A new species of Chlorophorus Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae) from China with description of biology
Zong, Shi-Xiang
Xie, Guang-Lin
Wang, Wen-Kai
Luo, Youqing
Cao, Chuan-Jian
journal article
Chlorophorus caragana
Xie & Wang
sp. nov.
Figs 1–2, 5–7
. Length:
9.5–9.8 mm
; humeral width:
2.3–2.9 mm
. Body dark brown, covered with dense gray pubescence. Antennae and legs mostly reddish brown. Pronotum evenly covered with gray pubescence, not spotted or striped. Elytra with clear but unobvious dark brown markings: each elytron with a short, longitudinal humeral stripe; moderately broad band from behind scutellum curving outward to outer margin but away from outer margin; another short, broad and oblique band at middle of elytron approaching and extending along the suture anteriorly, meeting with preceding mark at side of elytron posteriorly; large band almost occupying the whole apical fourth of elytron, sometimes inconspicuous. Pubescence on ventral surface denser than dorsal surface, especially on mesepimeron, metepisternum and posterior margin of first three abdominal segments.
C. caragana
sp. nov.
male and female; 3–4.
C. obliteratus
. female and male; 5–7. male genitalia of
C. caragana
sp. nov.
5. ventral view; 6. lateral view; 7. apical half of tegmen, dorsal view. Scale: 1mm.
Head short, densely punctate, with a short, fine central sulcus from insertion of antenna to upper eye lobe. Antennae obviously surpassing basal third of elytra, almost reaching the middle of elytra; fifth antennomere equal in length with scape and third antennomere, longer than forth antennomere, subsequent antennomeres short and gradually decreasing in length. Pronotum about as broad as long, cambered laterally, widest in middle, with sparse, coarse punctures at base of each side; disk rough, with very fine, short and irregular ridges. Scutellum short linguiform. Elytra long and narrow, finely and densely punctured, separated along the suture from basal one-fifth, with subparallel sides gradually tapering from apical one-fourth to apices; disk slightly convex; elytral apices approximately transverse-truncate, outer margin feebly extended. Metafemur without fine longitudinal ridge, reaching the end of fourth abdominal ventrite but not surpassing elytral apex. Distal abdominal segment surpassing elytral apex.
. Length:
10.9–11.3 mm
; humeral width:
3.2–3.5 mm
. Similar to male, but dorsal pubescence grayish yellow, elytral markings more inconspicuous, antennae reaching approximately basal third of elytra, definitely not surpassing middle of elytra, metafemur reaching elytral apex.
. Habitus of
C. caragana
sp. nov.
8–13. mature larva; 8. dorsal view; 9. lateral view; 10. head, lateral view; 11. prothorax, dorsal view; 12. eggs; 13. ampulla on third abdominal segment, dorsal view; 14. labiomaxillary complex,ventral view; 15. immature larva in xylem; 16. pupa. Scale: 1mm.
Body slightly broader than male. Vertex with a fine central sulcus, sparsely, coarsely punctate between upper eye lobes. Third antennomere longest, fifth antennomere equals in length with scape approximately, longer than fourth, subsequent antennomeres short and gradually decreasing in length. Pronotum about as broad as long, with sparse, coarse punctures at base of each side; disk rough, with very fine, short and irregular ridges. Elytra separated along suture almost behind scutellum. Underside covered with dense, greyish-white pubescence, posterior margin of first three abdominal sternites obviously denser than anterior margin. Distal abdominal segment surpassing elytral apex.
Mature larva
. (
Figs 8–11, 13–14
) Length: 17.0 mm, maximum breadth (at prothorax): 3.0 mm. Body robust, gradually trapering posteriorly but broadening at sixth, seventh and eighth abdominal segments, covered with long sparse setae. Head transversely broad, deeply invaginated into prothorax, rounded laterally, with a small brown scutiform sclerite at middle of posterior margin. Front margin of frons feebly emarginate, with a very long and narrow brown area, frontal suture and median suture not obvious. The first antennal segment about as broad as long; second antennal segment with a supplementary process at tip, length about 2 times as width; third antennal segment about 0.5 times as wide as second segment, length about 3 times as long as supplementary process on second segment. Mouthframe tawny brown; pleurostoma partly pigmented beneath antennae; labrum short linguiform, with dense, golden brown setae at anterior margin; clypeus subquadrate, approximately as wide as labrum, length about 0.5 times as long as labrum; mandibles almost pitchy, short, cutting edge scalpriform; maxilla pale yellow, with a broad, brown, oblique band at base; outer margin of palpifer rounded, without an obvious process at side; 1–3 segments of labial palpus gradually decreasing in length, third segment cylindrical; ligula longer than first segment of labial palpus, with long setae at tip; submentum obviously wider than mentum, with two lateral sclerites, each lateral sclerite devided to anterior and posterior part by a brown oblique sulcus. Gula subquadrate, pale, anterior edge brown. Hypostoma bearing short setae in the area near gula, with slightly oblique transverse wrinkles on anterior margin, hypostomal suture brown anteriorly. Pronotum yellowish to milky white, with obvious patches of pigmentation on anterior margin which are arranged in narrow incontinuous transverse band; median line obvious, bifurcate posteriorly; lateral furrow well developed; anterior half of pronotum sparsely covered with golden brown setae, posterior half with shallow longitudinal furrows; postnotal fold narrow and transverse. Mesotergum devided to two parts by a curved line. Legs almost completely disappearing, only feebly mastoid. Thoracic spiracle about 1.5 times longer than wide. Pleural disc on abdominal segments not obvious, 1–7 abdominal segments with fleshy ambulatory ampullae; ampullae bulged outward, without microasperities, devided to some areas by transverse and lognitudinal sulcus; anal region trilobate.
FIGURES 17–22.
17–19. Damage state: 17. pith attacked; 18. xylem attacked; 19. emergence hole on trunk. 20–22. Natural enemies: 20.
Iphiaulax impostor
; 21.
Doryctes petiolatus
; 22.
Xorides irrigator
Fig. 16
) Yellowish white, length
8–12 mm
, maximum breadth
2–3 mm
Fig. 12
) Milky white, gradually becoming pale yellow; oblong, rounded at both ends, one end much broader than the other, slightly emarginate medially; chorion matt, smooth. Length
0.8–1 mm
, breadth
0.3 mm
(on average).
, male,
: Dongshanpo, Lingwu city, Ninxia Hui Autonomous region,
7 July 2008
, Zhan-wen Li.
1 male
1 female
: Dongshanpo, Lingwu city, Ninxia Hui Autonomous region,
7 July 2008
, Zhan-wen Li;
1 male
1 female
: Qisuo, Yingshuiqiao town, Zhongwei city, Ninxia Hui Autonomous region,
7 July 2008
, Shi-xiang Zong.
Specimens depository.
and ten larvae are deposited in the Entomological Museum of Yangtze University, Jingzhou, P. R.
. Other specimens are deposited in Insect Collection of Beijing Forestry University and Insect Collection of Forest Pest Control and Quarantine Station of Ningxia.
The new species is named after the host plant genus
The new species very closely resembles
C. obliteratus
, but can be distinguished from that species by its immaculate pronotum, evenly covered with gray pubescence; elytra more densely covered with gray pubescence, with more unobvious dark brown markings; preapical band on elytron inconspicuous, not triangular in female.
The new species differs from the known
species that occurred in northern
in the remarkable characteristic, dark markings on elytra covered with dense and uniform pale pubescence.
Host plants.
Two host plants are known:
Kom. and
C. intermedia
Kuang et H. C. Fu.
: Ninxia Hui Autonomous Region (Lingwu, Zhongwei, and Yanchi).