Classification, Natural History, And Evolution Of The Genus Aphelocerus Kirsch (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae) Author OPITZ, WESTON text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2005 2005-05-11 2005 293 1 128 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090(2005)293<0001:CNHAEO>2.0.CO;2 0003-0090 5362748 Aphelocerus extensivus , new species Figures 37 , 66 , 158; map 27 HOLOTYPE : Female. Guatemala , Zapote ( El Zapote ) G. C. Champion ( BMNH ). (Specimen point mounted; sex label affixed to paper point, white, machine printed; support card; locality label, white machine printed; holotype label, red, machine and hand print­ ed.) PARATYPES : Five specimens. Two from the same locality as the holotype ( BMNH , 1; WOPC , 1). El Salvador : San Salvador : Quetzaltepeque , 500 m , 19­VI­1963 , D. Q. Cavagnaro & M. E. Irwin ( WOPC , 2) ; 8­VII­ 1960 , J. & B. Bechyne ( IZAV , 1) . DIAGNOSIS: The posterior patch of the elytral setal tuft is narrowly extended posteriorly (fig. 37), and the sutural tuft is elongat­ ed. These characteristics will distinguish the members of this species from other members of the yungas species group. DESCRIPTION: Size : Length 4.9–6.0 mm; width 1.8–2.2 mm . Integument : Piceous. Vestiture : Integument vested with predominately pale setae, few dark setae; metepisternal, sutural, and elytral middiscal tufts well developed; sutural tuft particularly elongat­ ed; elytral discal tuft bipartite; setae of anterior patch directed toward epipleuron, setae of posterior patch directed posteriorly, middiscal elytral setal tuft notably extended pos­ teriorly. Head : Width across eyes feebly narrower than width across pronotum (30:33), coarsely, densely punctated; interocular depression and frontal umbo shallow; eyes subspherical, moderately convex; antenna as in figure 66. Thorax : Pronotum near equal in width and length (33:34); narrower than width of elytra across humeri (26:33); finely punctate, side margins boldly arcuate, feebly incised by subapical depression, elytral depth at humerus 18, greatest depth in posterior half 21. Abdomen : Pygidium with posterior margin evenly convex. Male genitalia : As in figure 158. VARIATION: Except for the body size, these beetles did not vary appreciably. NATURAL HISTORY: The El Salvador specimens were collected in June ( 500 m ) and July. DISTRIBUTION (map 10): From southern Guatemala to central El Salvador . ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet is a Latin adjective meaning ‘‘stretch out’’. I refer to the extended condition of the posterior patch of the elytral middiscal setal tuft.