The Pachyprotasis indica group (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) in China with descriptions of eight new species
Zhong, Yihai
Wei, Meicai
journal article
Pachyprotasis paraspinilabria
sp. nov.
Figs. 11, 12, 13, 14
, 38, 50, 57, 58, 65)
Material examined.
, Ψ, Mt. Emei, Xixiangchi, Sichuan Province (113°20΄E, 29°32΄N, alt.
), 0 2. 0 7. 2006, Hu Zhou leg.;
, 1 ɗ, Mt. Emei, Xixiangchi, Sichuan Province, (113°20΄E, 29°32΄N, alt.
), 0 2. 0 7. 2006, Yihai Zhong leg.
The specific epithet, an adjective, refers to the labrum which is similar to that of
P. spinilabria
Wei et Zhong.
Female (
Figs. 11, 12
): Body length
7 mm
. Head yellow brown, yellow white are: labrum, clypeus, face below antennal socket, lateral margin of median fovea, lower half of inner orbits continues with lower 1/3 of hind orbits, ventral sides of scape and pedicel; dark brown are: spots in frontal area and antennal furrow continued with inner orbits, ocellar area, anterior half of postocellar area, large spots on lateral sides of hind head and a little median spot, stripe on ventral side of several apical flagellomeres; other parts of antennae black; thorax black, yellow white are: an arrowhead-shaped spot near apex of mesonotal middle lobe, a central spot on mesonotal lateral lobe, central part of mesoscutellum, a band on middle part of appendage, metascutellum, a transverse band on posteroventral margin of mesepisternum, posterodorsal part of metepisternum, metepimeron except anteroventral corner; brown are: pronotum, tegulae, lateral margin of mesonotal middle lobe, spot near notaulus and lateral margin of mesonotal lateral lobe, parapsis, lateral side of mesoscutellum, appendage except middle band, mesopostnotum, mesepisternum except a transverse band on posteroventral part, hind part of mesepimeron, anterior margin of metepimeron; metanotum except metascutellum dark brown; abdomen dark brown, lateral side of each tergite with irregular large black spot, hind parts and deflexed lateral sides of all tergites, hind parts of all sternites yellow brown, ovipositor sheath dark brown with black spot on middle part, ventral side of valvifer 2 yellow brown. Legs yellow brown, yellow white are: all trochanters, four front coxae, basal 2/5 of pro- and mesofemora, basal 3/8 of metafemur; black are: dorsal spots on base of pro- and mesocoxa, dorsal band on basal 2/7 of pro- and mesofemora, irregular spot on outer side of hind coxa, outer band on apical 5/8 of metafemur, irregular spot on apex of metatibia; inner sides on apical 3/8 of metafemur and all of metatibia red brown. Wings pale infuscate, hyaline; costa, subcosta, Rs, outer and inner margins of stigma pale brown, rest of stigma and other veins black brown.
Labrum large, apex strongly tapering like a needle (
Fig. 65
); clypeus roundly incised up to 1/3 of its middle length, lateral lobes blunt; malar space wider than diameter of median ocellus; inner margins of eyes convergent downwards; supra-antennal tubercles indistinct; frontal area slightly elevated, below level of eyes in lateral view, frontal ridges a little blunt; median fovea ditch-like, anterior half deep and posterior half shallow, antennal furrow ditch-like, shallow; interocellar furrow narrow and shallow, postocellar furrow absent; postocellar area slightly elevated, relative width: length = 1.43, lateral postocellar furrow deep and runs straight backwards; head distinctly narrowed behind eyes. Antennae shorter than combined length of thorax and abdomen, flagellomere 1 longer than flagellomere 2 = 1.03, flagellomere 3 to last one compressed. Mesoscutellum prismatically elevated, lateral carina conspicuous, appendage with acute middle carina.
tarsomere 1 longer than combined length of following 4 tarsomeres, claw with inner tooth shorter than outer tooth. Front wing with middle petiole of anal cell inconspicuously shorter than base, longer than vein R+M as 30: 13; petiole of anal cell on hind wing present and inconspicuously longer than half of vein cu-a.
Dorsal and lateral view: 9–10.
female, holotype; 11–12.
female, holotype; 13–14.
male, paratype.
Labrum and clypeus with several minute and shallow punctures; punctures on frontal area and continuous inner orbits a little large, dense, interspaces with distinct microsculpture, luster indistinct; mesonotum with dense punctures and microsculpture, luster indistinct; punctures on upper part of mesepisternum a little large, scattered, on lower part minute, surface between punctures polished and with dense microsculpture, distinctly shiny; meseanepimeron with coarse sculpture, shiny, mesekatepimeron polished with distinct oily luster, microsculpture dense, punctures nearly absent; punctures on metepisternum minute, shallow and dense, luster distinct, metepimeron polished with distinct oily luster, punctures and microsculpture inconspicuous; punctures on mesoscutellum nearly absent, mat; appendage with distinct microsculpture, luster indistinct; tergites with minute, shallow and faint punctures, microsculpture dense, distinctly shiny; punctures on outer side of hind coxa extremely minute, shallow and scattered.
Ovipositor sheath slightly shorter than hind tarsomere 1 =
0.8 in
lateral view, valvula 3 tapering toward apex, longer than valvifer 2 = 1.1. Lancet with 22 annuli (fig. 38), middle serrula with 2 anterior and 13–15 posterior sub-basal teeth (fig. 50).
Figs. 13, 14
): Body length
7 mm
. Structure similar to female, but color very different. Head and thorax black, yellow are: labrum, clypeus, face below antennal socket, median fovea continues with frontal area, lower half of inner orbits, hind orbits, narrow inner orbits continues with a spot on temple, lateral side and upper part of hind head, tegulae except posterior margin, anteroventral margin and apex of pronotum, lateral side of mesonotal middle lobe, a medial butterfly-shaped spot on mesonotal lateral lobe, mesoscutellum, appendage, metascutellum, lateral side and posterior margin of metanotum, a large ventral spot on anterior part of mesepisternum, central part on posterior margin of mesepimeron, ventral margin and hind part of metepisternum, dorsal and posterior margin of metepimeron, metasternum; central part of pectus with large pale brown spot; tergite 1 black brown, tergites 2 and 3 dark brown, central parts with irregular yellow brown spots, tergites 4–6 brown, posterolateral side of tergite 6 with black spot, tergites 7 and 8 and inner parts on deflexed lateral sides of tergites 6–8 black, central parts of tergites 7 and 8 with yellow spots, sternites 4 and 5 yellow brown, deflexed lateral sides of all tergites and sternites 6–8 yellow white. Legs yellow white, black are: dorsal bands on apical 2/5 of four front femur, outer band on apical half of metacoxa, apical 2/3 of metafemur, apical 2/5 of metatibia; brown are: four front tibiae and tarsi, basal 3/5 of metatibia, tibial spurs, tarsi and claws. Malar space 3 times as long as diameter of median ocellus, lower inner orbits raised, inner margins of eyes distinctly divergent downwards, flagellum strongly compressed.
Gonoforcep and penis valve as in
Figs 57, 58
The species is similar to
, but can be distinguished from the latter by the the following characters: the black spot on frontal area large; middle part of stigma black brown; median fovea ditch-like, anterior half deep and posterior half shallow, labrum large, only apex strongly tapering as needle; middle serrulae not elevate as in