of the semi-transparent scape, which is proportionately shorter and with a blunt tip (Fig. 9A). Spermathecae, contrasted with narrow, long spermathecae in other
species, is relatively shorter and smaller compared to the ovoid loops made by copulatory ducts (Fig. 9B)
Carapace broad, orange. Sternum yellow with dusky margins. Legs yellow, brown from patella to tarsus (except for leg I, which only brown distally at joints). Abdomen beige with irregular light, greenish-grey patches (Figs 9
Vulva: Epigyne with a short, pointed triangular scape with concave lateral margins protruding from posterior margin of epigyne plate, through which dark orange vulva is visible (Fig. 9A). Scape translucent. Epigyne plate with transverse grooves (Fig. 9A). Spermathecae small, elliptical, joining each other at the tip (Figs 9B, 10B). Copulatory ducts simple, with three coils toward spermathecae.
Female: Total length 2.10, carapace 1.00 long, 1.00 wide, clypeus 0.19, sternum 0.53 long, 0.53 wide, coxae IV separated by 1.00 time their width. Posterior median eyes separated by less than half their diameter. Macrosetae: Leg I: femur d 1, p 1, patella d 1, tibia d 2, p 1, r 1; Leg II: patella d 3, tibia d 2, r 1; Leg III: patella d 2, tibia d 2, r 2; Leg IV: patella d 2, tibia d 1. Metatarsal trichobothria: Tm I: 0.20; Tm II: 0.15; Tm III: 0.19; Tm IV: 0.22. Leg measurements: I 3.76 (1.20, 0.40, 0.88, 0.80, 0.48); II 3.2 (1.00, 0.36, 0.72, 0.64, 0.48); III 2.24 (0.72, 0.32, 0.44, 0.45, 0.31); IV 2.92 (1.00, 0.40, 0.60, 0.52, 0.40).
Male unknown.
Figure 9.
Baalzebub youyiensis
sp. n., female holotype. A Epigyne, ventral view B Vulva, dorsal view C Female, dorsal view D Female, ventral view E Female, lateral view. CD copulatory duct; S spermatheca. Scale bars: A as B, C, D as E.
Figure 10.
Baalzebub youyiensis
sp. n., female holotype. A Epigyne, ventral view B Vulva, dorsal view. CD copulatory duct; S spermatheca. Scale bars: B as A.