An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of Papua New Guinea Author White, William T. Author Ko’Ou, Alfred text Zootaxa 2018 2018-04-19 4411 1 1 82 journal article 30231 10.11646/zootaxa.4411.1 abf8082d-c179-4cb2-acc4-3cdef16c4341 1175-5326 1221878 255EE06E-3171-41F3-BB3D-E7D29537A292 Carcharhinus limbatus (Valenciennes, 1839) Common Blacktip Shark Carcharias ( Prionodon ) limbatus Valenciennes in Müller & Henle, 1839: 49 , pl. 19 (teeth). Syntypes (2): only 1 syntype still in existence; MNHN 0000-3468 (mounted skin). Type locality: Martinique, Lesser Antilles, Western Atlantic. Local synonymy: Carcharhinus limbatus— Filewood, 1973 : 6 (PNG); Compagno, 1984 : 482 (PNG); Kailola, 1987 : 16 (off the Sepik and Ramu River mouths; Bougainville; New Britain; Trobriands; Orangerie Bay; Gulf of Papua and Western Papua); White et al. , 2018 : 148, figs (PNG). PNG voucher material: (21 spec.) CSIRO H 8105-01 (jaw), female 760 mm TL, west of Avirara , Gulf of Papua, 8°15’41” S , 146°6’47” E , 16–18 m depth, 29 Aug. 2015 ; CSIRO H 7828-02 (dried jaw), juvenile male 700 mm TL, south of Deception Bay , Gulf of Papua, 8°2’33” S , 144°39’21” E , 25–31 m depth, 7 Dec. 2014 ; KFRS E.015A-E (5 sets of dried jaws), Hall Sound , Central Province , 11/ 12 Nov. 1964 ; KFRS E.023 (dried jaws), Hall Sound , Central Province , Sep. 1964 ; KFRS E.155A (dried jaws), near McDhui wreck, Port Moresby , 7 Aug. 1965 ; KFRS E.177 (dried jaws), Kiriwina lagoon, Losuia , Milne Bay Province , 17 Nov. 1965 ; KFRS E.180A (dried jaws), Tatana , Fairfax Harbour , Port Moresby , 7 Oct. 1965 ; KFRS E.273 (dried jaws), New Britain , Sep. 1966 ; KFRS E.312 (dried jaws), Orangerie Bay , Jun. 1967 ; KFRS E.366 (dried jaws), KFRS E.369 (dried jaws), Mission Point , Yule Island , 4 Sep. 1968 ; KFRS E.406 (dried jaws), no data; KFRS E.448 (dried jaws), Tureture, Daru, 13 Dec. 1971 ; KFRS E.449 (dried jaws), mouth of Binaturi River , Western Province ; KFRS E.717, female 760 mm TL, KFRS E.718, juvenile male 690 mm TL, Gulf of Papua , 2014 ; KFRS E.777 (dried jaws), no label on jaw but likely a previously registered specimen, new registration number allocated April 2017 . Remarks: First recorded from PNG by Filewood (1973) . Common catch of coastal fisheries and in prawn trawl bycatch.