A new species of Dieida Strand, 1911 from Turkey (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) Author Japaridze, Lasha-Giorgi David Reqtori st. 55, 2200, Telavi, Georgia. Author Hulsbosch, Ramon 0000-0002-4507-6477 Maasbrachterweg 83, 6101 XV Echt, Netherlands. ramonhulsbosch @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4507 - 6477 Corresponding author. lgjaparidze @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7171 - 5589 ramonhulsbosch@gmail.com text Zootaxa 2023 2023-04-24 5271 1 169 174 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5271.1.8 journal article 255193 10.11646/zootaxa.5271.1.8 3d2e4331-c32b-4266-a6f9-6a90d7cb3966 1175-5326 7864479 0F6C43DF-AF52-4FBE-A851-CC41830B915E Dieida versicolor sp. nov. Locus typicus: Okurcalar , Alanya , Antalya Province , Turkey . Deposition of type material: Museum für Naturkunde Gera . Material examined. Type material. Holotype ( Fig. 3C, D ): ‘ SW Türkei / Yaylas Geb. | 85 km SE Antalya, 35 km | Alanya. 15 km nörtlich Okuncalar | Urng. Alarahn / Alana Kalesi Tal | 06. U. 07. Mai 2005 / NN 10- 100 | leg. Alex Steidel , Malte Jänicke’ , ‘ Stygioides | | leg.: |—|. | det.: M. Jänicke ’, ‘SE- 766 ♀ | gen. prep. | S. Erlacher , 2022’, <red label> ‘ HOLOTYPE | Dieida versicolor | Japaridze & Hulsbosch 2023’ Paratype 1 ♁ ( Fig. 3A, B ): same data as holotype, gen. prep. SE-765. Description Adults ( Fig. 3A–3D ). Measurements. Wingspan: 17 mm . ♁, 23 mm . ; forewing length: 7.5 mm . ♁, 8 mm . ; hindwing length: 5 mm . ♁, 5.5 mm . ; body length: 12 mm . ♁, 12 mm . . Male ( Fig. 3A, B ). Antennae bipectinate, black, half length of the forewing; rami short and black. Head, tegula, thorax and abdomen densely hirsute and pale grayish dorsally and black ventrally. Forewings relatively short with rounded apex; ground colour grayish; semitranslucent; edge of costa brownish-black 3/4 from the base, cell has a small white-ivory spot. Fringe brownish-black. Hindwings grayish semitranslucent, fringe brownish-black. White-ivory spots on submedian and apex area of forewings and submedian area and hind margin of hindwings FIGURE 3. Adults of Dieida versicolor sp. nov. A–B. Paratype male dorsal and ventral view. C–D. Holotype female dorsal and ventral view. Scale bar: 1 mm. Female ( Fig. 3C, D ). Antennae bipectinate, rami short, black, half length of the forewing. Head, tegula and thorax densely hirsute golden-brown dorsally and black ventrally. Abdomen hirsute; dorsally 3/5 of the abdomen golden-brown, with 4 black belts, terminal part 2/5 black. Forewings relatively short with rounded apex; ground colour grayish-black, semitranslucent; basal half ventrally blackish, golden-brown spots forming two incomplete fascia 2/5 and 3/5 from base, row of golden-brown smaller spots along termen; fringe brownish-black. Hindwing brownish-black semitranslucent except anal field golden-brown, fringe brownish-black. FIGURE 4. Genitalic morphology of Dieida versicolor sp. nov. 4A. Male genitalia ventral view. 4B. Aedeagus. 4C. Female genitalia ventral view. 4D. Female genitalia, details of ostium bursae region. Scale bar: 1 mm. Wing venation is identical in both sexes. Male genitalia ( Fig. 4A, B ). Tegumen long and triangular; Uncus small, sclerotized, triangular peak shaped. Socii rounded with setae. Arms of gnathos relatively short, stout; gnathos knob large, oval shaped, membranous. Valvae lanceolate 8 times longer than width, apex roundish, basal half of costal margin convex, apical half concave, dorsal margin 2/3 from base slightly concave, apical part 1/6 membranous, basal part 7/8 sclerotized; margin between membranous and sclerotized parts clear and roundish, dorsally membranous reach end of sacculus. Sacculus clearly separated from valvae, slender, 2/3 length of valvae; base roundish, gradually narrowing towards the outer end. Arms of transtilla relatively short, thin, strongly sclerotized, 45-degree sharp angle in the middle; transtilla knob not well visible, membranous. Lateral juxta lobes digitate. Saccus well developed as long as width, apex rounded, anterior margin strongly sclerotized, slightly concave. Aedeagus gladiate, same length as valvae, without cornutus. Female genitalia ( Fig. 4C, D ). Ovipostor long. Papilliae analis elongated ellipsoid.Aphophyses posteriores twice longer than apophyses anteriores. Ostium bursae not visible, long lateral sclerotized structures beside ductus bursae; ductus bursae relatively short, posterior half membranous, anterior narrow. Corpus bursae thin, membranous. Diagnosis. Both male and female of D. versicolor sp. nov. wings pattern and colouration is very distinct from any other known species of genus Dieida or similar looking genus Stygioides Bruand, 1853 , hence it can not be confused with any other species. Distribution. The holotype and paratype of D. versicolor sp. nov. originate from Okurcalar, Turkey . Biology. Like all of the other congeners, imago of D. versicolor sp. nov. is diurnal. No hostplants or immature stages are known. Etymology. The name of the new species derives from Latin “versicolor” meaning colourful.