Two new species of Cis Latreille (Coleoptera: Ciidae) from Chile Author Lopes-Andrade, Cristiano text Zootaxa 2010 2010-04-30 2441 1 53 62 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2441.1.5 1175-5326 5305779 Cis peckorum Lopes-Andrade sp. nov. ( Figs 7–12 ) Etymology The specific epithet is in honour of Stuart B. Peck and Jarmila Kukalová-Peck, who collected the specimen designated as the holotype , and several paratypes . Diagnosis and comments Dorsal surface uniformly coloured. Frontoclypeal region of males lacking horns or tubercles; lateral margins of pronotum finely crenulate; prosternum biconcave and carinate. The new species is known to occur in continental Chile , between latitudes 36º53’S and 45º24’S ( Fig. 12 ) . Considering the continental Chilean Cis , males of C. andersoni sp. nov. and C. espinosai are easily distinguished from C. peckorum sp. nov. by the possession of a conspicuous pair of frontoclypeal horns. Males of C. campoi are also devoid of conspicuous frontoclypeal horns or tubercles, but they are distinctly smaller (length around 1.74 mm or less). Cis chilensis is a small apterous species in which males have a pair of small frontoclypeal tubercles, and it possibly belongs to Neoapterocis . Description Holotype . ( Figs 7–9 ; see also Figs 10–11 of a paratype ), measurements in mm: TL 2.95; PL 0.89; PW 1.05; EL 1.84; EW 1.11; GD 0.79. Ratios: PL/PW 0.85; EL/EW 1.67; EL/PL 2.06; GD/EW 0.71; TL/EW 2.67. Body somewhat flattened; dorsal surface light pale brown, the coloration being mostly uniform; ventral surface mostly light pale brown, but coxae, legs, mouthparts and antennae brown. Head easily seen from above; frontoclypeal region and vertex bearing coarse shallow punctures and stout decumbent bristles, each punctural fossa being finely granulate; frontoclypeal region devoid of horns or tubercles. Eyes coarsely facetted, each with more than 70 ommatidia; greatest eye width 0.159 mm . Left antenna (FL 0.207mm ; CL 0.268 mm ; CL/FL 1.294) with lengths of antennomeres (in mm) as follows: 0.122; 0.061; 0.061; 0.061; 0.037; 0.024; 0.024; 0.073; 0.085; 0.110; four circular sensillifers in each antennomere of the club, easily seen in a magnification of 56X. Pronotum densely and coarsely punctate, the punctures very close to each other, each punctural fossa finely granulate; vestiture single, consisting of stout decumbent bristles; anterior margin broadly rounded; either lateral corners rounded and produced forwards; lateral margins explanate, entirely seen from above and finely crenulate. Scutellum subpentagonal, brown, glabrous, surface granulate, irregular; basal width 0.110 mm . Hind wings fully developed (macropterous species). Elytra with confused, dense, indistinctly dual punctation, the small punctures very shallow and inconspicuous, a bit smaller than those on pronotum, while the large punctures are irregular in shape and size, as large as or larger than those on pronotum; vestiture single, consisting of stout decumbent bristles; humeral calli conspicuous; disc of elytra uniformly coloured; border from the anterolateral corner to the apex darker than the disc; in between punctures very finely granulate. Hypomera glabrous, very finely granulate, densely punctate, the punctures coarse and very shallow, inconspicuous. Prosternum with surface similar to that of hypomera, biconcave and carinate; prosternal process slightly smaller than the prosternum at the longitudinal midline, 4X as long as broad, apex broadly rounded. Each protibia with apex and outer edge simple; outer apical angle not produced. Metaventrite and abdominal ventrites with coarse dense punctation, with vestiture of slender decumbent setae. Metaventrite with discrimen conspicuous, extending from the posterior margin to two-thirds the length of the sclerite at midline. First abdominal ventrite twice as long as the second at midline, bearing a small setose circular sex patch at middle, its diameter a bit less than one-fifth the length of the ventrite at midline. Male genitalia and pregenital segment (in a paratype ). Apical portion of the eighth sternite ( Fig. 10 ) slightly arcuate inwards. Tegmen ( Fig. 11 ) U-shaped, as long as the penis; apical portion with a deep Y-shaped emargination, reaching the apical two-thirds of the structure and forming two long lateral lobes. Penis ( Fig. 11 , lateral view) elongate, subcylindrical; apical portion membranous, rounded. Female paratypes . Similar to males, but lacking the abdominal sex patch. FIGURES 7–9. Habitus of Cis peckorum sp. nov. , male holotype. 7. Dorsal view. 8. Lateral view. 9. Ventral view. FIGURES 10–11. Male genitalia and pregenital segment of Cis peckorum sp. nov. , paratype from Angol (Chile: IX Araucanía Region, province of Malleco). 10. Eighth sternite. 11. Genitalia showing the penis (pen) and tegmen (teg). FIGURE 12. Distribution map showing the known collection localities (triangles) for C. peckorum sp. nov. Chile is marked in light gray and subdivided into administrative regions. The remaining southern South America is marked in dark gray and divided into countries. The type locality is indicated by an asterisk after the locality’s name. Type series Holotype . (CMN) Chile : \ CHILE : Cautin, 15km NE Villarrica, Flor del Lago 14.XII.84-10.II.85 S&J Peck, 300m , 2FITS Nothofagus forest \ Cis peckorum Lopes-Andrade HOLOTYPUS [printed on red paper]\. Paratypes . Chile : 5 (2 LAPC; 3 MNNC), without label; 1 (FMNH) \ CHILE : Nuble Prov., 72km SE Chillan, [Valle las] Trancas nr Termas, 1700m , 6.XII.1984 - 19.II.1985 \ FMNH #85-893, Nothofagus forest, S. Peck, P#85-8, FIT FIELD MUSEUM\; 1 (CMN) \ CHILE : Cautin, 10km S Pucon, Vol. [Volcán] Villarrica N.P 15.XII.84-10.II.85 S&J Peck, FIT, 900m , Nothofagus groveonash\; 1 dissected male (LAPC) \ CHILE : 40km W Angol Nahuelbuta Nat. Pk 9.XII.84-17.II.85 S&J. Peck, 12-1500m FITS Nothofagus-Araucaria For.\; 1 (CMN) \ CHILE : Aisen ; 33km E Pto Aisen , Rio Simpson N. P. [Reserva Nacional Rio Simpson] 31.XII.84- 26.I.85 S&J Peck, 70m , FIT select cut forest \ Cis 572 [handwritten] Det. J.F.Lawrence [printed]\. All paratypes distinguished labelled \ Cis peckorum Lopes-Andrade PARATYPUS [printed on yellow paper]\. Variation Besides the male abdominal sex patch, there is no other distinct secondary sexual feature in males. Several specimens were mounted with the ventral portion glued to the card, so that the first abdominal ventrite became concealed. I prefer not to remove these specimens from the card, to avoid damaging them. Therefore, I provide the measurements for the whole type series, without distinguishing males and females, as below. Measurements in mm (n = 10, including the holotype ): TL 2.16–2.95 (2.52 ± 0.26); PL 0.63–0.89 (0.76 ± 0.09); PW 0.84–1.11 (0.97 ± 0.08); EL 1.47–1.84 (1.63 ± 0.13); EW 0.89–1.16 (1.02 ± 0.08); GD 0.74–0.84 (0.80 ± 0.03). Ratios: PL/PW 0.71–0.85 (0.78 ± 0.05); EL/EW 1.53–1.67 (1.61 ± 0.05); EL/PL 1.93–2.36 (2.17 ± 0.16); GD/EW 0.68–0.88 (0.79 ± 0.07); TL/EW 2.32–2.67 (2.48 ± 0.10). Besides the abovementioned variation in measurements and ratios, the colour of the dorsal surface varies from light pale brown to brown. A few specimens, including the holotype , have small irregular asymmetrical stains, possible caused by insufficient or inadequate hardening of the cuticle, or even chemical agents that came into contact to the specimens.