A revision of the Entisberus group (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae) Author Kondorosy, Előd text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2008 2008-12-08 48 2 591 610 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5341747 0374-1036 5341747 69CD34BC-2E6C-481D-ABAB-31260B467A87 Retoka stysi sp. nov. ( Fig. 11 , 20 ) Type locality. North Vietnam , Chua Huong (Huong son), 60 km SW Hanoi . Type material. HOLOTYPE : J, ‘ N. Vietnam 26-29.iv. / CHUA HUONG (Huong son) / 60 km SW Hanoi / leg. E. Jendek 1991’ ( NHMW ) . PARATYPES : J 3♀♀ , same label data as holotype ( NHMW ) ; , ‘ VIETNAM prov. / Nam há, Tuong / linh, nr. Phu ly, // No. 573 / 21-27.v.1966 . / leg. Topál [hw]’ ( HNHM ) . Description. Structure. Body thick, moderately elongate, shining; head, abdomen, and legs covered with moderately long decumbent hairs, body with further very minute, hardly visible hairs; body (except abdomen) very densely and strongly punctate. Head short, about as long as high, moderately declivent in lateral view at base of clypeus, very densely punctate, punctures partly confluent (having the appearance of very narrow, low, mesh-like carinae). Eyes large, bare, strongly protruding but not pedunculate, laterally extending far beyond anterolateral angles of pronotum, projecting posteriad. Posterior margin of eyes approaching pronotum but not touching it. Ocelli well developed, touching pronotum. Antenniferous tubercles well developed, far from eyes (distance between anterior margin of eyes and base of antenna only a little shorter than length of eye), slightly projecting inwards. Bucculae small, rounded, very narrow posteriad, reaching anterior margin of eyes. Antennal segments moderately thickened, with decumbent and prominent hairs; segment I surpassing apex of clypeus by one third of its total length; segment II longer than segment I; remaining segments shorter than II. Labium short, reaching almost base of mid coxae, segment I reaching about middle of eyes, segment II longest, reaching base of pronotal collar, remaining segments shortest. Male genitalia. Paramere slender ( Fig. 20 ), easily distinguishable from other known species of the genus. Thorax. Pronotum anteriorly convex, at transverse furrow concave, anterior part very densely and posterior lobe slightly more sparsely punctate. Posterior lobe with small impunctate, seemingly elevated areas, humeral angles smooth, median groove shallow and wide. Pronotal collar indistinct, with two irregular rows of punctures. Transverse impression shallow but well visible in the middle of pronotum. Lateral margins narrowly explanate, not laminate at level of transverse impression, abruptly terminating posteriorly at middle part of humeral angles, reaching collar anteriorly. Basal margin of pronotum protruding posteriad in front of basal angles of scutellum, laterally depressed, apical margin straight. Scutellum triangular with Y-shaped (or T-shaped) elevation with basal arms moderately strongly elevated and not lower at their midlength than the central part of the elevation, the elevation not reaching level of pronotum, arms reaching neither basal nor apical angles, basal arms directed only slightly anteriad, apical arm smooth; middle of elevation behind one third of total length of scutellum. Hemelytra developed, reaching apex of abdomen. Clavus with three regular rows of punctures. Corium elevated, highest at end of clavus, with two rows along claval margin, lateral of them to corial furrow smooth; mesocorium with dense irregular punctures, reflexed costal margin impunctate. Costal margin of corium convex at base, concave at end of scutellum, convex apically. Apical corial margin S-shaped, strongly concave at inner part. Membrane with four well visible veins. Thoracic sternum evenly punctate except two shallow concavities behind fore coxae on mesosternum. Meso- and metasternum with median ridge. Metasternal scent gland area small, occupying less than one third of metasternum. Legs slender, fore femur with 2-3 fine teeth, fore tibia always straight and simple. Abdominal venter without median keel. Intersegmental sutures between sternites II-VI finely punctate. Colouration. Body brown. Head black, anterior pronotal lobe and majority of sternum dark brown. Apex of antennal segment II, whole antennal segments III and IV, and labium yellowish brown; tarsi and apices of tibiae stramineous. Lateral carinae of pronotum, small spots on posterior pronotal lobe, apical arm of scutellar carina, longitudinal streak on inner part of clavus, line between clavus and corium, transversal streak on corium at one-third of its length, three corial patches forming transversal streak at apex of clavus, and majority of membrane whitish. Measurements (all in mm;J holotype first, J paratypes in parentheses). Total body length 2.25 (1.88-2.25), total width (across humeri) 1.10 (0.95-1.12). Head: length 0.45 (0.38-0.45), width 0.6 (0.58-0.62), interocular space 0.32 (0.35-0.40). Pronotum: length 0.62 (0.55-0.62), width at base 0.98 (0.90-1.00). Scutellum length 0.48 (0.38-0.48), length of claval commissure 0.20 (0.20-0.22). Lengths of antennal segments I 0.25 (0.22-0.25), II 0.3 (0.25-0.30), III 0.22 (0.18-0.22), IV 0.3 (0.25-0.30). Lengths of labial segments I 0.28 (0.25-0.28), II 0.28 (0.22-0.28), III 0.18 (0.12-0.18), IV 0.20 (0.20-0.22). Differential diagnosis . Very small species, much smaller than most other known species of the genus except R. hirsuta sp. nov. , R. paraminuta sp. nov. , and R. minuta . Retoka hirsuta is of similar size but has a long pubescence on the body surface and well-developed bucculae; R. minuta is smaller and brachypterous. For differences from R. paraminuta sp. nov. see below. Etymology. This species is dedicated to Prof. Pavel Štys in honour of his 75 th birthday, recognizing his outstanding contributions to the taxonomy, morphology, phylogeny and other aspects of the true bugs. Distribution. Vietnam .