Description of a new species of Parens Fibiger, 2011 (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Hypenodinae) from Korea Author Lee, Ji-Young Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Hannam University, Daejeon, 34054, Republic of Korea Author Byun, Bong-Kyu Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Hannam University, Daejeon, 34054, Republic of Korea text ZooKeys 2024 2024-02-28 1193 19 23 journal article 1313-2970-1193-19 C889C428DB224DC9BF7AB12D16D62CD1 CB048A4287B15F8398400D364E7FF501 Parens fibigerina sp. nov. Figs 1A , 2A, B Type material. Holotype Female, Korea, Donghae-si, GW, 12.viii.2021 (BK Byun), gen. slide no. HNUSEL-6442-coll. HNUSEL. Diagnosis. This species is distinguished from P. occi by the shape of the signum in the corpus bursae. In P. occi , the cross-shaped signum in the corpus bursae, while P. fibigerina has a triangular signum. Additionally, the P. fibigerina has the forewing with a more rounded apex, a whitish-beige ground color, and a terminal margin covered with more blackish scales. The hindwing is grayish with mixed black scales. Also, the new species is distinguished from P. chekiangi Fibiger, 1911 by characters of the 8th abdominal segment and the shape of the signum. The new species has the 8th abdominal segment is 2/3 length of the posterior apophyses and is well sclerotized. The antrum is strongly sclerotized. The new species has a triangular signum in the corpus bursae, while in P. chekiangi has a cross-shaped signum. Description. Adult (Fig. 1A ). Wingspan 11 mm. Head bend down, black; antenna filiform, black; frons rounded; labial palps porrect. Thorax and abdomen with sparse scales, beige; A8-10 dark brown. Forewing ground color whitish beige, with black line from base to costal margin; base with half-round, blackish patch; apex rounded and with four yellowish blotches; antemedial and postmedial lines parallel, wavy, dark brown; spot reniform with whitish inner area and light brown outline. Hindwing ground color grayish brown, mixed black, and outline slightly curved to inner side with many cilia. Figure 1. Adults of Parens A P. fibigerina sp. nov. (gen. slide no. HNUSEL_6442) B P. occi (gen. slide no. HNUSEL_5931) Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Male genitalia . Unknown. Female genitalia (Fig. 2A, B ). Papillae anales normal shape, rounded apex, with many short hairs, and well sclerotized. Posterior apophyses length equal to papillae anales; anterior apophyses extremely short. Ostium bursae placed in the median of abdomen. Antrum short, strongly sclerotized. Ductus bursae long, almost straight, narrow, membranous, and dilated at junction to corpus bursae (ca twice as broad as main tube). Corpus bursae globular and membranous, with triangular signum positioned slightly to left. Signum strongly sclerotized at base; upper side rather weakly sclerotized. Figure 2. Male and female genitalia of Korean Parens species A ♀, P. fibigerina sp. nov., holotype (gen. slide no. HNUSEL_6442) B ditto, signum C ♂, P. occi (gen. slide no. HNUSEL_5931, 5937) D ♀, P. occi (gen. slide no. HNUSEL_6958) E ditto, signum. Scale bars: 0.1 mm. Distribution. Korea (endemic). Etymology. This new species is dedicated to the memory of Michael Fibiger, a Danish entomologist, who was a renowned researcher of the tribe Micronoctuini .