Geographic and taxonomic notes, addenda and corrigenda on the subtribe Bembidiina Stephens, 1827 of the 2017 ' Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera' (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Bembidiina) Author Neri, Paolo Via Guido Rossa 21 " San Lorenzo ", 47121 Forli (FC), Italy Author Toledano, Luca Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, Lungadige Porta Vittoria 9, 37129 Verona, Italy text ZooKeys 2021 2021-06-16 1044 563 587 journal article 1313-2970-1044-563 71DCAFC2B2BB475B91662BCDC83C7F07 8787843B77CB51DEB6FCF0B8F3A09AC3 Bembidion (Politophanes) chloreum Bates, 1873 comb. nov. Bembidium (Peryphus) chloreum Bates, 1873 Bembidion (Asioperyphus) sapporense Jedlicka , 1951 syn. nov. Notes. The subgenus Bembidion Politophanes Mueller-Morzfeld , 1998 was restored by Schmidt (2018) , after Toledano (2008) downgraded Politophanes to species group of subgenus Ocydromus Clairville, 1806. The subgenus includes the species that show particular endophallic characters (main sclerite from slightly arcuate to clearly bent, S-shaped, even long and coiled in a ring in the central portion in some species). Bembidion chloreum , currently listed as member of subgenus Bembidion Peryphus , shows endophallic characters that clearly include it in the subgenus Bembidion Politophanes . Bembidion sapporense Jedlicka , 1951, currently assigned to the subgenus Bembidion Asioperyphus Vysoky , 1986, was described from a single male specimen: we examined the holotype (NMPC) and, based on the aedeagal characters (long main sclerite, coiled in a ring at middle) we assign it to the subgenus Bembidion Politophanes . The labels of the specimen (Fig. 4 ) show that our colleague Seiji Morita (Tokyo), a specialist in Japanese Carabidae , particularly in the Bembidiina , identified the specimen as Bembidion chloreum Bates in 1991. Later he confirmed this identification and authorized us to state it formally here (Morita, pers. comm.): we are very grateful for that. Therefore we state the following synonymy: Bembidion (Asioperyphus) sapporense Jedlicka , 1951 = Bembidion (Politophanes) chloreum Bates, 1873 syn. nov.