Cricetidae Author Don E. Wilson Author Russell A. Mittermeier Author Thomas E. Lacher, Jr text 2017 2017-11-30 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 7 Rodents II 204 535 book chapter 80832 10.5281/zenodo.6707142 ab66b2b7-9544-4411-bf61-5bc3651d7bca 978-84-16728-04-6 6707142 738. Capricorn Leaf-eared Mouse Phyllotis caprinus French: Phyllotis du Capricorne / German: Ostandine Blattohrmaus / Spanish: Ratén orejudo de Capricornio Other common names: Capricorn Pericote Taxonomy. Phyllotis caprinus Pearson, 1958 , “Tilcara, 8000 ft [= 2438 m ], Jujuy, Argentina.” Phyllotis caprinus was originally allied to “P” wolffsohni (now Tapecomys wolffsohni ), an association that should be explored in more detail. Monotypic. Distribution. S Bolivia and NW Argentina . Descriptive notes. Head-body 102-140 mm, tail 116-151 mm, ear 23-26 mm, hindfoot 21-28 mm. No specific data are available for body weight. The Capricorn Leaf-eared Mouse is moderately large and relatively shortfurred, very similar to Yellow-rumped Leaf-eared Mouse ( P. xanthopygus ) but slightly larger in body size, with thickertail and typically buffy pectoral streak. The Capricorn Leaf-eared Mouse is characterized by flat, sharp-edged, long-waisted interorbital region and V-shaped coronal suture. Chromosomal complement is 2n = 38, FN = 72. Habitat. Brushy habitats and stone walls in Puna environments at elevations of 2100-4500 m. Food and Feeding. No information. Breeding. No information. Activity patterns. No information. Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information. Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List. Bibliography. Dunnum, Bernal, Jayat & Pardinas (2016), Hershkovitz (1962), Pearson (1958), Steppan & Ramirez (2015).