Checklist And Bibliography Of The Amphisbaenia Of The World Author GANS, CARL text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2005 2005-03-08 2005 289 1 130 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090(2005)289<0001:CABOTA>2.0.CO;2 0003-0090 5361528 Amphisbaena heterozonata Burmeister Amphisbaena heterozonata Burmeister, 1861: 527 . TYPE LOCALITY: ‘‘Tucumán’’ (Gans, 1966c). Amphisbaena vermicularis darwini Liebermann, 1939 . DISCUSSION OF FORM: Gans (1966c). See also Alvarez and Tedesco (1981, distribution), Avila et al. (2000, conservation status), Benitez et al. (1992, anatomy), Birabén (1953, anatomy), Cabrera (1993, distribution), Cabrera and Merlini (1990, diet), De Carlo (1957, anatomy), De la Serna de Esteban (1960, 1965, anatomy), Flower (1925, longevity), Fugler (1989, distribution), Gallardo (1966, 1967, 1969, 1970a, 1970b, 1973, 1976, ecology), Gallardo et al. (1985, distribution), Laurent and Teran (1981, distribution), Lavilla et al. (1994, identification), Mangione and Montero (2001 , embryology), Montero et al. (1999, embryology), Montero (1996b, distribution), Montero and Terol (1999 , distribution), Quiroga (1977 , 1979 , anatomy), Richter (1933 , anatomy), Rosenberg (1967 , hemipenes), Sotelo and Trujillo­ Cenóz (1958, histology) RANGE: Central to north Argentina , southern Bolivia and central Paraguay .