South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XIX: Overview of Cryptognathini and systematic revision of South American Cryptognatha Mulsant Author F, Guillermo González Author Hanley, Guy A. Author Gordon, Robert D. text Insecta Mundi 2019 2019-06-28 714 714 1 32 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.3674855 ac53680f-6358-4d6b-8880-ccf3dd73297e 1942-1354 3674855 F9BABD1C-B18B-47FD-9B87-F44C49FD9D30 20. Cryptognatha della González and Hanley , new species Description. Female holotype . Length 2.3 mm , width 2.1 mm . Dorsal surface with head dull, strongly alutaceous, pronotum shiny with trace of microsculpture, elytron lacking microsculpture. Color reddish brown; head, epipleuron yellow; pronotum entirely reddish brown; elytron with large, black, median macula extended from base to apical declivity, laterally 1/2 distance to lateral margin ( Fig. 106, 107 ); venter brown; legs yellow. Head without punctures; pronotal punctures small, separated by less than a diameter to twice a diameter; elytral punctures slightly larger than on pronotum, separated by less than a diameter to three times a diameter, becoming gradually larger toward lateral margin; prosternal punctures small, indistinct, mesosternal punctures large, separated by less than a diameter, nearly contiguous, metasternal punctures large, separated by 2 or 3 times a diameter medially, absent in lateral 1/3; basal abdominal ventrite with coarse punctures separated by about a diameter medially, lateral 1/3 of ventrite lacking punctation, ventrites 2–4 finely punctured, punctures separated by about a diameter, ventrite 5 with dense, fine punctation. Head with frons parallel-sided, not medially depressed, three times as wide as eye, apex truncate medially, lateral 1/8 slightly retracted, angle acute ( Fig. 108 ); eye canthus long, about 3/4 times width of eye. Prosternum with lateral carina on each side extended from apex of intercoxal process 1/4 distance to apex of prosternum, straight. Epipleuron moderately descending externally. Postcoxal line on basal abdominal ventrite evenly curved, extended 2/3 distance to rear margin of ventrite. Genitalia with spermathecal capsule short, gradually widened from base of ramus to abruptly rounded apex of cornu ( Fig. 109 ). Male. Unknown. Variation. Length 2.3 to 2.4 mm ., a single paratype has the black, median, elytral macula brown, not strongly distinctive from color of remainder of elytra. Type material. Holotype female: PERU : Madre de Dios Dept., CICRA Field Stn , near intrsctn trails 19, 15, and 27, 56713° S 70.09184° W , 270 m . 14.VI.2011 , CS Chaboo , ex. Heliconia , PER-11-CSC-026 ( MUSM ) . Paratypes (2): 1, PERU : Madre de Dios : CICRA Field Stn , garden, 12.56940° S 70.10100° W , 260 m , 2-11-X,2010, MJ Endaraa , malaise trap , PER10-10-MAT-018 ; 1, PERU : Madre de Dios Dept., CICRA Field Stn , trl 6, research plot, 12.55207° S 70.10962° W , Malaise trap , PER-11-MAT-029 ( MUSM ) . Other specimens . 2. A specimen ( USNM ) labeled “ Peru , Satipo, V-VI-1942, Paprzycki” has a similar color pattern to that of C . della except for the following differences: length 3.0 mm., pronotum bright yellow with small black macula at base anterior to scutellar shield, lateral 1/2 of elytron with reddish brown more pronounced than that in C . della ( USNM ). Another specimen ( CPGG ) labeled “ Peru , Loreto , Padre Cocha, 150 m . , 17-III-2006 , Leg. R. Westerduijn. Under Heliconia leaves.” Remarks. Cryptognatha della is recognized by elytra with a large, black, median macula, a character not shared with any presently known species of the genus. The USNM specimen listed as “other specimen” is tentatively regarded as the same species. It is larger with a yellow pronotum, but identical in most other respects including female spermathecal capsule. Another specimen with much different dorsal coloration is also considered this species because of a similar collection locality and identical female spermatheca. This specimen has a black pronotum with lateral 1/8 yellow, elytron entirely black except narrowly reddish brown along lateral margin.