The Colubrariidae, Eosiphonidae, Melongenidae, Pisaniidae, Prodotiidae and Tudiclidae (Gastropoda, Buccinoidea) of the Miocene Paratethys Sea Author Harzhauser, Mathias 0000-0002-4471-6655 Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria mathias. harzhauser @ nhm-wien. ac. at; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4471 - 6655 Author Landau, Bernard M. 0000-0002-4471-6655 Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria mathias. harzhauser @ nhm-wien. ac. at; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4471 - 6655 & Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P. O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands; Instituto Dom Luiz da Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande, 1749 - 016 Lisboa, Portugal; and International Health Centres, Av. Infante de Henrique 7, Areias São João, P- 8200 Albufeira, Portugal bernardmlandau @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7768 - 8494 & Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria mathias. harzhauser @ nhm-wien. ac. at; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4471 - 6655 text Zootaxa 2024 2024-03-19 5427 1 1 110 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5427.1.1 1175-5334 10841061 923206B0-E8C5-4FD5-B882-55009ABB0282 Aplus volhynicus ( Friedberg, 1912 ) Fig. 16C * Pollia volhynica Friedb. Friedberg 1912: 185 , pl. 11, fig. 19. Cantharus volhynicus ( Friedberg, 1912 ) Zelinskaya et al. 1968: 192 , pl. 45, figs 24–25. Type material. Lectotype (designated herein): Nr. 92a, State Natural History Museum, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , L’viv , SL: 18.0 mm, MD: 8.0 mm, Żabiak ( Ukraine ), illustrated in Friedberg (1912 : pl. 11, fig. 19); Fig. 16C . Revised description. Small, moderately broad, fusiform shell of five teleoconch whorls; apical angle 52°. Protoconch broad conical of 2.5 smooth, convex whorls. First teleoconch whorl weakly convex with broad, widely spaced axial ribs overrun by three prominent spiral cords; fourth weak spiral cord at abapical suture. Later teleoconch whorls convex with narrow, slightly concave subsutural ramp and broad, swollen axial ribs separated by wider interspaces. Penultimate whorl with five primary spiral cords with much weaker secondary threads intercalated. Suture moderately incised, weakly undulating. Last whorl attaining 65% of total height, with moderately convex periphery, bearing ten axial ribs, most prominent along periphery, fading rapidly over base and twelve primary spiral cords over whorl and base; 1–2 faint threads intercalated in spiral interspaces and delicate growth lines; base slowly contracting; fasciole indistinct. Aperture moderately wide, ovate. Columella moderately excavated in upper half, bearing three moderately weak denticles in abapical half. Columellar callus forming broad rim. Anal canal broadly U-shaped, accentuated by prominent parietal denticle and larger anal denticle. Inner lip slightly thickened with seven small but distinct denticles slightly behind peristome. Siphonal canal moderately short, wide, slightly deflected to the left. Discussion. This species is reminiscent of slender morphs of Aplus nilus ( De Gregorio, 1884 ) , from the Pliocene of the Mediterranean Sea ( e.g ., Brunetti & Della Bella 2014 : fig 2B), whilst typical representatives of the Pliocene species are broader and have more convex spire whorls (see Brunetti & Della Bella 2014 : figs 2C–G, 3A–D). All differ from Aplus volhynicus ( Friedberg, 1912 ) in the more convex early teleoconch whorls. Aplus nilus has broader spiral cords and the cords and interspaces are covered in secondary threads, whereas in Aplus volhynicus the primaries are narrower and there are far fewer secondaries that are only seen in in the spiral interspaces Paleoenvironment. Shallow marine, inner neritic. Distribution in Central Paratethys. Badenian (Middle Miocene): Polish-Ukrainian Fore-Carpathian Basin: Żabiak, Żukowce (Zhukivtsi) ( Ukraine ) ( Friedberg 1912 ).