New species of Aleurodamaeus Grandjean, 1954 (Oribatida: Aleurodamaeidae) from South Africa Author Hugo-Coetzee, Elizabeth A. text Zootaxa 2013 2013-06-14 3670 4 531 556 journal article 43429 10.11646/zootaxa.3670.4.7 4518f12a-b029-4100-ba69-fc4e7f09396c 1175-5326 217577 7674238A-F6E5-448E-A926-A6607B03B837 Aleurodamaeus salvadordalii sp. nov. ( Figs 1–3 ) Specific diagnosis. The most important characteristic that differentiates Aleurodamaeus salvadordalii sp. nov. from the other Aleurodamaeus species is the presence of five pairs of notogastral setae, of which h2 is long and curves laterally. Measurements . Length: females (n = 5) mean 536 (range 511–555), males (n = 5) mean 503 (range 491–535). Width: females mean 317 (range 302–327), males mean 296 (range 287–311). Holotype (male): length 493, width 289. Integument ( Figs 1 , 2 , 3 A). Prodorsum and notogaster covered by thick cerotegument in a specific arrangement: on prodorsum in the form of a sideways ‘m’ on both sides, on notogaster in hexagonal patterns; body, legs and setae also covered with spherical and stringy cerotegument; body surface smooth; exuvial scalps absent. Prodorsum ( Fig. 1 A, D). Rostrum rounded in dorsal view, projecting forward in lateral view; rostral seta ro (73) and lamellar seta le (115) long, slender and smooth, curving inward, ro inserted posterior-ventrally to le , interlamellar seta in short (10), spiniform, thickened, exobothridial seta ex (38) long, very thin, inserted anteriorlaterally to bothridium, le , ro , in , ex on tubercles; sensillus ss (153) very long, slender and smooth. Notogaster ( Fig. 1 A, C, D). Convex in lateral view, lyrifissures ia , im , ip , ih and ips thin, but distinct (after removing the cerotegument), im vertical, longer (18) than the others (10), five pairs of notogastral setae on posterior edge, setae long, thin, smooth, all on distinct tubercles, setae p1-3 and h1 twisted, corkscrew-like, h2 not twisted, but curving laterally, p1 (306) longest, followed by h1 (261), p2 (182), h2 (140) and p3 (133). Gnathosoma ( Fig. 3 E, F). Subcapitulum longer than wide, hypostomal setae a , m densely barbed, seta h smooth; chelicera chelate-dentate, seta cha longer than chb , barbed; palpal setation 0-2-1-3-8 (+1w) (seta lt’ on palptarsus could not be found), solenidion not attached to eupathidium, setae on first three segments and seta lt on palptarsus lightly barbed. Epimeral region ( Fig. 1 B). Sejugal apodeme well developed; number of setae on epimeres (from I to IV) 3-1- 3-3, all epimeral setae very thin, smooth, setae 1b , 3b , 3c , 4a , 4b , 4c longer (42-63) than 1a , 1c , 2a , 3a (23–37). Anogenital region ( Fig. 1 B). All setae smooth, genital setae in a more or less straight row, g1 a bit longer (18) than the rest (10–11), seta g7 on posterior edge of genital plates, anal setae an , spiniform, of similar length (17), aggenital seta ag slender, long (31), similar to epimeral setae, adanal setae ad of similar length (63–65); lyrifissure iad not evident. Legs ( Fig. 3 A–D, Table 1 ). Leg IV (448)> leg I (410)> leg III (358)> leg II (297), middle claw of all legs of similar size; leg setal formula I–IV (solenidia in parenthesis, including famulus), (Trochanter (Tr) - Femur (Fe) - Genu (Ge) - Tibia (Ti) – Tarsus (Ts)): Leg I: 1-5-4(1)-5(2)-20(2), Leg II: 1-5-4(1)-5(1)-16(2), Leg III: 2-3-3(1)- 4(1)-15, Leg IV: 1-2-3-4(1)-12; all genua and tibia II-IV with dorso-distal projections or sheaths, solenidia on Ts I close together, ω1 longer than ω2, ω1 baculiform, ω2 piliform, the famulus (ε) small spiniform, inside a chitin-like structure, the edges sticking out, possibly acting as protection to the famulus; seta d on Ti I coupled with solenidion φ1, φ1 tactile, φ2 on Ti I piliform, solenidia ω1 and ω2 on Ts II both baculiform, the same length, close together, setae on tarsi with strong barbs, setae on femora, trochanters, smooth; setae v’ and l’ on Tr III and IV long; ventro-distal tectum of Tr III and IV strongly developed. Etymology. The species is named after Salvador Dali, the famous Spanish painter. His characteristic moustache resembles the form of notogastral setae h2 . Type material. The holotype and 10 paratypes were collected in the grassland biome, in the Free State, Phuthaditjhaba district , Korfshoek farm ( 28º28’S , 28º47’E ) under a Leucosidea sericea (Old Wood) tree on the slopes of the Drakensberg , by J.P. Eksteen on 18.ii.1982 . The holotype ( NMB 2032.2.1 ) and six paratypes ( NMB 2032.2) are deposited in the Acarology collection of the National Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa . Four paratypes are deposited in the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe ( SMNK-ORIB 0495 ). Collection data . This species has a high occurrence in the grassland biome. For distribution of A. salvadordalii sp. nov. see Fig. 4 , indicated by filled squares. Grassland biome: Phuthaditjhaba District FS ( 28º28’S , 28º47’E , humus rich moist soil and plant debris under Leocosidea sericea and other indigenous trees); Korfshoek, Phuthaditjhaba district FS ( 28º29’S , 28º45’E , soil in a donga at the foot of the mountain, under Leocosidea sericea tree); Leliehoek, near Ladybrand FS ( 29º12’S , 27º27’E , dry soil, dry pine needles and decomposed plant material under indigenous shrubs and trees); Parys District FS ( 26º54’S , 27º26’E , dry soil near indigenous plants); Trafalgar, Bethlehem District FS ( 27º38’S , 28º34’E , rocky soil and soil under Eucalyptus tree); Korannaberg, Excelsior District FS ( 28º52’S , 27º13’E , soil and plant material on mountain under indigenous shrubs and trees); Vansoelenshoek, Excelsior District FS ( 28º31’S , 27º16’E , soil and plant material on the mountainside); Aasvoëlberg, Zastron District FS ( 30º18’S , 27º03’E , soil with grass litter); Golden Gate Highlands National Park FS ( 28º32’S , 28º34’E , slightly humid soil with much organic material under Leucosidea trees); Golden Gate Highlands National Park FS ( 28º32’S , 28º34’E , moist soil and decomposed plant debris); Royal Natal National Park KZN ( 28º40’S , 29º02’E , soil and plant debris under Leucosidea sericea tree); near Queenstown EC ( 31º52’S , 26º48’E , dry soil and plant debris under thorn trees and aloe species); Karoo biome: near Hanover NC ( 31º05’S , 24º25’E , slightly humid soil and decomposed leaf litter under low indigenous shrubs).