Taxonomy of the genus Cyrtopholis Simon, 1892 (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Theraphosidae): Cuban species described by Pelegrín Franganillo Balboa Author Fabiano-Da-Silva, Willian Departamento de Sistemática e Ecologia, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas, Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza - Campus I. Cidade Universitária João Pessoa, CEP 58050970, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. & willian. bio @ hotmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7272 - 900 X Author Guadanucci, José Paulo Leite Departamento de Biodiversidade, Universidade Estadual Paulista - Rio Claro, Instituto de Biociências, Av. 24 A, 1515, Bairro Bela Vista, CEP 13.506 - 900, Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brazil. joseguadanucci @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9724 - 9010 Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Cuba. Plaza de Armas, Calle Obispo 61, C. P. 10100, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Author Lucas, Giraldo Alayón Garcia Sylvia Marlene Author Dasilva, Marcio Bernardino Departamento de Sistemática e Ecologia, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas, Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza - Campus I. Cidade Universitária João Pessoa, CEP 58050970, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. & 1964 @ uol. com. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2824 - 1071 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-05-18 4779 1 79 90 journal article 22073 10.11646/zootaxa.4779.1.5 a13227aa-4322-4f62-ae72-528c04041fd2 1175-5326 3831748 31C5D7C9-D3D6-4FB7-8EEE-C47674BF0224 Cyrtopholis gibbosa Franganillo, 1936 ( Figs 20–24 ) Cyrtopholis gibbosus Franganillo, 1936b: 259 . Sphaerobothria gibbosus : (Franganillo, 1936) , comb.: Bryant, 1940: 261 . Cyrtopholis gibbosus : Franganillo, 1936 , comb.: Schmidt, 1993: 10 . Type-material: Lectotype female ( IES 46 A, herein designated) from Manzanillo ( 20°30’S 77°09’W ), province of Granma , Cuba . Six paralectotype females ( IES 46 B–G), same data as lectotype. Note: Bryant (1940) based his description on a juvenile female from San Blas, Cuba , transferred C. gibbosus to Sphaerobothria Karsch 1879 . Schmidt 1993 examined the specimen, deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambrigde, USA , and observed the presence of stridulatory setae on trochanter of palp and first leg, and proposed the transfer back to Cyrtopholis . FIGURES 20–24. Cyrtopholis gibbosa (lectotype–IES 46A). 20. Cephalothorax, arrow: like a hump. 21. Sternum. 22. Abdomen, dorsal view. 23. Eye tubercle. 24. Spermathecae, dorsal view. Scales: 5 mm (Figs 20–22) and 1 mm (23–24). Diagnosis: Females of Cyrtopholis gibbosa can be distinguished from those of other species by the aspect of the spermathecae, with a lateral lobe on the receptacles ( Fig. 24 ), C. plumosa also has a similar lateral branch, but it is proportionally twice as large as in C. gibbosa ; in addition, C. plumosa does not have a large projection, like a hump on cephalothorax. Cephalothorax with a large projection, like a hump ( Fig. 20 ), similar to C. regibbosa and C. bryantae . In C. regibbosa , the final portion of the cephalothorax projection is thinner ( Rudloff, 1994 , fig. 3), and C. bryantae , the spermathecal receptacles lack any subapical branching ( Rudloff, 1995 , fig. 18). Median and posterior sigilla rounded and far away from the margin ( Fig. 21 ). Redescription: Lectotype female (IES 46A). Color (in ethanol 70%): carapace dark yellow ( Fig. 20 ). Abdomen dark yellow ( Fig. 22 ), sternum and legs dark yellow. Total length, without chelicerae and spinnerets: 25.5. Carapace ( Fig. 20 ): length 14.0, width 10.0, with straight fovea, ( Fig. 20 ). Clypeus narrow 0.2. Eye tubercle ( Fig. 23 ): length 1.5, width 2.5. Anterior and posterior eyes row recurved ( Fig. 23 ). Eyes sizes: AME 0.45, ALE 0.40, PME 0.35, PLE 0.35. Basal segments of chelicerae with 11 teeth each. Labium ( Fig. 21 ), length 3.0, width 3.5. Sternum rounded ( Fig. 21 ), length 7.0, width 6.5. Sternal sigilla rounded anterior near the margin and median and posterior distant from margin, nearly central on the sternum ( Fig. 21 ). Labium ( Fig. 21 ) with 16 cuspules. Maxillae with 56–52 (left–right) cuspules. Spinulation of legs and palp. Tarsi without spines. Palp: femur: v0, p0–0–0–1, r0; patella: v0, p0, r0; tibia: v0–0–1, p0–1–2, r0–0–1. Leg I: femur: v0, p0, r0; patella: v0, p0, r0; tibia v0–0–1–0, p0–0–0–1, r0–0–0–1; metatarsus v0–0–0–1, p0, r0. Leg II: femur: v0, p0, r0; patella: v0, p0, r0; tibia v0–1–1–0, p0–0–1–0, r0; metatarsus v0–1–1–0–2, p0, r0–0–0–0–1. Leg III: femur: v0, p0, r0; patella: v0, p0, r0; tibia v0–1–1, p0–1–1, r0–1–0; metatarsus v0–1–1, p1–1–2 r0–0–1–3. Leg IV femur: v0, p0, r0; patella: v0, p0, r0; tibia: v0–0–1–1–0, p0–0–0–0–1, r0–1–1–0–0; metatarsus v0–1–2–1–1–2, p1–0–0–1–0–1, r0–0–1–0–0–1. Tarsal scopula: undivided on all tarsi and extended to metatarsi. Scopula on metatarsi: I and II 3/4, III 1/4 and IV absent. Spermathecae ( Fig. 24 ) with two receptacles with strong subapical constriction without bases large with branch in middle of right receptacle (dorsal view) and conspicuous on left, stronger sclerotization on the dorsal and ventral. Abdomen ( Fig. 22 ): urticating setae type I and type III present. TABLE 4. Length of legs and palp, lectotype female Cyrtopholis gibbosa (IES 46A)
Palp Leg I Leg II Leg III Leg IV
Femur 9.0 12.0 7.0 6.1 9.0
Patella 4.5 5.2 4.9 4.9 3.9
Tibia 8.0 9.8 7.9 6.0 11.0
Metatarsus 6.1 6.0 5.5 9.0
Tarsus 6.3 4.9 4.9 4.9 5.2
Total 27.8 38.0 30.7 27.4 38.1
Males: not found.
Distribution: only known from the type–locality: Manzanillo, Granma , Cuba . Cyrtopholis ischnoculiformis ( Franganillo, 1926 ) species inquirenda Cyclosternum ischnoculiforme Franganillo, 1926: 43 . Cyrtopholis implumis Franganillo, 1931: 285 , syn.: Franganillo, 1931: 285 . Type-material: Holotype juvenile ( IES 30 ) of Monte Cocuyo (2304’S 8207’W), Havana , Cuba . Note: Franganillo mentioned three females collected under rocks, but only one juvenile specimen could be located. No stridulatory bristless could be observed and so the inclusion in Cyrtopholis is doubful and is here considered species inquirenda. Franganillo synonymized Cyrtopholis implumis with Cyrtopholis ischnoculiforme without justifying the taxonomic act. Bonnet (1956) cited this species as valid after publishing a catalog of spiders described until 1939, the author ignored the synonym proposed by Franganillo (1931) and cited Cyclosternum ischnoculiforme and Cyrtopholis implumis as distinct species. The type material of Cyrtopholis implumis is lost making impossible further conclusions of this synonym. Cyrtopholis anacanta Franganillo, 1935 species inquirenda Cyrtopholis anacantus Franganillo, 1935: 25 Type-material: not located. Note: species described from Guantanamo (19°96’S 75°37’W ). The description is very short and it does not mention whether the species was described based on male or female. He observed few stridulatory setae on the trochanter of first leg and about 20 setae on the trochanter of palp and, therefore, included the species in Cyrtopholis . Bonnet (1956) cited this species as valid after publishing a catalog of spiders described until 1939. The type–mate-rial could not be located in the different collections visited in Cuba and so it is considered a species inquirenda . Cyrtopholis obsoleta ( Franganillo, 1935 ) species inquirenda Stichoplastus obsoletus Franganillo, 1935: 24 . Cyrtopholis obsoleta : Rudloff, 1997: 14 . Type-material: not located. Note: Franganillo described the species based on a female. He refers to one baciliform setae on the trochanter of the palp and one on first leg. He redescribed the species in 1935. Bonnet (1945) cited this species as valid after publishing a catalog of spiders described until 1939. Rudloff (1997) transferred it to Cyrtopholis , based on personal communication from Schmidt, who studied the holotype of C. obsoleta and observed the presence of stridulatory setae on trochanter of palp and first leg. The holotype could not be located and the original description does not permit identification. Consequently, we consider Cyrotopholis obsoleta as species inquirenda. Cyrtopholis respina Franganillo, 1935 nomen dubium Cyrtopholis respinus Franganillo, 1935 Type-material: not located. Note: C. respinus was first cited by Roewer (1942) in his Catalog of Araneae , who attributed the description of the species to Franganillo (1935) . However, Franganillo (1935) only gave the description of C. anacanta , in addition to a brief mention of the species he described from Cuba : C. implumis , C. plumosa and C. debilis and identification key for these species, and the name C. respinus does not appear in this article. Moreover, the page where Roewer (1942) points in the catalog as the original description does not exist in Franganillo`s article. Bonnet (1945) cited Franganillo (1935) but did not consider Cyrtopholis respinus as a valid species, contradicting Roewer. The original description and type material was lost, and therefore the species is here considered as nomen dubium.