A foundation monograph of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in the New World Author Wood, John R. I. Author Munoz-Rodriguez, Pablo Author Williams, Bethany R. M. Author Scotland, Robert W. text PhytoKeys 2020 143 1 823 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.143.32821 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.143.32821 1314-2003-143-1 F6F11A6EE4FF5A1885CEA2B60AE965A5 347. Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schult. , Syst. Veg. 4 : 251. 1819. (Roemer and Schultes 1819: 251) Convolvulus asarifolius Desr. in Lam. , Encycl. 3 : 562. 1792 [dated 1789]. (Desrousseaux 1792: 562). Type. SENEGAL. Roussillon s.n. (holotype P-LAM00357544, isotype P-JUSS-6798). Amphione asarifolia Raf. , Fl. Tellur. 4 : 79. 1836[1838]. (Rafinesque 1838a: 79). Convolvulus rugosus Rottler , Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Neue Schriften 4 : 196. 1803. (Rottler 1803: 196). Type. INDIA. Marmelon, J.P. Rottler s .n. (holotype B-W03683-01). Ipomoea rugosa (Rottler) Choisy , Mem . Soc. Phys. Geneve 6 : 446 [64]. 1834. (Choisy 1834: 446[64]). Ipomoea crassifolia Cav. , Descr. Pl. 100 . 1802. (Cavanilles 1801-1802: 100). Type. Plant grown at Madrid from seeds sent by Ruiz and Pavon (lectotype MA475846, designated here). Ipomoea beladamboe Roem. & Schult. , Syst. Veg. 4 : 233. 1819. (Roemer and Schultes 1819: 233). Type. Icon of Beladamboe in Rheede Malabar 11: 119 t. 58, lectotype, designated here. Convolvulus beladambu (Roem. & Schult.) Spreng. , Syst. Veg. 1 : 608. 1825 [pub. 1824]. (Sprengel 1824: 608). Ipomoea latifolia M. Martens & Galeotti , Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles 12 : 266. 1845. (Martens and Galeotti 1845: 266). Type. MEXICO. [Veracruz] Cordoba, H. Galeotti 1401 (holotype BR00006973186, isotypes BR, G). Ipomoea nymphaeifolia Griseb. , Cat. Pl. Cub. 203 . 1866. (Grisebach 1866: 203), nom. illeg., non Ipomoea nymphaeifolia Blume (1826) . Type. CUBA. C. Wright 3089 (holotype GOET002499, isotypes GH, K, MO, MPU, NY, S, US). Ipomoea grisebachii Prain, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal , part 2 , Nat. Hist. 63 (2): 107. 1894. (Prain 1894: 107). Type. Based on Ipomoea nymphaeifolia Griseb. Ipomoea urbica Salzm. ex Choisy in A.P. de Candolle , Prodr. 9 : 349. 1845. (Choisy 1845: 349). Type. BRAZIL. Bahia , Martius 2020 (lectotype M0184909, desigated here). Ipomoea urbica var. muricata Choisy in A.P. de Candolle , Prodr. 9 : 350. 1845. (Choisy 1845: 350). Type. BRAZIL. Illheos , Blanchet 3046 (P?, not found). Ipomoea pes-caprae var. heterosepala Chodat & Hassl., Bull. Herb. Boiss. , ser. 2, 5: 692. 1905. (Chodat and Hassler 1905: 692). Type. PARAGUAY. [ Concepcion ] Y-cua-pona, E. Hassler 7680 (isotypes S12-1297, UC). Type. Based on Convolvulus asarifolius Desr. Description. Trailing glabrous perennial rooting at the nodes, stems much branched, stout, angled, fleshy. Leaves petiolate, 2.5-8(-9) x 3-9(-11) cm, reniform, suborbicular, obtuse to rounded, base truncate to shallowly cordate with rounded auricles, usually folded when pressed, veins radiating from base, glabrous; petioles 2.5-9 cm. Inflorescence of pedunculate axillary cymes with up to 10 flowers, flowers often solitary, but sometimes umbellate from apex of peduncle; peduncles 0.5-7 cm, angular; bracteoles 1-2 mm, deltoid; pedicels often rather short, 5-25 mm; sepals unequal, elliptic, obtuse to emarginate and mucronate, outer 5-9 x 4 mm, often somewhat muricate, inner 9-15 x 6-7 mm, elliptic, +/- scarious; corolla 5-6 cm long, funnel-shaped, white, yellow-green or pink with darker centre, glabrous, limb 3.5-4 cm diam., unlobed. Capsules glabrous, suborbicular, 10-12 x 8-10 mm, the slender style somewhat persistent; seeds 5-7 x 4 mm; minutely tomentellous (appearing glabrous under a hand lens). Illustration. Austin (1998: 402). Distribution. Widespread in the Americas, West Africa and Asia, but apparently absent from east and South Africa, Madagascar and China and many areas of the Americas. It grows in disturbed wet places, often near the coast or inland near large rivers; it is sporadic in occurrence. PARAGUAY. North: Villa Socna, between Rio Apa and Rio Aquidaban, 1908-9, K. Fiebrig 5008 (K, P). Concepcion : I. Basualdo 3782 (FCQ). San Pedro : Com. 25 de Diciembre, J.R.I. Wood & G. Gonzalez 28472 (FCQ); Puerto Rosario, A.F. Woolston 1166 (K, NY, S) BRAZIL. Amapa : D.F. Austin et al . 6965 (MG, MO, NY). Amazonas : Pabst 9432 (K); A. Lasseign P21174 (MO, NY, S); P. & H. Maas 367 (K, MO); Manaus , E.P. Killip 30046 (NY). Bahia : Blanchet s.n. (BM, NY); M.M. Arbo et al. 7366 (CTES, NY). Ceara : F.E. Drouet 2491 (F, K, MO, NY, S). Maranhao : G & L.T. Eiten 4570 (K). Para : B.A. Krukoff 5863 (K, NY); T. Croat 62098 (MO); S. Tsugaru & Y. Sano B-510 (MO, NY). Paraiba : M.F. Agra 1168 (K). Pernambuco : G. Gardner 1072 (BM, K, P); B. Pickel 3709 (NY). Piaui : L. Coradin et al . 5859 (CEN, K); Teresina, F. Chagas & Silva 57 (IBGE, K, MO). Rio Grande de Norte : M.T. Dawe 6 (K). Rondonia : G.T. Prance et al. 5896 (K, NY, S). FRENCH GUIANA. Oyapock River, G. Leotard 1240 (CAY). PERU. Ancash : P. Francia 144 (MO). Cajamarca : R. Ferreyra 7057 (K); A. Sagastegui 14479 (MO); C. Vargas 10397 (CUZ). Huanuco : R. Bird 1517 (MO). Ica : Mun. Ocucaje, O. Whaley et al. 571 (K). La Libertad : A. Sagastegui 14911 (MO); I. Sanchez Vega 4337 (F). Lambayeque : P.C. Hutchison & Wright 3365 (K, P, S, UC, USM); J. Hudson 948 (CTES, MO); R. Ferreyra 7609 (USM). Lima : H. Cuming 975 (BM). Piura : R. Ferreyra 10760 (MO); O. Haught F-177 (F); O. Haught 210 (BM, US); M.S. Chrostowski 5/1 (K); C.R. Worth et al. 9007 (K, UC). Tumbes : R. Ferreyra 12330 (MO, USM); A. Gentry & C. Diaz 58179 (NY, MO). ECUADOR. Chimbarazo : Pallatanga-Panza Gorda, J. Jaramillo et al. 26869 (QCA). Guayas : Guayaquil, R. Spruce 6319 (BM, K); K.T. Hartweg 674 (BM, K, NY. P); Pavon s.n. (BM); E. Asplund 15609 (K, S); Canaveral , J.E. Madsen 7401 (AAU). Loja : G. Harling & L. Andersson 22533 (MO); J.E. Madsen et al. 7401 (AAU). Manabi : G. Harling et al. 9496 (MO). COLOMBIA. Monteria : B. Anderson 1849 (K). VENEZUELA. Bolivar : J. Steyermark 88866 (NY, K). PANAMA. B.L. Seeman 173 (K); J.F. MacBride 2674 (F); A.A. Hunter & P.H. Allen 469 (P). NICARAGUA. W.D. Stevens 27852 (MO). MEXICO. Chiapas : Tonala , R.E. Gereau & G.J. Marin 1845 (MO). Quintana Roo : Isla de Cozumal, E.F. & H. de Cabrera 6817 (MEXU, MO). UNITED STATES. Florida : K. Craddock Burks et al. 1159 (FSU, FTG), 1074 (FSU). CUBA. P. Wilson s.n. [22/8/1904] (HAJB); Isla de Juventud [Pinos ]: A.H. Curtiss 219 (BM, K, MO, P). Pinar del Rio : Bro. Alain 2805 (NY). La Habana : H. Van Hermann 384 (BM); Camagueey : N.L. Britton et al. 13084 (NY). Guantanamo : Bayate, E.L. Ekman 10027 (NY), 15316 (S). JAMAICA. W. Stearn 280 (BM), 982 (BM); G.R. Proctor & Mullings 21824 (BM); W.H. Harris 11830 (MO, NY); T.G. Yuncker 18030 (NY). LESSER ANTILLES. Martinique : C. Sastre 9868 (P). St Lucia : G.R. Proctor 17693 (A, BM); R.A. Howard et al. 20004 (NY). Typification. In designating a lectotype of Ipomoea crassifolia we have chosen the specimen cultivated in Madrid (MA475846) and annotated " Ipomoea crassifolia " as the description was based on this, rather than the original collection by Ruiz and Pavon from Guayaquil, which is also kept at Madrid (MA814663). Notes. The folded reniform leaves are very characteristic. Records from Bolivia (Wood et al. 2014) are errors for Ipomoea paludicola .