Cricetidae Author Don E. Wilson Author Russell A. Mittermeier Author Thomas E. Lacher, Jr text 2017 2017-11-30 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 7 Rodents II 204 535 book chapter 80832 10.5281/zenodo.6707142 ab66b2b7-9544-4411-bf61-5bc3651d7bca 978-84-16728-04-6 6707142 746. Tapecua Leaf-eared Mouse Tapecomys primus French: Phyllotis de Tapecua / German: Tapecua-Blattohrmaus / Spanish: Ratén orejudo de Tapecua Other common names: Primordial Tapecua Taxonomy. Tapecomys primus S. Anderson & Yates, 2000 , Tapecua, 1500 m , Tarija , Bolivia . Tapecomys primus is the type species of the genus. Monotypic. Distribution. Extreme S Bolivia (Tarija Department) and NW Argentina (Jujuy Province). Descriptive notes. Head-body 124-155 mm, tail 143-157 mm, ear 25-27 mm, hindfoot 32-5-35 mm; weight 49-95 ¢ (mean 79 g). See general characters of the genus under Wolffsohn’s Leaf-eared Mouse (T" wolffsohni ) account. The Tapecua Leaf-eared Mouse is larger than Wolffsohn’s Leafeared Mouse, with tail longer than head-body length and absolutely larger hindfeet. Pelage is brownish agouti overall, only slightly paler and with ocherous hue on venter. In contrast, tail is strongly bicolored. Manus is white on dorsal surface; pes has darker hairs at bases of toes but paler more proximally. Chromosomal complementis 2n = 56, FN = 76. Habitat. Lower Yungas forests at elevations ranging of 1200-1500 m. Food and Feeding. No information. Breeding. No information. Activity patterns. The Tapecua Leaf-eared Mouse is nocturnal. Large hindfeet, long tail, and general habitat associated with it suggest thatit could be somewhat arboreal. Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information. Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List. Bibliography. Barquez, Ferro & Sanchez et al. (2006), Diaz et al. (2009), Dunnum, Bernal & Patterson (2008), Pardinas, Teta & Salazar-Bravo (2015b), Salazar-Bravo (2015e).