Notes on a small collection of thecate hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from Tristan da Cunha, south Atlantic Author Galea, Horia R. text Zootaxa 2010 2336 1 18 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.205235 58869148-c1e6-483c-9a76-0f1976cdeda9 1175-5326 205235 Sertularella gayi (Lamouroux, 1821) ( fig. 4 N, O) Sertularia Gayi Lamouroux, 1821: 12 , pl. 66 figs 8–9. Sertularella gayi – Ramil et al ., 1992: 496, figs 1 A, 2–3. – Cornelius, 1995b: 71, fig. 16. Material examined. Stn. T10 , 15.ii.2005 : one sterile colony, 5.5 cm high, with polysiphonic stem. Stn. T19 , 07.iii. 2005 : one fragmentary colony, 6.5 cm high, polysiphonic basally, and a large, polysiphonic colony, 11 cm high ( NHM 2009.21), both sterile. Distribution . Sterile specimens of this species, from off Gough Island (depth 183 m ), were previously collected by the S.Y. Scotia (Ritchie 1907) . This species is widely distributed in the Atlantic, though absent from Antarctic waters; also present in the northern Pacific (Vervoort & Watson 2003).